She's Different

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Allen's POV

Opening his eyes and seeing that Nava was in his arms, gave him the peace of mind he lacked for months. The weight of the throne never compared to what he felt when he lost Nava that day. The worst part is, that he could not bring himself to cheer because even though she was back, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with Nava.

At first, he told himself it was fine but he couldn't shake it away... the feeling of something wicked growing inside his mate's heart constantly worried him. She was supposed to be normal, he wanted to know what happened. He wanted to know why her lycan decided to show up when she did. Something was not right, he decided to keep it under wraps until he met Arthur. If it was recorded in the books then Arthur would know about it. He was the councilman who was responsible for the historical items.

He felt Nava move under his armpit making him look at her, she was the complete opposite of who he found at the Safe House. He felt grateful because, without her Lycan, she wouldn't have been alive. 'I know what you're thinking mate. I will not hurt those who haven't wronged us and I will protect Nava with every fiber of my being just as I told Conall', Aella said through the mind link. When he looked at Nava, she was still asleep so this meant that Aella could take control of Nava even when his mate was not willing to give it. 'I don't doubt you Aella. I just don't want you to get carried away. I don't want you to forget that this is my mate and she is your human. You're bound to listen to what she wants'. 'I understand My King no need to worry. I am a spirit of Vengeance after all. Once I fulfill my duty. I will surrender to her, in the meantime you would be wise to stay out of my way'.

'Is that a threat?'. 'No, it's a promise. Someone denied my right to meet my human. I was supposed to be there for her and because of my inability to break free from my chains. I had to stand by and watch as her mates toyed with her. Her captives killed her babies, as everyone pointed fingers at her for being a prostitute but I am here now. I will protect her. I'll do what I failed to do all those years ago so, my King, I am not threatening you I'm merely fulfilling my duty. The same way your hybrids do with you', she was filled with determination, and before Allen could say anything Nava opened her sweet eyes.

They were gold and sparkly, a smile decorated her face. She pulled him in a kiss, it consumed him... another thing that was different about her. She had a pull before, but it was different now, more intense.

He found himself putting in extra effort just to control his emotions whenever their eyes met. He wondered if that was the power of the siren as well. He wouldn't have been surprised if that side of her became more visible now that she had Aella.

"Good morning my love. How are you feeling?", he said well playing with her hair. "I feel great. I haven't slept like that in a very long time. I must admit, I missed you", "I have missed you too. I don't remember the last time I was in our bedroom. I would lock myself in my office the whole day. I couldn't come here because you weren't here but now that you are, it feels like a home again", he said and kissed her forehead. "Allen, would you have found another Mate if you didnt find me?", she asked while looking at him in his eyes.

"No, you're it for me. What happened to Philomena... if it happened to you too, I don't think I would have been able to keep my head. I would definitely go feral and that's something that none of us want to happen", he said honestly. "Why? What happens when you go feral? I mean do you go out and kill people?", "Not really, for a normal werewolf maybe but for me, I would just kill myself because losing your mind and everything you care about is basically losing the will to live", he said it made a tear fall from Nava's eye.

"We don't have to worry about that Nava. You're here now and I have a feeling Aella will take good care of you", he said and held her tighter. She melted into him. "I love you Allen and thank you for always being there for me. I don't know what I would have done without you", her words made him feel invincible.

"Guys, I know we just got you back and you might need some time to rest but I really need to eat chocolate cake", they heard Sophia's voice from the other side of the door. "She's still obsessed with chocolate cake?", Nava asked, it made Allen chuckle. "It went away when you were missing i guess it's back again or maybe she was just holding back because she felt pity on me. Either way, I think we should go and give her what she wants, don't you? Besides, she missed you. You two must have a lot to talk about. Let's go take a shower then go join her", he said then got out of bed and offered his hand to pull her out of it as well.

She accepted with a smile on her face. He was about to avert his eyes when he saw dark veins emerge from her chest and move to her mark, it was weird. He blinked a couple of times thinking that he was exaggerating but something was wrong with her mark.

It had patterns that looked like roots, he had never seen something like that before then they disappeared. "Allen is everything okay?", she asked, bringing him back to reality. "Yes of course. I just thought I saw something, let's go get you ready for a bath then we'll go make chocolate cake", he said then kissed your forehead again. He pulled her to the bathroom.

When they were under the shower, he paid close attention to her mark and yes something was different. It had something evil, he could feel it. Every time his hand was closer to it, it changed something that never happened before. It didn't grow horns but it looked like fish skin. He tried touching it but nothing happened. When they were done with the bath, they went to the kitchen and joined Sophia who was waiting eagerly by the table. Lagon was there too.

He looked a bit stressed Allen didn't blame him, a lot had happened and he had to make sure that Sophia was ok through it all. On the other hand, Ares was busy trying to distract Magnus from their usual topic of mates.

'Allen, we need to talk. I have a bad feeling about her lycan', Lagon mind linked him. 'I know, I saw something too. We need to have a meeting with Arthur, he should know better. I feel like we need to prepare, this might get out of hand. If what you're thinking is true then this Vengeance might end up being another bloodbath'. 'I agree I'll tell Magnus to do the needful. I think Aries is too close, we shouldn't include him for now', 'Understood, let's make some cakes'.

"Can you stop working for 1 minute and focus on me and your nieces or nephews? We're hungry and they want cake. Are you going to make it or are you going to stand there and mind-link people? I mean you just woke up can you focus on us just for once?", Sophia complained while scratching her swollen belly.

It made Nava laugh.

Allen raised his hands in surrender and then started baking.

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