Chapter 7

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I couldn't think about it any longer because only few moments later the door infront of me opened and Bucky let me in with a friendly "Hi Y/N".
"Hey Bucky, so ready for some chess?"
He nod and so I continued "So one of the most important things is the opening. How you begin your game or, if you're black, react to the first move from white"

I showed Bucky a few tricks and openings for the next two hours and made sure he'd understand what I show him.
"So now I'm white and I open with my Queen's pawn on d4. What do you do now?"
He thought a moment before moving the pawn infront of his left night to g5.
"Borg defense, right?" I nod proudly "Yup, is an option" We continued to play until 3 pm when someone knocked on the door. It was Steve asking if Bucky was ready and as he nod we said our goodbyes and I walked back to my room. Teaching Bucky some chess would have been a lot harder if I'd had to explain how every pieces is allowed to move but luckily he already knew that bit.
I decided to text Wanda what to get for the movies.
Hey, what do you guy want for the movies?

I dunno

Maybe order Pizza and meet me in 5 to get some snacks

Let's decide when we're there

Sounds like a plan

I'm down in 5

So I threw my phone on my bed, grabbed a pair of jeans to switch into them and made my way downstairs to the common room. As expected Wanda was already waiting there and we made out way to a grocery store. "Pietro's busy right now but he basically eats everything so we are to choose" the redhead informed me and I nod. To be around her was so easy, like we've known each other for a few years already even though it was barely a week. I have a feeling that we're gonna get closer over time and be that annoying duo that noone wants around but everyone likes at least one of them.
We arrived at the grocery store and split up to get snacks and drinks. I decided on a few Red Bulls a sixpack Coke and some peach flavored IceTea. After I grabbed these I went to look for Wanda, who was standing there and looking like she'd have an identical crisis.
"I can't decide Y/N, it's torture" she cried out when she saw me.

After what felt like hours Wanda finally chose a few snacks and we got all the stuff back at the tower to her room I sighed. It was really too warm outside.
"Gotta take a quick shower" I said to her because I felt all sticky and sweaty so I wanted to change that before the films. Wanda nod and I made my way too my own room after she agreed "Yeah same here I feel gross"

About 30 minutes later I've changed into some comfy pj's and knocked again at Wanda's door.
It was opened by my favorite silver-haired twin brother of hers.
"Hello Princessa glad you actually made it" I laughed at the comment and hugged him. I made my way to Wanda and hugged her also before she suddenly picked me up and walked me to her bed. I yelped and cried out "Waaaands no, let me down" but she only laughed and soon me and Pietro joined her laughter.
We all sat down on Wanda's bed, her being in the middle and cuddled up. We had the snacks in different bowls on top of the blanket. Pietro had a glass of ice tea besides him and Wanda and I had gone with RedBull which was standing on my side.
At the moment we didn't watch a series but I watched Wanda and Pietro arguing wether we should watch Action or Horror and it was literally comedy. I mean I'd stick with Action or Fantasy but I'm never ever gonna say that out loud. It's way too much fun watching them.
After  just another half hour they chose to watch a few James Bond movies and I was more than fine with that. They wanted to watch the ones with Sean Connery and after that skip to the ones with Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig. My favorites are the ones with Daniel Craig but I'm hyped for all three.
Our first movie was 'Thunderball' since we didn't wanted to watch the real old movies and were followed by 'You only live twice' and 'Diamonds are forever' then 'Die Another Day' with Pierce Brosnan and after that (finally) 'Casino Royal', 'Quantum of Solance', 'Skyfall' (one of my favorites), 'Spectre' and 'No Time To Die'. I think it's obvious that we're not gonna watch them all today. Its about 5pm right now, Pietro had ordered some pizza and we're just about to start.
Almost perfectly to the end of our first movie the pizza arrived and therefore we decided to make a quick eating break. After finishing all the pizza we went right into the next movie and that was until about 2 am. We just finished 'Die Another Day' when a peanut flew right into my face.
I gasped and with a "You're gonna pay for that Pietro" I grabbed a pillow and sat on my knees ready to start a (pillow-) fights. Wanda quickly put the bowles down on the floor and joined out little fight. This was too much fun but after all we were all pretty tired and decided to went to sleep and watch the Daniel Craig movies on another day.
I arrived my room and let me fall onto my bed, releasing a long sigh. Let's just go to sleep for now. I wished but I couldn't close an eye. My brain was too active. Overwhelmingly active. And with that I decided to give up and do what I always do when I'm stressed out. My pj's contained a navy blue tank top with 'Let me sleep' written on it and a  pair of long, blue and white checkered pants so it wouldn't be too cold.

words: 1040

(I really don't know shit abt chess, so I'm sorry if anything's wrong)

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