Chapter 31

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It's a week before Christmas and that means I'm stressed. I procrastinated Chrirstmas shopping and now I don't have any presents. Or the stuff I need for making Christmas cards. Or wrapping paper. AUUUGH.
Ok Y/N, take a second to breath. It's Saturday, you can go to the mall and get everything you need.
I quickly changed and went into the living room to make a list with every person I'd need a present for.
On my say I grabbed a coffee and began said list:



Only choclate and card:


Yeah I think that sums it up. But I couldn't just ask in our whatsapp girl group for a shopping day because half of the presents are for them. I sighed, not really motivated to go where all the people are. Why can't I have another weekend before Christmas, then I wouldn't have to go today. I let out a sigh and felt a presences right next to me appear. "Why so frustrated?" It was Natasha. Of course it was her, who else would just suddenly be there without a warning.
"I don't wanna go shopping" I whined, letting my head dramatically drop onto my arms down on the table. "Then don't go" she said comfused. "Nooo I have to. It's the weekend before Christmas Natasha. And usually I get everything already in november but I procrastinated and now I have to go"
She sighed and patted my back "Ok, then what's so bad about going out for a little Christmas shopping?" "I-its...there are so many people, I don't wanna go there. And I wanted to ask in the grou chat if we'd go together but that wouldn't make any sense because half of the presents is yours and yeah...but I have to go. I really should stop being so childish" She looked at us, still processing all the random things I just said "I could go with you, I only got a few presents but not all. Wanda went with Pepper about an hour ago."
I felt kinda bad for making her change her plans so I offered "You don't have to go with me, you know. I can go alone if you had already plans" but she shook her head and added that she didn't had any. With that we made our way outside.

We've been at the mall for two hours and I got a new pair of mma gloves as his were worn out and definitely need a replacement for my dad, a coloring book with a new pencil set for Morgan and a glass chess board for Bucky since he really seems to enjoy chess by now. "I still have no idea what I could get Clint" Natasha mumbled, looking around in the mall. I hummed, thinking about an idea. "Hey, probably stupid idea but we couls buy a switch together and then give it to Pietro and Clint together. Because these two love Mario Kart as you may have noticed but they still play with our old Wii"
A switch is expensive but they'd get it together and I'd only have to pay half of it so I think it's ok. "True, the Wii is probably almost older than Pietro himself. And both would be too happy about it, let's do it."
We paid and sat down at a Starbucks to take a break.

Natasha ordered two caramel macchiato and two chocolate muffins, I wanted to give the cashier my money but Natasha was faster and pushed my habd away. "Naaaat" "Nope, coffee's on me." I huffed but her tone left no room for arguments so I stayed silent. After some time someone called "Nathan? Two caramel macchiato and muffins for Nathan!?" We watched around but as noone moved Natasha picked up the coffees and I took the muffins.
As we found a table Natasha looked at the receipt to make sure it was our order.
"Yep, it's ours. Guess I'm Nathan now. No seriously, do I look like a Nathan" she asked jokingly and grinned and so did I.
"Who's missing on you're list?" Natasha asked and took a bit of her muffin.
"Uuuhm" I looked at my phone "my mom, she'll get earrings; Shuri wants an 'american tshirt; Wanda, for her I have a huge fluffy blanket in mind aaand you. And a huge amount of chocolate and some brush pens. What about you?"
"I also need something for Pepper and besides her there's just you on my list left"
After we got everything we needed we finally made our way back home, both with two huge bags filled witn Christmas presents.

Mom and Wanda arrived almost at the same time as we did, both also glad to finally escape the crowded mall.
"Let's order pizza and watch Nightmare before Christmas" my mom suggested and we all agreed. I brought the presents to my room and changed into my pj bottoms and one of Natasha's sweatshirt after I showered. Her scent was filling my mind and I took a moment to relax.
The pizza arrived and after we all finished eating exhaustiom began to take over. But it's one of my favorite movies so I have to stay awake.
Natasha noticed male yawing and put a fluffy blanket over the both of us after she pulled me closer to herself, allowing me to rest my head on her shoulder.
Of course I fell asleep shortly after.
(A/N as do I while writing this btw (well, almost))

I woke up around 10 in my own bed but still with Natasha's sweater on and a glass of water on my nightstand with a note 'Good morning princess. Hope you slept well :)'
I smiled at the note and an idea popped up in my head.
The next three hours went by faster than expected and there I was, standing in the kitchen, cooking the tomato soup I promised Natasha. It really wasn't that complicated but it took some time. The boys went outside to go to the christmas market so I had to cook just for Wanda, Natasha, my mom, Morgan, who was here since a few days, and me.
I made for everyone a grilled cheese and called them. Morgan came in and shrieked "Tomato soup with grilled cheeeese" We all chuckled at her reaction but I was especially curious about Wanda's and Natasha's reaction.
"Y/N this is great. It litteraly smells and tastes like heaven" Wanda nodded approvingly, to support what Nat just said and I blushed at the compliment. Especially from Wanda this was a huge compliment because she cooks awesome herself.

words: 1124

Have a good christmas time, remember to eat and drink enough and we'll hear us next week ❤️🤍

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