The Night at the Club

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Nava's POV

 It was a group of four men. Two had women sitting on their laps and the other two were just sitting and watching people dance. Sophia waved at them with a huge smile but Nava was confused, one of them was the guy she bumped into.

"Who are they?", Nava whispered to her friend who was still busy waving. "I think they're royals but I can't tell which breed and I don't care as long as they give us more drinks. I think one of them likes you", Sophia said making Nava turn again and this time around the man sitting next to the one she bumped into was looking at her.

She knew lust when she saw it but this was different, it was raw. It felt deep. She was used to men being pulled towards her but this time around, she felt his pull. When their eyes met, the gold in them sparkled then he smirked. "Are you ok?", Sophia asked making Nava return her attention to her friend. "Yeah, I think I'm hungry, let's order some food", Nava said at the same time Tim arrived with their drinks. "Tim, we're hungry, can we have burgers, please? And fries?", Nava said while Sophia was still busy waving at the men who bought them tequila. "Great choice, I'll bring them over in ten", he said then disappeared.

"These burgers are amazing", Nava said with a mouth full making Sophia laugh. When they were done, they went dancing.

All was well until someone pulled Nava by the waist. She turned and found herself in the arms of the same guy, the one she bumped into. He moved with the rhythm, she felt a comforting warmth and it made her body relax.

She didn't realize how their lips got so close until another set of warm lips kissed her exposed neck. When she turned she saw the one who was sitting next to him. She was standing between the two. "What do they call you?", the one in the front asked. "Depends on who's asking", Nava said confidently making him smile. The smile alone made her soaking wet in her lower region.

"Answer him", the one behind commanded then kissed her ear. "Fuck!", she cursed making them chuckle, the chest vibrations under her hands made her body shiver. She wondered who they were. Sophia knew everybody but for some reason, she didn't know these guys. "I'm Orion and he's Hector, is that enough to earn your name?", he asked her but this time he released his aura startling her. "I'm Nava", she said with a moan. "Beautiful", the one she was told was Hector said approvingly, and for some reason, she felt happy that he approved.

"Can I go back to my friend please?", she said in a whisper. "Of course", Orion said moving out of her way so that she could go to Sophia who was talking to one of the ladies from Orion's table.

When she reached them, she took Sophia's drink and finished it in one sip. "That was pretty hot by the way. I've never seen the Royals interested in any woman and I  should know, I grew up with them", the bubbly girl said. "See? Told you they were Royals. Which pack?", Sophia asked after seeing that Nava was taking longer to ask. "Oh! Werewolf Pack, they're the firstborn twins so", she said trailing off as if the two friends were supposed to understand.

The Werewolves always kept things to themselves so it wasn't easy to understand what they were up to.

Nava hated the King with all her might, she blamed him for the massacre that took place in her pack turning her into an orphan. "Oh... ok", Sophia said then she saw Nava's face turn deadly, her attention turning to the Royals.

"What's wrong with her? She looks pissed... was it something I said?", the girl asked. "Oh no, it's just allergies. We'll just go... yeah that's what we're going to do. Bye!", Sophia said while dragging Nava out of the club. 

"Are you girls ok? Security said you just stormed out and Nava looked pissed", Armand asked as they were waiting for the car. "We're fine Armand, I promise, we just need to go back that's all", Sophia explained. It was obvious that Armand didn't buy her explanation but he allowed it to slide.

Nava appreciated Sophia, she wasn't sure what would have happened if they stayed. She was angry, she wanted to blame Orion and Hector even though she knew that would have been wrong. They probably had no idea what happened. She felt Sophia pull her out of the car. Her eyes were full of tears by the time they got out of the elevator and found Lagon waiting for Sophia, he looked pissed but when his eyes met Nava's, all the anger melted away.

"What happened?", "We met the Werewolf Royals, it brought back unwanted memories that's all", she said smiling weakly at her Prince. "The twins?", he asked looking worried. Sophia nods her head while helping Nava open her door.

Beginning of Nava's Dream

"Cadmus, we should get out of here, I have a bad feeling about this", her mother said from their bedroom. "The King's Guard will be here my love, have faith, there's no need to panic", her father said. Then the door burst open and hunters started flooding into their home. Nava tried warning her parents but it was like they couldn't hear her. The hunters slaughtered them right before her eyes.

End of Nava's Dream

Nava jolted awake only to find Niall watching her. "What happened?", he asked with a serious tone. "Nothing... it was just a bad dream", she said avoiding his eyes. "Nava... tell me", he insisted. There was no way out, she had to tell him. She told him everything. From the massacre of her pack to her parent's death to meeting the Royals at the club.

"I understand your pain, but you were right not to react to your emotions. I'm not saying that the King was right but sometimes things are not as simple as you think Nava. Maybe something happened that's why the King's Guard never came. I'm sure there's an explanation to all of it and one day you will find it", Niall said and to some extent it made Nava feel better.

"Thank you Niall", she said as he wiped her tears away. "Anything for you my Temptress", he said with a wink making her giggle. It was the first time she saw a playful side of him.

"Can I ask you something?", she asked Niall as he removed his suit to join her in bed. "Of course", he said while spooning her. "When you spent the night with me, did you use magic to lock the door?", she asked. She felt his body grow at the same time a blue light appeared by the door and window then disappeared. She smiled.

"Yes, I did. As I said, only a handful of people have seen my true form. I would like to keep it that way", he said then kissed her temple as she fell asleep.

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