The Mystery Client

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Nava's POV

Nava had just finished taking a bath when there was a knock on her door. She tried recalling if she had anyone booked for the day, but she couldn't. She hated when Ares booked last-minute clients, even though it was a nice distraction from the usual alcohol consumption, she still wanted to be prepared for her clients. 

When she opened the door, she found herself face to face with a well-built chest covered with a fancy suit, she looked up to see a man who looked out of place with an unsure expression on his face.

"Can I help you?", she asked with her hand on her hip. He was huge, definitely a dragon. He had deep green eyes and blonde hair. He looked nervous. "I'm here for the Temptress", he said. "Well I don't have an appointment with anyone today", Nava said looking at him in the eyes. "I know, I didn't book in advance. I just got here", he said running his hand over his hair. "Wait here", she said closing the door on his face.

She took her phone and called Ares. "Why do I have someone at my door on my day off?", she asked without any greeting. "I thought you didn't care", he replied dryly.

"Argh! Fine", she hung up and returned to the door, opening it wider this time around. "Come in", she said and watched him walk in. There was something familiar about him but she couldn't point out what it was. He sat on the loveseat that was facing her bed and watched her. She removed her towel, and he took her in and then licked his lips. It made her feel powerful.

She walked towards him slowly until she was right in front of him then kneeled. She placed her hands on his knees and then spread them apart so she was close to his center. She ran her hands up to his thighs lightly earning a growl. It startled her considering it was a wolf growl and he was a dragon, she was certain of it.

"What do you need big guy?", she asked then bit her lower lip. His breathing turned uneven and she knew he had already surrendered to her. "I want you to be my whore", he said in a steady voice. Another surprise. "That can be arranged. Take off your clothes, I wouldn't like to see that fancy suit of yours tainted", she said then stood up and waited.

He did as she instructed without breaking eye contact. He was full of muscle, his body resembled a carved Greek god. It was too perfect. She wondered what he was. He did look troubled by the way she was analyzing him.

She yelped as he suddenly lifted her off the ground. "I prefer standing", he said then pulled her in a kiss before she could register what was happening. It was a sensual kiss, it was slow as if his only intention was to explore her mouth, and it made her body shiver.

"That felt... refreshing", he said the moment he pulled back for air. Nava's eyes were still closed. It was like she was transported to another world. A smile appeared on her face the moment she opened her eyes to meet his deep green ones making her client smile back.

She pulled him in for a hungry kiss that made him growl... again. It had been a while since she felt connected to anyone. Since Niall and the Royals. She needed to feel more of it. His cock entered her making her moan into the kiss but still kept their lips connected. He fucked her over and over.

On the coffee table, the loveseat, the bathroom, and finally on her bed. "I thought you preferred standing", Nava teased. "I haven't done that in a very long time so my memory is a bit rusty", he said while resting his head between her boobs. "Me too", she found herself replying.

"My name is Allen by the way", he said but she didn't reply with hers. This was the part that she always avoided. "Nice to meet you Allen", she said with her eyes closed.

He pulled back and kissed her lips. She welcomed him. "Look at me, please", he said in a deep voice and she did. "I know you don't do this but I would like to know you more", he said searching her eyes. She smiled, he reminded her of Niall. The connection they had. If it was the old Nava, she would have let him in but she already learned her lesson the hard way. 

"It's ok if you don't want to... Can I at least see you again?", he said while getting out of bed before she could reply. She didn't want him to leave. "Yes", she said while watching him put on his clothes. He smirked when their eyes met. "Good. Thank you for your time Temptress", he said then walked out of her room.

All the memories started rushing back to her, the times Niall made her laugh, eating ice cream with Sophia without a care in the world. How she refused to answer her calls when she tried reaching out to her. It all felt overwhelming to the point where she didn't realize that she was crying. She sat on the floor and cried until she fell asleep on the floor.

When she woke up she was on the bed and spooned, she turned to see a very pregnant Sophia holding on to her while snoring like a broken car. She smiled and snuggled into her even more, giving in to sleep once again. 

"You smell so good Nava", Sophia said making Nava wake up with a smile. "And you look so... huge. How many babies are you having?", she asked while turning to face her friend. She smiled as they both looked down at her swollen belly. "Three", Sophia replied with excitement. "Waoh! Lagon has super sperm. Who knew?", Nava teased her friend who ended up blushing. "Oh my gosh! You're blushing? Who are you and what did you do to my sister?", she asked and instead of getting a smile, Sophia's eyes started to water.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?", Nava asked moving in a sitting position. Sophia shook her head. "I'm fine, I just... I haven't heard you say that in a while. It brought back amazing memories. I want her back... my Nava. The one who used to smile and go eat ice cream with me. The one who was happy", she said the last part in a low voice making Nava pull her up so they were both sitting on the bed.

"Sophia, I'm scared. You have no idea what it felt like. Feeling unworthy, feeling used, I felt cursed. I just... I felt lost and I couldn't be a burden to you considering Lagon had just claimed you", she explained hoping that Sophia would stop crying. "You're more important to me Nava", she said with more tears in her eyes making Nava feel even more guilty. "I'm sorry", was the only thing she could say. Sophia looked around the room and then back at her then asked, "Will you come with me to the dragon kingdom?".

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