Chapter 22

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I decided to put on Arctic Monkeys for the ride and just looked out of the window. We drove a while and were currently driving through the suburbs until we came to a hold. Natasha parked infront of a cute cafe and I began to wonder why were driving that long just to drink a coffee.
A question that didn't need to be ask as soon as we entered.
"Oh my god, it's a cat cafe! Nawww" Wanda exclaimed and went to the nearest cat to pet it. Natasha pushed me further into the cafe as I just stood there in amazement but apparently blocked the door. Wanda picked up the cat infront of her and went with us to a table in the back. We sat there and fell into a light conversation as a nice lady approached us and asked what we wanted to drink. "Hey, uhm we'd take two Caramel Macchiato and a Chai Latte" Natasha ordered for us and smiled politely.
"They'll be ready in a couple minutes" We continued our conversation until the lady came back with our drinks.
"Chai Latte?" "For me, thank you" answered Wanda as she smiled warmly at her. She gave us our coffees and left again.
After that a grey cat jumped in the redhead's lap and looked at her. Natasha pet her and gave her a soft smile before looking at Wanda again who was trying to explain to her why her pancakes always burn. I sat on a fluffy pillow next to the window, only a about two meters behind our table and took my time to inspect the cafe again.
The tableplates were probably made of oakwood and the table legs were black painted metal. Aluminium perchance?
On top of every table were two little plants, I wonder how there still on the table considering all these cats here, and around every table were two to four maroon armchairs. The wall I was leaning on and the one to our right were bookshelves and next to them were various books stacked. Every here and there where cat grass in pots. The lights had a warm yellow-orange tone and were decorated with fake-ivy.
The whole room was laced in the smell of cinnamon, indicating that they made cinnamon rolls. All this and the fact that it started to rain outside gave perfect fall vibes and I loved it. I took a sip and stared outside, listening to the soft music that was playing in the background.
I took a sip of my Caramel Macchiato as a black, young, cute cat decided to lay down on my lap. Mindlessly I began to stroke the little furr ball as I was thinking about all the things that happened since I crashed that meeting of my dad and the little guy in my lap eventually fell asleep.
That was until Natasha and Wanda sat down next to me, Wanda now in company of a orange cat and Natasha still with the grey one I guess. I couldn't stop thinking about how soft and gentle Natasha was with these cats and how that's a whole new side of her. A side I like.
"You really like that grey cat, don't you?"
I asked teasingly and smirked. "No, I don't. I mean yes I kinda do but this is another grey cat and before her the orange one that's with Wanda now, was claiming me as pillow. You're a traitor by the way" I giggled as she said the last part, looking the cat on Wanda's lap deep in her innocent eyes.
The next couple hours we kept playing UNO and Monopoly Junior, as the rounds don't take that long in the kids version.
"Uno Out!" I exclaimed excitedly and Wanda groaned "Not again Y/N! You won the last THREE rounds. Stop that. Stop cheating"
I laughed at her comment "I don't cheat! I'm just better than you and have more luck with the cards. Right? You see that I'm not cheating. I would never!" I spoke the last part towards the black cat that was still laying peaceful in my lap even though he was awake for quite some time now.
The waitress, who's name is Miriam by the way, approached us again "Hey can I get you guy's something?" "Actually, can I have a cinnamon roll? And something for this little guy?" I asked as I pointed to the cat. "Oh I think I want a cinnamon roll as well" Natasha joined me and soon Wanda followed "Me too! This smell is killing me but in a good way"
We all laughed at thr ginger haired girl and soon enough Miriam came back with three cinnamon rolls and another little plate with an extra cinnamon-roll-kind-of-thing.
"This one is for little Hades, it looks like a cinnamon roll but is perfectly fine for cats. He must like you by the way, he usually doesn't stay with someone longer than half an hour, make it an hour if he falls asleep" I smiled down at him and ran my hand through his furr. He was giving me a feeling of peace I rarely experience at all. "Thanks" I mumbled, thinking about how hard it's gonna be leaving this place when they close.
I gave Hades a piece of his snack and quickly tried my cinnamon roll because Wanda was right. This smell is enough to make me kill for these.
That they taste as good as they smell was prooved by the fact that Wanda, who now was sitting on my left, leaning on the window, moaned as she ate the first piece. "This is perfect" she said and Natasha and I agreed with a hum.
After was half finished with my cinnamon roll as got a call.

Caller's ID:

Dad 🩷

Great. I rolled my eyes, carefully put Hades on the pillow I sat till now and picked up as I distanced myself a bit.
"Hey honey"
"Hi" I responded coldly, still hurt that he doesn't trust my judgement on people.
"Look. Morgan and Pepper explained why you're mad at me" 'Snitches' I thought to myself
" and I understand it. I wanted to apologize but you're not home and I didn't wanted to wait any longer. I'm sorry for how I acted. I know I should trust your judgement more and I know that I at least should've spoken to you before I spoke to Natasha. I understand that you're mad and I'm sorry. I mean it"
I could tell he meant it. I can't explain why but the way he was speaking, the tone of his voice and maybe the lack of any sarcastic comments made me sure of it. Therefore I took a deep breathe and responded "Good, I want you to be sorry. But I also understand that you just wanted to protect me your way. Let's just talk the next time before one of us does something stupid, alright?"
He agreed and we talked for a few more minutes before we ended the call
"Love you dad" "Love you too Y/N" and with that I got back to the girls. I noticed a worried look on Natasha's face but I gave her a reassuring smile and a small nod to tell her that I was ok.
As I sat down Hades was gone and I got almost a bit sad but before that could happen I spotted him, drinking some water and walking on his little legs back to us. "And I thought you hated me for answering my call" I smiled at him widely and he meowed at me before settling down in my lap again.
That was until we decided to go home. We got up to grab our stuff and I cuddled him a last time.
"God, I wish I could just keep you" It actually was a bit hard leaving now because the relaxed feeling he was giving me was gonna leave soon and I already miss him and that feeling.

words: 1343

hey, I hope y'all are doing fine, remember go eat and drink enough ❤️🩵
And don't forget to enjoy the fall, halloween is nearby 🧡🖤

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