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Nava's POV

Nava tried to run away from Allen who seemed to not want to let her go to work for some reason.

He had changed since the day of the opening. He was more hands-on and barely let her out of his sight. He even followed her to the store for a couple of days making her chase him away because the workers were scared to let loose around him. They felt like they were being watched which wasn't the case when it was just Nava and them.

"Nava get back here!", he shouted from the bedroom making her look for her car keys in a rush and when she found them she was yanked up and put on Allen's shoulder.

"What is wrong with you? Put me down!", she screamed making him chuckle. "I asked nicely, you didn't listen", he said then smacked her.

They entered the bedroom and she saw the door lock itself. "Did you just lock the door without touching it?", she asked when she was finally on her feet.

He pulled her in a hungry kiss without saying a word. It was consuming, she almost gave in then the store crossed her mind making her push him away with all her might. It worked surprising him, "Huh... interesting", he said then an evil smile decorated his face. He started walking towards her slowly.

"My love, I have to go to work... please", she said with a stretched hand hoping he would get a hint but when her hand touched his chest, he hummed in approval and then pushed her hand to his rock-hard member. She swallowed hard.

"Shit, Allen Treloar! I need to go to work", she said seriously making him lick his lips. He scratched his chin as if he was thinking about it then looked into her eyes. "Fine, I'll be quick but don't you think I will let you leave without making love to you", he said as a fact.

Seconds later, she was in a doggy position with her hands held on her back as Allen pounded into her over and over again.

Someone knocked on the door aggressively making Allen growl. He stopped suddenly, making Nava fall face-first on the sheets. He wrapped a towel around his waist and then opened the door making her pull the whole bed cover to hide her nakedness.

"Boss, we have a situation, you and Nava have been summoned by the King immediately", Magnus said looking out of breath. "Get the car, we'll be ready in five", he said the closed the door. "I get them requesting for you but why do they want me?", she asked as he carried her to the bathroom. "I guess we're about to find out", he said with furrowed brows.

"Councilman Allen, thank you for coming on such short notice. The King is in the throne room waiting for you. Miss Nava, please follow me to the infirmary", the guard said and Nava was about to follow him when she was pulled by the wrist aggressively. "Why has she been requested to do that?", Allen asked the guard. "I'm not allowed to say anything more Councilman Allen. It's the Queen's orders", the guard said looking terrified.

"Allen, I'll be ok. I promise", she tried assuring him but it was in vain. His body was stiff as if he could tell what was about to happen. 'It's not you I'm worried about. I don't trust these royal bastards', he said through the mind link surprising Nava. 'Then come with me. After we're done, we will go see the King. Fair enough?', she asked through the link making him smile.

"Tell the King I will join him after escorting my mate to the infirmary", the guard nodded and went in the opposite direction. "You know where the infirmary is?", she asked Allen who still looked tense. "Yes My love, right this way", he said lovingly then kissed her knuckles as if he was not the one who lost his cool a few minutes ago.

They walked in a hospital-like wing. Simone and Brielle were sitting on the waiting lounge looking lost. "Your Majesties, what's going on? Is the Queen ok?", Allen asked making them look up. "It's our mates. They've tried everything", Simone said in the middle of sobbing.

Allen held Nava's hand tighter making her hold his arm and squeeze lightly. He releases a breath. "Councilman Allen? I thought you had a meeting with the King", the Queen asked looking surprised and worried. She had bags under her eyes like someone who hadn't slept for days.

"I do. I'll meet him right after this", he said making her eyes land on Nava. "May I speak to you in private?", she asked making Nava look at Allen. 'No', he said through the mind link. "Your Majesty, I need my mate with me, for moral support", she said as a plea making her nod.

She led them into the ward where they found the doctors busy trying to help the royals who were unconscious and looked like they were losing a lot of blood.

"I know who you are to them, I know that there's a lot that I don't know, and it's wrong because as a Queen and mother, I'm supposed to know these things. Please help them. I beg you", she said then went down on her knees making the doctors gasp, Nava turned to Allen and even he looked shocked.

"Please don't do that, get up... please", she pleaded then lifted her. It was so easy which surprised her but she had more pressing matters. "Allen, may I?", she asked him making him furrow her brows. "How sure are you that they will be cured by her? They broke the bond, they broke her", he asked the Queen.

"We're not, we have tried everything, and the only thing that is left is hope. We hope that Nava can cure them. Please allow us to try, I will do anything to save my sons, please Allen", she pleaded with tears in her eyes.

'My love, please', she said through the link. 'Ok, if anything feels wrong you stop, immediately', he said and she nodded. "Everyone out", Allen said making the doctors leave the room. The Queen locked it and turned to look at them. "What do you need me to do?", Allen asked her. It surprised her but she didn't have time to commend him.

"Hold them up. They need to feed from my wrists", she said sitting in the middle. "Evie, I'm gonna need your help holding Orion. I need you to pull him back the moment you see he has started healing, anything more could kill Nava, do you understand?", he asked the Queen who nodded.

Nava exposed her wrists to each of their lips and remained quiet. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. "Do we need to slice them a b-", the Queen was interrupted by Nava's scream as the royals' canines sank into her wrist.

The pain was excruciating making tears fall from her eyes. "Pull back now Evie!", Allen said and the Queen did as told making Nava fall off the chair and onto her knees, she was panting and blinking rapidly. "D-d-did i-it w-work?", she asked before blacking out.

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