Chapter 13

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I woke up and rushed into my bathroom just to throw up immediately. Fuck. I sat down and leaned my back on the wall. Come Y/N. Stay calm. Everything is alrigh-
Another wave of nausea washed over me and made me throw up again.
I felt how my heart rate sped up and my breathing got irregular.
Come on. Not now. Get yourself together. Something's up, find out why but get your shit together. Keep breathing bitch.
I continued to lecture myself until I calmed down enough to stand up and drink something.
I rarely throw up and if I do it mostly leads to a panic attack, that's why I hate it that much. Therefore I don't see how people 'feel better' after it. I'd definitely chose hours of nausea over throwing up and most of the time it works. I only throw up when something is happening. When I'm too stressed about certain things or overwhelmed by emotions or events for example. So what's happening right now. I filled another glass with water.
What am I missing?
I rushed down to my lab "Jarvis location of Natasha and Dad! Fast!"
I started my laptop and the interactive surface which already showed me a map.
"Those are the last known locations of Mr. Stark and Ms. Romanoff. This was four hours ago when they were in a fight. After that everyone's location system was shut down. You can't help them or contact them"
"fuck. don't be fucking dead. don't you guys fucking dare to be fucking dead. please." I whispered to myself. How didn't I notice that they already should be back before I went to bed.
"I'd recommend to drink something Y/N, your heart rate is increasing again."
Jarvis is still connected to my smartwatch, I thought I disconnected him so he doesn't see my location.
But nonetheless I made my way upstairs to make myself a coffee, cause he's kinda right though.
I ran my hand through my hair and sighed.
What happened to them?
Next thing I realized were two arms pulling me into a tight hug. I smelled her parfume and her red hair fell into my face.
"Why are you crying hun? What's wrong?"
The arms around me were Wanda's and the voice belonged to my mom.
It was until now that I realized that I must've been crying for quite some time now but in Wanda's embrace my breathing got steady again.
Even though I didn't trust my voice right now I gave it a shot "Dad n' Tasha" I sniffled "they aren't back yet. I-I can't locate them, no one knows w-where they are. They've gone offline f-four hours ago. All of them"
My vision was worried through the tears but I can tell that both of them also realized it as they met on their way to the kitchen.
"Oh honey. I'm sure they're ok. You know your father and you know Natasha, neither of them would give up. None of them would" my mom said hugging both, me and Wanda.
"W-what if something happened?"
"They're gonna be ok. They're gonna come home."
I nod slowly and forced a little smile.
"You go to the couch and pick a movie, I make us some sandwiches and a fruit plate. You wanna join?" Wanda demanded and directed the question to my mom.
She nod and started to help Wanda while I made my way to pick a movie. I assumed Wanda met the rest of the team because a few minutes later Pietro and Bucky joined me and gave me a long tight hug. I knew I could trust them. That they'd be there for me if I needed them. That I could count to 3 and they'd be there. These two and Wanda of course.
"Wanna play chess later?" I asked Bucky and gave him a small smile. I know it's hard for him as well. He has a huge Crush on Steve. And more importantly he cares for him. So he's as worried about our guys out there as I am. I'm pretty sure everyone is, just some of us more and some less.
He nod and the two boys sat down next to me leaving space on my other side for Wanda.
Speaking of her she just walked into the room with a plate filled with sandwiches for all of us and  was followed by Mom who carried two plates with various fruits.
"Thanks Wands" She smiled and gave me a sandwich with peanut butter. I decided on 'minions' because it's quite funny and may distract us and everyone agreed that we should watch 'minions 2' right afterwards. Considering that it was around 12 after the movies and a few rounds of chess against Bucky and Pietro we decided to order some Pizza since none of us was motivated to cook something. When the pizza arrived we played Splatoon and Mario Kart, which my mom was surprisingly good at. It would have been a fun day and I think the others were distracted enough to enjoy it after the first movie but my thoughts couldn't let go. Whenever I began to enjoy our Mario races or the chess game my thoughts went back to our missing team members.
When everyone won at least one round Mario Kart Wanda and Buck wanted to watch 'Ralph Breaks the Internet' and since no one disagreed that's what we're doing for now.
It was around 9 and I was slowly losing hope that they'd return today when I heard a familiar sound.
The Quinjet was landing.
I jumped up and rushed to the landing platform. I heard the footsteps of the others near behind me as they were obviously following me.
We saw how they just made their way to the building and I ran to my dad and jumped in his arms. He looks tired but not seriously hurt, which was a big relief.
"Dad! I was so worried. I'm so glad you're ok, god don't you dare turn off your locator ever again" Tears were streaming down my face. But this time tears of joy and relief.
"I'm glad to be back as well, kiddo. Hope you watched out for Mom and yourself?"
I nod and smiled. All the worry and fear were finally gone.
He wiped my tears and hugged me again before he smiled and walked over to mom.
As everyone got inside we grabbed ourselves something to drink and sat down. I wanted to go and check on Natasha so badly, wanted to make sure she's ok, wanted to hug her. But she probably wouldn't let me. She didn't say a word since they arrived and seemed to be in a bad mood.
"So who wants cheeseburger for dinner?" my dad asked and everyone raised their hand.
Except for one. "Plan without me, I'm going to my room"
"Natasha you need medi-" the door fell shut and my dad sighed. I'll look after her later. I need to and she can't just push me away. But for now she gets her space.
"I take a chicken-cheeseburger with fries and a ginger ale" I smiled and began our order list.
In the end we got 11 cheeseburgers and 4 chicken-cheeseburgers, all with fries and various soft drinks. Happy got them and as everyone sat down with their food we talked and joked around a bit. Steve talked about the mission but didn't go into details because everyone just wanted to relax and have some fun for now. But he said that even though it was pretty rough they were successful. I made a mental note to get Natasha to eat something when I'd look after her. It's good to have them back, the mission only lasted two days but not knowing where they were and if they're ok still stressed out pretty much everyone.
After dinner a few of us stayed in the common room to talk and watch another movie and a few decided to go to bed.
I grabbed my first aid kid from my bathroom and made my way to Natasha's room. Before I knocked I sent my dad a message that I would handle her and he doesn't need to worry.
"Go away"
I closed my eyes and sighed.
Damn you Natasha.

words: 1389

Stay healthy, remember to drink and eat enough
I hope you're ok
Love y'all 🩵❤️

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