Chapter 39

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Once again the motel room door swung open, in the frame stood a man with a grenade in his left and a glock 18 in his right hand. "Gentlemen!" He said loud but calm. As he got the attention from everyone he continued quiter "Gentlemen. How about you hand me the girl and I'll let you live. Ooor we all gonna die. Your choice" his voice was deep and belonged to a man who was probably in his late 40s. While they all discussed for some time but I didn't listen, trying to cope with the pain.

At least until the three guys left under curses in three different languages I don't understand. "Let's go to my car" the man said and I slowly stood up following him. I wasn't sure wether to trust him or not but he just saved me and if I have the choice between a weird guy who saved me and three guys who want to rape and kill me I think I'll have to go with the weird guy. In his car he handed me a small towel to stop the bleeding around the knife that still was inside me. I couldn't pull it out if I want to survive this trip but the pain seemed unbearable. The only thing that kept me sane were the faces and voices from my family I imagined. "Do you mind telling me what they want from a civilian?" The stranger asked me with a noticable spanish accent.
I coughed and thought for a second about what to answer. "Guess I saw some things I rather shouldn't have" He hummed, clearly not satisfied with my answer so I made a suggestion. "What I heard when you were talking to said guys, you are part of another cartel" he nod in response "so I'll tell you what I know and in exchange you bring me to a private airport and let me leave without injuring me any further?" He raised an eyebrow, considering my offer "Why would I trust you?" I laughed and regretted it the same second due to said knife in my abdomen "You shouldn't trust me. But on the contrary I shouldn't trust you either. Nonetheless I have a certain interest in getting out of this... situation alive. So why would I risk that by lying to you? I need something from you and I have something for you. It's a fair trade" "Alright, I'll drive you to the next private airport and let you live if your information is real"

We agreed on that and he drove me to something that was with some luck a half-legal runway but that's good enough for me considering that he also gave me the keys to a hopefully flying helicopter. "Ok so I was pretty exact there" I wrote coordinates on a notepad. "That thing there is either the headquater or a second base from our friends there. There are definitely plantages and some laboratories for research purposes. Researching tested on humans. I overheard a conversation that the cells are empty for the next three days, that's when a new 'delivery' comes. Pretty much everything in that base is able to burn down and 50 meteres from these coordinates is a high stack of dry wood and dead plants." I made a short pause "that's all I know" The coordinates plus the description seemed to be enough as he let me leave and go to the helicopter. It's condition was questionable but it's better than nothing and it's full tanked.
A few minutes later I was in the air and got familiar with the concept. The cockpit is build like a simple simulation and thanks to the navigation system I was sure that I head into the right direction.

I leaned back and took a look under the towel. I sighed. The human body contains about six liters blood. The moment someone loses more than two liters it's not save to say that they'll survive, if they loose more than three liters it's basically impossible to survive. Somewhere between two and three liters the person loses consciousness. Based on the bleeding and the stress throughout the last few days I'm probably gonna pass out near the 2,2-2,3 liters. At that time I need to be back in the tower and the others need to know that I'm there, otherwise I could've died ten days ago. I need to get to the tower because hospitals would ask to many questions and the shield hospital has more effective methods. Deep breaths. I breathed some air in but a sudden sharp pain shot through my whole body. Nevermind. Fuck breathing. I'm not a professional but I think it's about 50/50 wether I get home in time or not. Could be worse. I guess.
We'll have to see.

An hour later I landed the helicopter next to the small version of a quin jet. The one I left abandoned almost two weeks ago. I'm glad shield didn't picked it up because with that semi-functional helicopter I would've needed 6 days for the distance the quin jet can do in 90 minutes.
I started the jet, set the destination and took some painkillers. God I needed them bad. I kept thinking about my family. I need to get back to them alive. I promised I would.
90 minutes. The rest is just hope and a bit of luck.

*90 minute time skip*

"Welcome Y/N" Jarvis welcomed me as soon as I landed and left the jet. I took some more painkillers but they weren't strong enough to get the pain somewhere close to bearable. Every breath I took felt like knives in my upper body but I just need to get down there to the others. Which reminds me to pull the knife out of me before I get to them, I don't wanna scare them needlessly. I leaned to the wall next to the elevator doors. I closed my eyes and pulled the knife in one swift move out of my abdomen. I had to bite into my arm to prevent myself from screaming and red amd white dots danced before my eyes. Just one more minute. I need them to know that I made it back. I promised to survive.
The elevator opened and I got inside and just waited. I felt how my surroundings began to drift away and all I heard was my own heartbeat and flat breaths.

Not sure if anyone would be there I stumbled towards the door that led to the common room, my vision got blurry but I made it and opened it "You got any cheeseburgers left?" I think it wasn't much louder from a whisper but somehow a few seemed to have heard me. I tried to hide my bloody hands but didn't realized that it wouldn't help much considering the blood-soaked shirt I wore. I smiled but wasn't able to figure out who ran over to me or to whom the voices belonged and it didn't matter anymore as my knees gave in and I sunk to the ground.

I'm home.


Earlier than usual just because I can

Stay healthy and drink and eat enough
Don't hate me
And until next week 🩵🤍


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