The Deal

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Boris/Ares' POV

"Boris! it's nice to see you. Welcome to the Royal Pack", Cosmo Finnegan said with a fake smile. "It's Ares, Your Majesty", he said while rolling his eyes. "Oh! My apologies. Would you like to sit?", he asked gesturing to the chair that was facing the throne. "No thank you. What do you want?", he asked losing patience. "Straight to business, I see. Ok then. I want you to ban werewolves from The House of Aphrodite", he said with a serious tone. "And why would I do that?", he asked sarcastically. "Well, we have been receiving complaints that a lot of wolves are tempted to come there regardless of their mating status", the King said.

"Unfortunately Your Majesty, that seems like an internal matter, one that needs you to sort out your affairs. I'm just a businessman", he replied.

The doors behind him were opened and from the aura he felt, he knew it was the King's sons. He heard one of them sniff him as they walked past him and joined their father on the throne.

"Who's this?", the one with white hair asked. "This is Alpha Ares Galanis. Owner of The House of Aphrodite", the King said through gritted teeth. It was clear that the King was not pleased with the way his request was received. "Father, I think the Vampire is right, banning all Werewolves from the brothel is not a solution. We need to know who goes there, at what time, and who they see. Are they having mate bonds that are active or they're just going there for fun", the one with gold hair said.

Ares watched as the King considered his son's option. Either way, he was not going to allow anyone to interfere with his business or know what happens inside The House of Aphrodite. "Very well, I leave this matter in your hands. As my sons, I expect you to make a decision worthy of a King. If you think this place needs to be burned down then do it. We don't need any more conflicts within our pack", the King said then left the throne room.

"So, What's it going to be Royals?", Ares asked with a smirk because he knew what the Royals wanted. He knew they were following Nava for months. "Since you're so clever, why don't you tell us?", the one with white hair asked.

"I've noticed how your cars have been following one of my courtesans and I know that you want her, so we can make a deal. I will give you exclusivity to her, at a fair price of course, and in return. You leave my brothel alone. You will not ask for anything, you will not demand anything. You will protect me against anyone who wants to know more about how I do business and who I do business with. What do you say?", Ares asked with a smile.

"That's a very nice offer. However, what makes you think that we would want to take it? If we want her, We can take her and there's nothing you can do about it", finally the one with the gold hair said making Ares laugh.

"I know you're used to getting what you want but this is different, I can assure you. She's not someone you want to mess with, there's only one person that she listens to and that is me. If you grab her against her will. She will never submit to you but if I tell her that you're the client, she will do whatever you want and in the end, you'll get exactly what you want... her to pleasure you? Submit to you? Accept you? Only I can make that happen. I know what she means to you so it's up to you. How do you want to play this", he said confidently knowing that Nava was going to hate him for making this deal. The two looked at each other. It was obvious that they were mind-linking. Ares remained quiet, he knew they would never refuse him. No one had ever refused the deals he made.

"Fine, we accept your offer. However, she belongs to us and only us. She should be given royal treatment is that something you can do Alpha?", the one with gold hair asked. "Yes. I'll send the bill", Ares replied confidently. "How long do you need for her to be ready?", the one with white hair asked. "A month", Ares replied then left.

He passed by a bar that was right outside the Royal Pack's bourder. The place was full and lively. He sat at the bar counter and asked for a beer. He drank slowly while looking around and listening to the band. It had been a while since he was able to enjoy life outside of his Pack. Matter of fact, this was his second time outside of his pack.

It wasn't easy for him to be away from his people. He knew that he needed to do whatever it took to make sure that they were healthy and safe not that he didn't think of revenge, he did. He just had other priorities at hand. He had to make sure that everyone was accounted for and no one was suffering financially. His brothel and club were able to do that. He was able to feed his whole pack even though the club was managed by his Beta, Armand. He needed more if that meant he had to work with the Werewolf Royal family. Then he was ready to do so, either way, he was going to do whatever it took to make sure that he had the support from one of the Royal families something that his king failed to give him.

Thoughts about Nava crossed his mind. He thought about how she was going to react but he told himself that it wouldn't be that bad. Nava valued family, it was everything to her, and it still is even though she lost everything during the great war, she still considered him and Sophia along with Armand as her family so he knew, once he explained to her what was at stake, she would accept what he had planned. She would do whatever it took to make sure that their pack remained united. He remembered the day that he rescued Nava and Sophia when they were teenagers, the day that he decided to take them in, the day that he decided they were going to be his family.

Ares would never admit to the girls how he felt about them. Why they were getting special treatment? Unlike other women that were in his brothel, they were not only his workers, he considered them as his everything which is why he was very protective over them. Whenever they wanted to go somewhere, they had to go with bodyguards even though they didn't like it. He needed to remain in control.

He wondered why the Royals were so keen on investing in Nava's comfortability. What was so special about her that they couldn't resist her charm? He wondered how could Lagon resist her charms and the Royals fail.

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