Chapter 6

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I really needed to clear my head. The cold water was running down my body and made me shiver the first few moments.
I couldn't have a crush on Natasha Romanoff could I? I barley know her two weeks I don't even know anything about her. But she's so beautiful. Her pink full lips, the perfect wavy red hair, her soft but at the same time rough voice, her angelic laughter and for gods sake these dark emerald eyes. She's fucking beautiful. Almost like a goddess....
No Y/N. Stop it. You can't have a crush on THE Black Widow. She's not only around 10 years older than you - well I wouldn't mind to be fair - but she's like your trainer. She's your dad's best friend. You can't have a crush on her. She doesn't even like you a bit. I turned the water off and wrapped myself in a towel and watched me in the mirror. Even if she wouldn't see me just as a smaller version of my dad she wouldn't like me. She's way out of my league, I should forget about it. But I couldn't. I threw on another pair of leggings and a simple black sweater and walked down to breakfast.
When I entered the room she was already there, walking towards the table with two cups of coffee. Her hair was still a bit wet but she tied it into a cute ponytail so it wouldn't get in her way.
"Good morning princessa" I heard when Pietro and Wanda entered. I walked over to the twins and hugged both of them. Natasha looked quickly in my direction and then away again and clenched her jaw. I sat down one twin on each side and we fell into an easy conversation.
"Any plans for today?" asked Wanda to which I shook my head "Nope, just bit working on my tech stuff, what do you have in mind?"
"hmm how about Bubbletea and Pizza? series marathon in my room?" I grinned at the idea, knowing very well that we'll discuss forever about what to watch. It's always like this, doesn't matter with whom you watch. Pietro also agreed and therefore it was set. Steve, Sam, Steven and Bucky joined us besides my dad for breakfast and were talking about the wildest stuff. I only processed loose parts of their conversation since my eyes and attention linger on the beautiful redhead. The way she moves and speaks just seem perfect. As she'd plan every movement, every step and every word she says, they just seem to be smooth and on point. I don't have a crush on her.
"BUT I CAN'T PLAY THIS SHIT" It was Bucky who dragged me out of my daydreaming by his screaming. Steve laid his hand ontop of Buckys to calm him down and surprisingly it worked.
"What are you talking about?" I asked between two sips of my still hot coffee. "Chess." Bucky answered in a grumpy voice and crossed his arms like a child, it was literally just funny. I understand that not everyone gets the idea of chess and its insane tactics but I've never seen someone so upset about this game.
"I could help you? Show you a few basics and how to react to a few certain constellations" I'm not playing actively but I knew a few important plays and the rest is just improvisation, at least if I play.
"Yeah, finally someone who's helpful, thanks. You free around 11?"
"Yup, 'm ready whenever you are"
"Then let's meet in my room at 11" Bucky smiled and I nod also smiling. These people seem to be nice guys. I looked back at Natasha who's eyes were burning wholes in Bucky's head. I looked questionly at Wanda who seemed to understand - or read my mind - but only grinned innocently and shrugged. Hmpf...We all finished eating and I helped my mom to put all dishes in the dishwasher. After that quickly got to the lab to work on the spidercams a bit before I'd go to Bucky. I glanced over at Natasha, who had calmed down again, a last time and walked down the stairs.

I sat down and sighed. I just stared at the code for the spiders and zoned out for a few minutes. I actually don't really know how programming works, I just understand the basics and tell Jarvis what he should change. I know the lines where it needs the change but I don't understand what exactly needs to be changed. That's Jarvis' job and I trust him with that. But for now I just need to run some tests to see what needs improvement and what is done for now. "Jarvis, run test series 1 and 2 please"
I closed my eyes and relaxed a second. I let my thoughts just go in any direction and of course they landed on her. Her green eyes I could loose myself in. Her lips that look so kissable. I hate myself for liking her. But I do. I don't have a crush on her. But I'm sure I'd do anything to get the least of a chance. But it's hopeless. She probably doesn't even like girls. I got interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
"Huh? Hey Wanda!" I exclaimed happily and hugged her. She has a pure soul, she's just an angel.
"Hey Y/N. You're very deep in thoughts while pretending to work aren't you?" she grinned sheepishly.
"Wanda! You didn't read my mind, did you?"
"Well you know, it's hard not to if your thinking so intensive about something or better someone" she tried to defend herself.
I sighed and responded "If you tell her you're dead Maximoff"
She chuckled and nod. I leaned back in my chair, satisfied with her reaction and was ready to drop the topic when she started again
"I think you'd be cute. You're gonna ask her out?"
"Wanda! Are you out of your mind? She is probably not even into girls and besides that she's one of my dad's beat friends! I can't ask her just out without risking my life"
I couldn't believe that girl, she must be insane or something.
She laughed and just shrugged and dragged me out of the lab. Guess I'm gonna work on the spidercams later. We talked a bit more before I made my way to Bucky's room. I honestly didn't find it, I walked through the same floor for the third time now and I'm still not sure which one of these literally identical doors is Buckys. That was until a certain redhead left one of these doors and saw me.
"Hey, what are you looking for down here?" she asked and smiled a bit. She seemed relaxed, almost as much as in this night when we baked together. "Huh? uhm y-yeah just looking for Bucky's room, don't know which door, do you?" I bit my lip and played with my rings not sure how to act. Her smile faded and she directed to the door next to the one she just came out "This one." she said coldly.
I mumbled a "Thanks" and knocked on his door while she rushed down the hall to the elevator. I wonder what Bucky did to her that she's so pissed at him. Or is she mad at me?
I couldn't think about it any longer because only few moments later the door infront of me opened and Bucky let me in with a friendly "Hi Y/N".
"Hey Bucky, so ready for some chess?" I greeted him. He nod and so I continued
"So one of the most important things is the opening. How you begin your game or, if you're black, react to the first move from white"

Words: 1287

Hope y'all are doing fine, don't forget to drink enough.

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