Chapter 3

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*next morning*
It was around 9 when I woke up and normally I'd stay in bed for the next one or two hours but of course not today. I quickly got up, brushed my teeth and changed into a black leggins and one of my favorite dark-green oversized hoodies. I brushed my hair but don't tie it since I never do it except for important buissness events where I need to accompany my dad.
I rushed down to prepare breakfast for me and my parents. What I didn't expect to see was noone else than Natasha in our family kitchen. I tilted my head and waited for her explanation. "I actually expected your father to talk about you joining the team but I'm fine with you" she said causing me to blush.
I really hope she didn't see that but her laugh proved me otherwise. Her laugh...her beautiful laugh... Her long red hair is falling wavy on the navy pullover she's wearing, her pink lips match her deep green eyes and... "You know it's rude to stare" Natasha pulled me out of my thoughts causing me to blush even harder.
"Uh-uhm ye - no - yeah sorry" I rambled and walked towards the fridge. I put six eggs and some bacon next to a pan on top of the counter. When I turned around to grab three plates I saw the redhair still standing there and looking at me.
"You know it's rude to stare..." I mimik her making her grin. "Well then, I gotta leave and talk to Tony, see you around" she said walking towards the door.
" please? You could help me with breakfast?" I offered hoping she'd stay and to my suprise she actually started walking back to me and said "You know my cooking-skills are as good as my baking-skills so you might just want to show me what you're doing" Now I laughed but agreed under the condition that she'd cook with me another time. With that she jumped on the counter. I don't know why but now I was somehow getting nervous about making some scrambled eggs with bacon...for god's sake Y/N get your shit together, you're friends watched you cooking a thousand times. And with that I slipped into my kitchen world. I broke the eggs into the pan and started to explain "You just have to put the eggs in the pan, destroy the yolk. Then you stir all of this, and mix some spices into it. And I personally cut a pepper in little pieces and mix it with the egg. Now you can turn the hotplate on, but not too high because then it'll get burned but is still half raw. While you stir the egg every few minutes you can take another pan and roast the bacon. And again: Don't put the temperature too high, it's gonna get burned"
I forgot over time that I wasn't alone so I absentmindedly walked to the cupboard where the cups and my best friend - the coffee machine - stands to make myself a coffee. But of course >someone< was sitting there so I shrieked and jumped backwards when I bumped into a pair of legs hanging from to counter. All this was followed by the angelic laughter of of the person said legs belong to. As soon I realized what just happend I felt how my cheeks heat up but also joined her laughter. She jumped of the counter, took two cups and started the coffee machine. The readhead turned around to face me again and said "You're adorable little Stark" still with a wide grin on her face. I almost choked on that comment but decided to say nothing. I grabbed a fourth plate and distributed the scrambled eggs and bacon on all of them. "Help me quick getting the plates to the table?" I asked Natasha who grabbed two of the plates and placed them across the two I just put down. "Who's coming besides your parents?" she asked curious.
"Noone, you're just staying." I smiled and got our cups to place them next to our plates. "No Y/N. It's Mother's Day you should enjoy it with your family" I started to argue "Nooo you helped me with the cake and with breakfast, you stay. My parents don't mind, today is not that special I just bake every year for mother's day but besides that it's almost like every other day."
Natasha just wanted to argue back when Dad walked in and commented "If my daughter says you stay, you'll stay Romanoff. Even though I desire to know how it comes?" "She helped me with Mom's cake last night" I said and stick my tongue out looking in Natashas (beautiful) green eyes. She scoffed, murmured something along "Thank you for your help big Stark" and went to the fridge to put the cake in the center of the table. I got the two coffees for Mom and Dad and took them to their seats and grabbed four addtional plates for the cake just on time. Right after, my Mom walked in and I jumped in her arms squealing "Happy Mother's Day mom"
When she let me out of the hug I sat myself next to Natasha. Dad also hugged my mom and gave five white roses to her. He always does that, every year and mom loves it. "Good morning Natasha" she said and hugged also the redhead who was visible surprised by that. I giggled and watched my mom taking a bite of her piece of cake. "mhhh the cake is as great as always honey" she smiled and Tony nodded in agreement. "Couldn't have done it without Natasha" I smiled "oh shut up you could've have done it perfectly without me" she muttered. I laughed denying it. Of course I could've done it without Natasha but it was so much more fun with her.
We talked about the most random things and after cleaning all the dishes everyone was about to head out of the room. That was until ..."Stark?" I turned around, realizing that my dad did too and now we're both looking at Natasha awaiting the enlightenment which one she meant. "The big one... sorry Y/N" she said grinning at our reaction. I turned back when my mother called out "Y/N honey?" "Yeah?"
"How about a shopping day? Just the two of us and the credit card of your father?"
I laughed at the description but nodded and rushed to change into some clothes I could leave the tower with. Last thing I heard was a "Why MY credit card?" from dad and a chuckle coming from Natasha.

Words: 1122
I'm sorry for not updating guys, I really am

- not prove-read -

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