Chapter 25

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"Deep in thoughts?" her voice brought me back to reality "A bit maybe. I wanted to tell you, you really didn't had to pay for Hades you know? I was just asking for your consent to buy him. I could give you the money back if you want." Suddenly she made her way around the counter, sat down next to me and put one arm around me and her other hand went to pet the little guy we were just talking about. My little chaotic furball, who won't let anyone pet him for too long except me and Natasha.
"I know. But I decided to do it anyways. You looked so happy with him and he seemed so comfortable that I didn't wanted to tear the both of you apart. I wanted to pay for him. And I knew I made the right decision when we met on the rooftop that evening you brought him with you." The memories of that night were flooding mind. It was a good night, a peaceful one. "You two are litteraly perfect for each other" the red head added.
"He loves you too, you know? It's not that he only tolerates you because you're my friend but he really likes you and appreciates your company"
I smiled down at him and how relaxed he was laying there in my lap, getting gentle pets from Natasha. He looked up at her and meowed as he'd want to prove my point. "Well, now I basically have to believe the two of you, dont I?" the redhead laughed and pulled me a bit closer, her free hand now resting on my waist. "You uhm, no...I-I mean yes but-" I stuttered. Bitch since when do you get nervous at physical contact. And why am I talking to myself again?
Natasha chuckled at my reaction and asked me in a low voice "Do I intimidate you?"
I looked her in the eyes, waiting for my brain to make up a good answer but all I could think of were those deep, forest green eyes.
The warm light that surrounded us got absorbed by them what made them shimmer in hundreds different shades of green. I could look at this eyes for an eternity.
"Hey ladies" mom approched us followed by Wanda who grinned at the sight of me and Natasha, being so close. And I probably won't ever be so thankful for being interrupted again.
"Hey mom, what's up? And where did you leave Phil?" I stood up to go behind the bar and bring some physical distance between me and Natasha. "We're just here to have a chat with the two of you since you left me alone talking to Phil and this buissness partner. And not only you but Phil left me as well to take a phone call. Would you just give me a glass of ginger ale for now?" I nod and filled a glass before I placed it on the bar counter.
"For me one of those purple cocktail you made this morning" Wanda joined the conversation and I handed handed one to her after I added ice cubes and a straw.
We fell into a light conversation talking about the most random things and I enjoyed the company of the three women. Maybe this would be a nice evening, without taking a break from the people.
"Y/N would you mind?" My father asked signalling me to come over. So with that my hopes for a chill evening without talking to strangers got destroyed. But nonetheless I made my way towards them and smiled as friendly as possible.
"That's the daughter I've been talking about" he out an arm around me and I looked the man in front of me up and down before grabbing his hand, he held out "Y/N. Y/N Stark. Nice to meet you Mr. ...?" "Anderson" he answered friendly "Conner Anderson, I'm the deputy head of Hiller&Anderson Inc. Me and your fathers company have made some good deals in the past."
I remembered my father talking about him once. Anderson is the friendly head of their company and much easier to work with. At least that's what dad told mom once at dinner so I decided on the answer that should cause the least trouble and/or questions.
"Pleasure to meet you, I've only heard good things" This kind of conversation repeated itself for at least four times, some of them seemed more sympathetic some less but I was relieved when my dad finally made his way to the bar, where the three women I left almost two hours ago still sat and talked.
I downed another halloween shot, this time with Wanda, and watched some catering guys putting various snacks on the tables in the back.
After the food was set up my dad took the moment to gain everyone's attention "Thank you to everyone who came today. A few of you are old buissness partner and friends, family of friends or friends of my family. If I don't know your name you got probably invited by my wife or I just really don't remember your face to your name. Infact it doesn't matter, if everyone has half as much fun as this zombie and skeleton duo right there this evening is considered a success. So thank you for coming and enjoy the food!"
I shook my head and smiled to myself. I really do have a unique dad.
The conversations started again and most people got themself a snack. That's we wanted to do as well as we all stood up to make our way through the people. I took the moment to turn mid way to another direction and walk to the door that'd bring me to our living/common room and the balcony.
I stepped outside and took a deep breath. The smell of the nights air was almost too good to be true. I put on some quite music and sat on the ceiling. One leg on each side and with my back leaning on the wall behind me I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. It felt good to get a minute without all these people. I wasn't afraid of falling down since the metal ceiling was about twenty centimeters wide and with that quite comfortable as well. Looking down about 70 stories, that could be scary but not anymore. I was used to it, since this became one of my favorite spots when no one was around. Like now.
At least I thought so until I heard the door open.
It was Natasha. She brought some food and two glasses of water with her.
"Thought I told you to tell me when you need a minute" she said, putting the plate and glasses on her left on the ceiling.
"I'm alright Tasha. Just taking a moment to breathe"
She nodded understanding and handed me one of the glasses "Drink. You need more than just two shots of liquid inside that body of yours" I rolled my eyes at the comment but still drank half of it and she does the same with her water. The height difference felt weird so I slid down the ceiling again and stood beside her.
The redhead pulled the plate she brought between us and I took one of the pizza rolls thankfully. I gestured for her to take one too and she did with a small smile.
"You sure you're alright?" she asked once again when we both ate three pizza rolls and emptied our glasses. "Yeah, the party shouldn't be that long anymore and I think I met most of the people now. And you don't need to worry about me that much Tasha"
"Then let's head back inside and continue talking there" she gave me a quick hug before opening the door for me.
I tried my hardest not to blush at a simple action like her holding a door open for me but based on her smile I failed.

words: 1342

This chapter is a bit longer than normal but I wanted to bring this party as close to an end as I could. Last part is gonna be next week and then we're done with this halloween party.
Hope you still like the chapter, I'm not too happy with it.
Stay healthy and remember to eat and drink enough 🧡🖤🩵

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