The King's champion

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Allen's POV

He was sitting next to the hospital bed waiting for his mate to wake up when the door burst open and the King entered looking pissed. Magnus was behind him, watching him. Waiting for him to make the wrong move.

"What happened to her?", he asked looking concerned which surprised Allen but it also meant that the King had no idea that Nava was his sons' fated mate. "You should ask your Queen, it appears that you and your family can't stay away from mine", Allen said angrily. "Come on now Allen, you know I would never harm her even though I have my reservations about her past, I know she's important to you, I would never", he said sincerely making him turn to look at her.

"What do you want Cosmo?", he asked and before he could answer a portal appeared in the middle of the ward and a man he never thought he would see again walked out of it.

Niall Fulkerson the King of Faes.

"Well I'll be damned", Magnus said then his jaw hit the floor. "What happened to her?", Niall asked without looking anywhere except at Nava. "She used her blood to save the Royals", Allen said with furrowed brows. "I see, they couldn't help but use her again huh?", he said then ran his fingers on her face. "Don't touch her! She's mine", Allen said angrily but it didn't seem to bother Niall.

"I know, I can smell you all over her. Congratulations by the way. She'll make a fine... leader or should I say Queen... someday", he said with a smirk then sliced his wrist and opened her mouth. His blue blood entered her mouth and the wounds healed instantly. He kissed her forehead then opened the portal and disappeared.

"What the hell just happened?", Magnus asked. "I think only one person can answer that", Allen said as they both turned to a waking Nava.

"Did it work? What happened?", she asked then sat on the bed. "What? Why are you all looking at me like that?", she asked, and all Allen could do was pull her in a kiss. She melted into him making him groan. "I love you", he said and she smiled. "I love you too", she replied and pulled him in a kiss again.

"Is this the best time to ask where the fuck did the King of Faes come from and how he woke Nava up?", Magnus asked making Allen pull back and glare at him. "What? We're all thinking about it, right Your Majesty?", he said looking at Cosmo who appeared to be frozen.

"Niall was here?", she asked looking hopeful. It made Allen angry. He didn't know why. 'Calm yourself', Falkor said making him less tense. "Yes, do you know him?", he asked trying his best to control Conall. "Yes, I used to", she said looking sad. The door opened and Orion entered the ward looking brand new.

It pissed Allen off.

"We should get out of here. We've seen enough drama for the day", he said carrying Nava in his arms and walking out of the ward leaving a frozen Cosmo and a confused Orion watching them. He found comfort in the way she snuggled into him. She circled her hands around his neck and kissed him. It was a kiss full of emotions that he failed to understand if holding on the Fulkerson was the right thing to do because they obviously met at the House of Aphrodite.

He was feeling jealous. He knew Fulkerson as a private man so the only person to ask was the one in his arms.

"Can you tell me what happened?", she asked as he placed her on their bed. "Well, you healed the Royals meaning you're still linked to them, passed out and no one could wake you, I was lost and out of options except waiting by your side then a portal appeared out of nowhere and a man I haven't seen in years walked out of it and gave you his blood then left with no explanation, a few minutes later you woke up. Yeah, that's about it", he said while panting not aware that Conall had taken over.

His face was pulled between her soft hands and when their eyes met hers were gold. Then she smiled. "Are you jealous Conall?", she asked with a smile. 'That he is', Falkor said with a smile making Allen laugh. "No, I'm not. I just don't want people touching what's mine", he said making her smile bigger. She straddled him and started kissing his neck, she reached a spot where he was supposed to be marked, and he moaned loud enough to make her smile.

'You're such a pussy', Allen teased making him moan again. 'He definitely is', Falkor agreed. They suddenly felt sharp teeth sinking on the marking spot making them roar, a euphoric feeling followed making them feel the need to be inside her. When she pulled away she licked their blood and that's when they realized, they could all see her at the same time.

"What just happened?", she asked looking shocked. "You tell me, My love. You're the one who marked me", he said with a huge smile making her blush. "I don't know what came over me, when Conall moaned it made me want to bite him", she said looking at his neck. "Does it hurt", she asked inspecting his mark, "maybe a little", he said in a teasing manner. "What can I do to make it better?", she asked looking worried. "Well, there's one thing you can do", he said laying her on the bed slowly. He started removing his clothes slowly making her smile. "Oh my god. Can you not think about sex for one minute?", she whined making him wiggle his eyebrows. It made her giggle.

He made love to her for the rest of the night and it felt good to have her to himself.

"Your Majesty, you called... again", he said the moment he reached the castle after dropping Nava at the store. "Yes. You look different today", Cosmo said while inspecting him. His eyes landed on Orion and Hector.

"Christopher has challenged me for the throne and as you know I can challenge him myself or pick my champion. I need you to train Hector. He's my champion. For the sake of our future we can not allow him to be crowned", he said. "Didn't he beat them close to death the last time? No offense but your pups are too crowded with rage and jealousy to defeat their own brother", Allen said making Hector clench his jaw.

"So what do you suggest Councilman?", the King asked making him smirk. "Let me fight him, it will look good politically, considering I'm the one who oversees security. It could be the opportunity to expand the King's Guard to other races, Greyson could use a hand don't you think?", Allen suggested.

One thing Cosmo liked was to appear superior to other Kings and this was the bait that he wasn't going to refuse. Little did he know that Allen had a plan of his own. "I agree, let's show him some manners. If he yields then he disappears", the King declared. "No, I will decide what happens to him if he yields", he said making the King furrow his brows but agree.

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