A Mate He Deserves

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Four Months Later

Allen's POV

"You look like shit", Greyson told Allen as they sat for a council meeting. "Try living with two demanding pregnant women and come back with a fresh face then we'll talk", he said making Arthur laugh.

"I had one and still couldn't sleep for days", Raymond said earning a smack
from Selene. "Ouch!", "Sophia is still at your house?", Selene asked making him nod while massaging his temples. "Did those two grow up together or are they just bonding over babies?", she wondered making him smile.

"They've been joined by the hip ever since Nava was twelve", he said making Selene smile. "They do say a dragon's bond is the strongest. I bet Sophia sees herself as Nava's protector", she added making Allen chuckle. "You have no idea", he replied then turned to Greyson.

"Ok then, since His Majesty needs to rest let's keep it short. People are adjusting well to the new leadership structure and so far the Alphas are in check", Greyson said.

"We have cleared all the injured from the take-over tour and prepared a plan on how to cement the financial aspects of the kingdom since Marcus is no longer part of the council. But we can see your hands are full at the moment so, we can do that some other time", Raphael said making everyone but Allen laugh.

After the meeting, he went to his office and closed his eyes when he sat on his chair. He almost fell asleep when Niall appeared out of nowhere.

"Fuck! Can I just get two minutes of sleep!", he said making Niall laugh. "Six months isn't it? Are the sex cravings gone?", He asked while sitting on one of the guest chairs facing Allen's table. "That's not the problem. There are two of them and they're inseparable. They talk all day and night. They force me to be part of everything they do and they make me cook all day because they don't like the maids' food.", he complained making Niall look at him.

"What?", "You just remind me of your brother that's all", he said then sipped his whiskey. "Why are you here?", Allen asked. "Aurora wants to meet Nava and apologize. She met with Brielle and Simone and they fed her some poison stuff. She regrets what she did, it would be nice of you as her King to grant her access to her Queen", he said making Allen furrow his brows. "I prefer waiting until she gives birth. Just to be sure...", he said and Niall nodded.

"No Sophia! You need to knock first", Nava's voice reached his ears and seconds later his office door busted open with Sophia leading the way. She looked pissed and Allen knew he was about to get blamed for something... again. "My ladies", Allen said while standing up. He approached Sophia and kissed her forehead. Then approached Nava, who got a kiss on the lips.

"I know you. Where have I seen you before?", Sophia said while sitting on the sofa. "We met at the House of Aphrodite. I'm Niall", he said and her eyes went wide. "Oh, crap! You guys were having a serious meeting weren't you?", Sophia asked Allen who nodded. "We're so sorry", Nava said then held his face in her soft hands creating a soothing feeling. It made him hum in satisfaction.

"Sophia let's go home", Nava said making Sophia pout. "Not until he promises to make more chocolate cakes", she said then folded her hands on her chest. "But Doctor Gordon said one slice a week", Nava reminded her friend. "He doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm a dragon, I can eat whatever I want and still give birth to healthy babies", she said making Allen chuckle. "I promise to make you a chocolate cake when I return", his words made Sophia smile.

She stood up and hugged him then pulled Nava away with her.

Niall started laughing making Allen feel annoyed as he poured whiskey for himself and drank in one go. "That was an interesting threesome. Where is her mate?", he asked making Allen smile. "In the dragon pack, the pregnancy doesn't like the father so he has to take care of our niece", he said.

"By the way... you have proven to be resourceful to me in the past few days, I need you to locate Marcus for me. I've heard the hunters have found a new benefactor and I have a feeling it's him", Allen said making Niall raise a brow. "The councilman?", he asked for clarification. "Yes. He's a loose end I need out of the picture", "What about the Finnegan twins?", "Christopher took them in. They're not a problem besides their mother is an ally, she'll keep them in check", Allen told Niall who nodded.

"Are we going to address the elephant in the room?", Niall finally decided to ask. "Which is?", "My feelings for Nava... they're what drove Aurora over the edge", "I'm aware. Do you plan on interfering with our bond?", Allen asked with his eyes laser-focused on Niall. "No. You have my word", "Good. Continue to be my Alpha and we won't have a problem", he said then stood up and offered him a hand. Niall accepted and left through his portal as usual.

Allen tried to sleep for the second time but Magnus barged in reminding him that he had a training session with the top warriors he needed for the convoy. He gave up on the idea of getting a chance to sleep completely.

After doing some training with his top warriors, he decided to call it quits for the day. He allowed Conall to take over and transform into his lycan. They chose to run back home.

When he walked in, the house was quiet so he went straight to his bedroom where he found flower petals scattered everywhere. He heard some nice relaxing music coming from the bathroom and decided to follow it.

He found Nava wearing nothing but a transparent chemise standing next to a massage bed. "Welcome home", she said with a smile that made his body wake up from a tiring slumber. "Thank you, my love, what's the occasion?", he asked while checking her out.

"I just want to take care of you like you take care of us. I know you're keeping up with Sophia for me and seeing you that tired today made me feel... guilty", she said while playing with her fingers. "Don't my love. You know I would do anything to make you happy", he said making her smile and look him in the eyes.

Her eyes were gold and glowing, she was excited. "Allow me to take care of you", she said then pointed to the massage bed.

He thanked the moon goddess that Conall destroyed their clothes when transforming and rushed to sleep face-first on the massage bed.

He moaned the moment her hands started massaging his shoulders. The more she did it the more he felt relaxed and lighter. By the time she reached his toes, he was a brand new person. 'This feels so good', Conall said. 'I have never felt such soft hands in my life', Falkor complimented. 'Are you saying Philomena had hard hands?', Allen teased. 'No!', Falkor answered in a rush making them laugh at him.

"You should turn now", she said soothingly making them turn. He earned a giggle making him look down only to see his member on high alert. "I can't help it when I'm around you. That chemise is making things worse", he said making her smile. "I understand, I am the temptress after all", she said then winked.

She started massaging his neck and then chest, she skipped to his thighs and legs and finally returned to his member. She poured more oil on it and started massaging it slowly. It only lasted for a few minutes.

Her sudden fast pace made Allen open his eyes and found her looking at him with a victorious smile. "Cum for me my King", she said then bit her lower lip.

The sight made Allen lose control and give in to the pleasure. His semen covered her face and the way she licked herself and hummed made him feel even more appreciated.

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