The Claiming

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Nava's POV

"What are you talking about? They were just here yesterday. If my contract was over they could have told me", Nava argued when Ares informed her that the Royals ended the exclusivity with her and that she was to return to her old room.

They had been visiting her once a week for the past seven months, everything between them was ok. She didn't understand. "Ares, tell me the truth. What really happened?", she asked looking at him straight in the eyes. She knew how to make him do what she wanted. "Fuck Nava! They're getting mated! They didn't know... the King announced it this morning. I was with them when he did... they couldn't face you because they knew you wouldn't believe them so they decided to let you go. I'm sorry Nava", he said the last part in a whisper.

Their connection was not a secret, the whole house of Aphrodite knew. She released a breath. She knew that the day would come. "That's ok Ares. I knew this day would come. They are Royals after all", she said trying her best to remain strong. "I'll have my things moved out by evening", she said then started packing her clothes.

She was finally back in her room when she finally broke down and started crying. The pain was unbearable. She screamed and threw things on the wall. She blamed herself for being unlucky.

"Nava, I came as soon as I heard", Sophia said while pulling her to her chest.

She had been accepted in the Dragon Clan so she was in the process of moving in with Lagon. Nava tried to form words but she couldn't. She held Sophia tighter. "It's going to be ok Sis. The moon goddess has a plan, I promise you it will get better", she said while kissing Nava's forehead. It made her feel better.

She almost fell asleep in Sophia's arms when her body was struck by the pain that resembled the dream she had of Hector sucking her blood.

"Make it stop! Please!", she screamed and all Sophia could do was call Ares at the top of her lungs. "What's going on?", he asked her while lifting Nava. "It hurts, make it stop! Tell them to make it stop!", she screamed then welcomed the darkness.

"You think it's because they marked them?", "I don't know", "I do. I'm gonna fucking kill them", "Calm down Sophia", "I'm not gonna calm down, they lied to her! They marked other women while the bond was not severed", "They didn't have a choice", "Shut up Ares! Just because they agreed to protect us doesn't mean we should stay quiet when they screw us over!".

Nava heard the voices but couldn't make up who said what. It was hard to focus because she kept going in and out of consciousness. She was tired of fighting it so she just gave in to the deep sleep.

She heard a familiar voice telling her to come back but she couldn't. Sophia had moved on, she had a mate and a family that accepted her. She was going to get married and become a princess. Nava had no one. Niall was a King and the moment he found his mate, he was going to leave her. The Royals didn't want her. No one wanted her. What was the point of waking up?

"Nava please don't leave me. You're the only family I have", she heard Sophia's voice. It was trembling. She was crying. She opened her eyes and finally saw a bright light. She was at the pack hospital. She looked around and saw Lagon sleeping on the armchair that was too small for him. Niall was leaning on a window looking at the rain. Ares was sitting on a hospital bench with his head in his hands and Armand right next to him looking at the ceiling.

"S-s-sop-h-i-i-a?", she tried calling her but her throat felt dry. "Oh my goddess, thank you, moon goddess! I'm never doubting you again", Sophia said then pulled her in a hug. "I can't b-b-bre-a-the", she said making Sophia release her. She coughed a few times until a hand with silver rings gave her a glass of water.

When her eyes met the ice blue ones a tear fell from her face but she didn't say anything. She drank the water. "Ares! Come quick!", Sophia shouted and a few minutes later Nava was surrounded by everyone who was there. Niall continued with feeding her while everyone told her how much she was missed.

"How long have I been in the hospital?", she asked Niall when it was only the two of them. "Two months", he said looking angry.  "Why are you angry?", she asked him and his eyes met hers. "You didn't wake up. I called you but you didn't respond. I almost started a war for what they did to you. I blamed myself for not buying them off", he said while pacing around the room. It made Nava smile.

"Niall, it's not your fault. We needed to accept the deal to get protection for our pack", "I could have done that! I could have protected your pack", he said looking frustrated. "Why didn't you? Niall... why didn't you?", she asked after seeing him looking guilty. He knew something she didn't. "Because I couldn't come between mates Nava. They're your mates. It would have been against the law", he said with his hands on his waist. He looked like someone who held on to something for far too long and he was finally able to say it.

"How long have you known?", she asked with tears in her eyes. "Since the first day you told me about them", he said while playing with his rings. He was nervous.

"Niall... what happened to me?", she asked feeling her chest getting tighter. She knew the answer would break her but she needed to hear it from someone who wouldn't lie to her.

"You had a bond severance. They marked other people. Their father sent an invite to all of the kingdoms. I was there", he said while holding her hand. "It's an arranged marriage. It aims to form an alliance with the werewolf's weapons manufacturer. They didn't have a choice", he explained making her smile. "That's where you're wrong Niall. We always have a choice", she said then rested her head on the pillow.

She remembered how they looked at her in the eyes and lied to her. She asked more than once and they assured her that they weren't her mates. They didn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. They were the same as their father. Selfish bastards.

She blamed herself for not listening to Ares. She was just a tool of pleasure. "Nava, listen to me. Don't let your rage consume you. You're better than them", Niall said but she was not listening. She was already lost.

"Thank you, Niall, for everything. I think you should go now", she said with a serious face making Niall furrow his brows. "Nava please", "It's Temptress to you", she said then turned away from him.

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