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Nava's POV

"Thank you for allowing me to bring you back", Allen said when they were at her door. He hadn't said a thing to her since they left the Coronation.

"Allen, I was going to tell you my name, eventually", she found herself saying nervously making him smile. "Well, I like that I found out on my own, it has created a nice ring to our love story", he said making her giggle. "We're in a love story?", she asked looking at him in the eyes, the height difference making it hard for her to avoid a neck stretch. "Yap", he said then kissed her lips. She kissed him back instantly. She pulled back the moment they heard the elevator doors open.

"You wanna come in?", she asked with her hand massaging her covered boob. "That depends, are we going to tell each other everything if I do? Are you going to let me in that little vault of yours", he asked replacing her hand with his making Nava moan. "Maybe", she said closing her eyes.

"Why did you stop?", she asked when instead of her being pulled into her room, he stood there looking at her in the eyes. He was serious about the vault.

"Why does it matter?", she asked feeling sexually frustrated. "Because you're the first woman I have felt this way with since I lost my mate which was a very long time ago. I need to know who owns me before I give myself to them", his eyes went a shade lighter the moment he said the last part. It excited Nava. "What if you don't like what you discover?", she asked feeling scared. "I doubt it", he said with a smirk.

He took her in from head to toe the same way he did the first day they met. "Nava... say yes", he said with a deeper voice, it was more of a command than a plea. She swallowed hard. "Yes", she was swept off her feet the moment she answered. He tore her clothes in one move making her moan.

"You taste delicious", he said while licking his lips after devouring her non-stop until she reached her third orgasm. She was a panting mess but managed to smile at him. He stood up and removed his suit putting it away neatly.

It made her smile, he reminded her of Niall.

When he was totally naked with his hard cock on display, he stretched his muscles making her lick her lips in anticipation. "Stand", he said making her giggle. She recalled his first comment.

"Hands on the wall", he commanded making her obey. He entered her from behind and suddenly her feet were floating on air as he fucked her with his hands on her waist holding her against the wall, his lips went to her neck where he started with kisses, then sucking then he bit her neck lightly making her feel like the world was made of clouds, she moaned feeling her orgasm hit her the same time warm semen coated the walls of her pussy. She found herself wondering what he was as he retracted his canines and licked her slowly making her moan as she rode down from her high with his cock pulsing inside of her.

He placed her on the ground and then turned her towards him. He kissed her passionately then smiled into the kiss the moment her moan broke the silence in her room.

"What are you?", she asked when he got into bed and faced her. "No way. It's your turn, Nava... I like your name, it's beautiful and unique", he said removing a curly hair from her face.

"Ok. My name is Nava Preston and I'm an Orphan. My father was a pack warrior and werewolf while my mother was a siren and school teacher. They were both killed by hunters. I met Sophia when I was twelve in a Rogue Pack and we just clicked. When we were sixteen, the pack was attacked and Ares came to our rescue and ended up having a soft spot for us so he took us under his wing.

When I turned thirty, Sophia and I decided it was time to find jobs. We tried everywhere and they kept offering us kitchen and cleaning jobs so we went to Ares and demanded waitress jobs at his club. We became too good at it and one day we saw women going to The House of Aphrodite. They were making a lot of money so when Ares approached us with a proposition to join the brothel we did and here I am", she finished but Allen's look told her that he wanted to know about her affairs.

"Argh! fine! Ares gave us a rule, not to get attached to our clients and I never thought I would ever break it but I did. Everything in me was telling me that they were my mates but they denied it every single time eventually I gave up asking. I settled with just treasuring my time with them then one day, they just disappeared on top of that they marked other people, which caused me a lot of pain because apparently they already established a bond with me when they were being intimate with me.

I was in a coma for two months. I didn't know the cause of the pain until after. I saw them today at the coronation, what a painful sight", she looked at him in the eyes and his were filled with pity.

"I'm so sorry Nava. I shouldn't have insisted. I just wanted us to build what we have from an honest ground", he said with a weak smile. "Don't worry, it was a long time ago. Besides they've moved on, it's time I do the same", she assured him.

"I'm a wolf-dragon hybrid. I'm the oldest of the councilmen. Four hundred and sixty-five years to be exact. My brother was once King of the supernaturals, he died trying to save his mate but ended up dooming us all. I had a mate before, her name was Philomena. She was killed during the war, she was the leader of the King's Guard. All I can say is, that I've never felt the same ever since. I was told about the Temptress and how she made people feel a pleasure that was out of this world. I thought of coming here to meet her but it felt like I was betraying my Philomena so I didn't.

When the Royals announced that they were claiming their chosen mates. I and half of the council were against it. We strongly believe in the moon goddess's will when it comes to mates. Werewolves with higher ranks need their fated mates to reach their full potential. They didn't listen. I was so angry and I needed a distraction so I asked Lagon for Ares' number and then came here.

Imagine my shock when you opened the door and my wolf whispered 'mate' to me. He hasn't been awake for years and yet your scent woke him in seconds. You really are a Temptress aren't you", he said running his finger across her lips and making her smile.

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