Chapter 15

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"Good morning girls" Wanda greeted us excited as we entered the room.
"Morning Wands" I gave her a hug and she handed me a cup of coffee.
Maybe she wasn't that wrong about how I feel for the woman I just spent my night with.
We entered the common room when Sam jumped infront of us "Ok ok listen to me. Who do you think would win in a fight - me or speed boy over there?"
I looked at Pietro who grinned already knowing my answer "Pietro. Sorry Sam" He gasped but didn't say anything more as he turned around and walked away.
I sat down and took a look at my schedule to check if anything would be up for today. I jumped almost spilling my coffee and ran to the family kitchen to check if I had all ingredients for my cookies. Yes, I have. Lucky.
"What's wrong?!?" Wanda, Natasha und Clint burst through the door followed by Bucky. I chuckled but deep down my heart melted a bit that they all were caring that much about me.
"Nothing, just checked if I had everything for my cookies. Morgan is coming home today and I didn't saw her for the last four weeks and I wanted to bake her favorite cookies."
She was for the last three months with our grandparents in LA but we visited her every week. Just happend that I couldn't go with my parents the last three times so we could just talk over long phone calls and that's just not the same. Especially since we're so close.
We talked for a few minutes and everyone went down again to finish breakfast. Everyone except Wanda, who looked at me curious.
"So you survived last night when you wanted to take care of her. And you had a little sleepover." The redhead grinned, which caused me to roll my eyes.
"Come on Y/n you can't tell me that you're just friends. Nat isn't the kind of person, that accepts help without good reason."
"Maybe you're right Wands. Maybe not just maybe. I do have a crush on her. And I am falling for her. In fact I feel like I'm falling fast...too fast and too deep. Especially for the fact that she probably doesn't even like me."
I sighed defeated and sat on the counter but Wanda jumped next to me and hugged me.
"Cut the bullshit, she does like you. She wouldn't let you help her if she wouldn't see you at least as a good friend."
We talked for a while until we decided to join the rest of the team again.
We played a few rounds Mario Kart with Clint and Natasha until the elevator opened and besides my parents a little girl entered the room.
"Y/Nn!!!!" she shrieked (your nickname)
I ran to her and lifted her up. "Heyyy, so good to see you cupcake. How are you?!"
She giggled and hugged me .
"I'm great. Finally see you again"
"I'm glad to see you too cupcake. I missed you so much"
"Did you make cookies?" I chuckled.
"You're asking the right questions. But no, I forgot to bake them. You mad at me?" But to my relief she shook her head and smiled. "Let's bake them together!"
"Yeah ok, let's do that. But first unpack your stuff, alright?" She nodded and got back to our parents asking about her baggage.
"Hey Mom, hey Dad. Hope you had a good flight." Both of them nod and hugged me. Morgan and I were close from the beginning, well considering her age it's not that long but still. The avengers know about Morgan, Tony told them about her when she was born but kept her away from them most of the time but that way it was easier because he hadn't to keep her existence hidden as he did with me.
But when mom and dad are to busy with work they'd give Morgan to our grandparents, what's helping to keep the contact with them even though they live the other site of the country. Morgan grabbed my hand and as we just wanted to leave my mom called out for me again.
"Honey, we're gonna head back to LA again on Thursday. But we'll be back after a week or two, probably it's just me and Morgan going."
"Yeah, ok. Just come back." I smiled. Even though I was really happy to have Morgan back, I kinda got a feeling that I'm gonna need the time. Why? I don't know.
And besides that, we got five days until they're leaving again and we're gonna use them.
As I got to the kitchen Morgan was already waiting for me to get started. I put all the ingredients on the table and turned on some music so we could start.
"How about we start mixing the sugar with the Butter at first, huh?" I asked Morgan while getting out a stool so she could actually reach the counter.
"Yeah ok! How much butter do we need?" The little one asked enthusiastic and practically jumped on the stool.
"All of it. You can put everything in that bowl"
While she did that I measured the sugar and put it in aswell.
"Now we're gonna stir that for a few minutes and then add the eggs."
"How long until we add eggs?" Morgan asked as she was getting bored and I couldn't judge, I was impatient aswell.
"How about we just do it now?" Her face lit up immediately and I gaver her an egg.
"You just need to crack it like this" I said as I hit the edge of the bowl "and then pull the ends away from each other without dropping one of the shell halfs" I helped her with the first egg but she wanted to try alone and I let her. The first crack went good but then her little fingers slipped and the shells landed in the bowl. "oops" she said quiet and looked sad up to me. "Don't worry cupcake, we can just get it out and you'll get the next one right, ok?" I gave her a warm smile and we fished the egg shells out of the bowl. To my suprise she actually got the egg without any shell opened on her third try. I smiled "Good job, Morgan!" She giggled and gave me a high five.

That was three weeks ago by now. Morgan and I had a lot of fun and even played UNO with Natasha Wanda and my parents a few times.
Right now it's 4 am and I can't sleep anymore. I've been trying for the last two hours and decided to give up and with that I made my way down to my lab with my headphones on and some chill music playing. At least until I reached the meeting room and saw light under the door. I smiled to myself and pulled out my phone to activate one of the spider-cams. As soon as he activated I walked him upstairs and let him slip under the door in said room.
What I saw caught me by surprise.
What was happening there?

words: 1199

Stay healthy, drink and eat enough and have a great week guys ❤️🩵

Thank you for 2k, I am literally speechless.
I mean it, I really don't know what to say, thank you I guess :) ❤️♥️

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