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Allen's POV

He reached his office and changed into his combat attire.

The best part of Allen's day was when he got to train with his army. He was grateful that Magnus was able to step in and help Nava with Treloar's Farm. He was proud that she was able to adapt to the new environment.

He was about to leave for training when his phone rang. He answered it, "Treloar", "Sir, you have visitors", his receptionist said. "Sure", he answered and hung up.

A few minutes later the receptionist walked in with the King and his sons. They looked surprised. He didn't blame him. The only people who saw him in his combat attire were his army and everyone who worked at the King's Guard HQ.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the King's Guard HQ. My apologies, I didn't know we had a meeting today", he said with a serious face. Cosmo looked uncomfortable so he knew things were going to fall off the wagon yet again.

"We didn't. We wanted to discuss something with you, now. If you don't mind", Hector said making him nod and direct them to the lounge section of his office. "You look different today", Orion said as they were sitting. "Yes. The Captain had some errands to run so I had to step in for him in training", he explained. "You can fight?", Orion asked sarcastically. "You'd be surprised", he said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"We request your assistance in retrieving Christopher and putting him in one of the safe houses", Hector said in what seemed like a command. "No", he replied then stood up, heading to the door. He was turned back aggressively and got pinned by the wall with an elbow at his neck by a pissed-off Hector. He rolled his eyes. It startled Hector.

"Cosmo", Allen called the King without looking away from Hector. He was a Prince to the rest of the world but to him, a mere pup with anger issues. "You will address him by his title", Hector demanded. "Or what Pup?", he said with a smile making him pull back only to land a punch on his face. He hit him three times making him furrow his brows. He wondered if the King was letting his son disrespect him so that he could lose control or if he was just playing dumb.

He turned to look at Hector who seemed surprised when he saw Allen was still standing. "The only reason you're still alive is because I have utmost respect for your father but let me be clear. The next time you touch me, I WILL END YOU", he warned while walking towards him. He wanted to give in to his anger so badly but he had to keep his word.

"Hector, like I said before, you will do this on your own. We need him in our custody so that Marcus doesn't have an upper hand. Arguing with the Councilman will not make that happen, you got it?", the King finally spoke.

He stepped back and looked at Allen with furrowed brows then walked out of his office followed by Orion. "Cosmo, do you need help fixing your family?", he asked the King. "You will not touch my sons. I will keep them in line", he said looking worried. "Like you did today? I meant what I said before if he touches me again. I will kill him", he said as the King walked out of his office.

'How's Nava?', he mind-linked Magnus. 'Exctatic. We're working on the plans for everything. The branding is done, we're arranging the stock now. This is awesome man. I can't believe you didn't come up with this idea before. She's a great Luna Queen', Magnus said making Allen smile. He was calmer. That's what he wanted. Someone to cool him off. For some reason hearing Nava was having a great day made him feel calm.

'What are the guys saying about her?', he asked hoping to hear if his warriors had the same energy Magnus had when he was around Nava. 'You mean other than forgetting you exist? Well, let's just say you no longer have warriors anymore. Like I said. She's a great Luna Queen. Conall did well Boss. I gotta go, she's calling me', Magnus said then closed the link.

"Sir, they're waiting for you", his secretary said bringing him back to reality. It was time for training.

"Hey, Boss. You look different", one of his warriors said as he walked into the room. "I feel different", he said then stood in the middle of the ground. "I believe you know why you have been specifically requested. Magnus tells me you're the best and you have been 'studying me' so let's see what you can do. No magic", he said with his hands up in surrender.

"What's the winner's move", a woman warrior asked with an evil smile. It made Allen smile. Her determination reminded him of Philomena. "Blood", he said and watched as they all charged at him at the same time. He could hear all their movements at the same time which was new to him.

One went for his hands while the other landed the first punch. He smirked then broke out of the hold and elbowed him on the shoulder hearing it pop out of its socket as he flew across the wall. He kept throwing punches nonstop stop moving fast before they could recover from shock, the speed making him feel light as a feather, which was yet another thing that was new to him.

He went to the one with a dislocated shoulder. "Are you ok soldier?", "Yes boss, I need a hand though", he said with a smile. He fixed his shoulder then helped him up. "You are mated aren't you?", one of them asked. "What gives?", Allen asked sarcastically. "That was wicked boss. You kinda make us crave seeing you on the battlefield. This patrol thing is very exhausting", the woman said making him smile.

"Sklyar, it's our job to protect the Kingdom", Allen said making the whole group look at him like he grew two heads. "What?", he asked not able to understand what he did wrong. "You know my name?", she asked looking surprised. "Yes, I know the names of all my soldiers and I know them too", he said then started walking away. "Oh and... Tee, get that shoulder looked at", he said earning another gasp. Tee was his nickname and only someone in his inner circle would know, proving his point.

He walked into his office only to find Hector waiting for him. "What now?", he asked annoyingly. "Our wives know. They overheard us talk about her and I think they're planning something. I just thought you should know and maybe... put a bodyguard on her or something. They can be slippery at times, with us not around it could be worse", he finished then left. It made Allen release a breath.

'The princesses just found out that Nava is the fated mate of the Royal twins. Hector thinks they might plan something to harm her. Put a discrete detail on her', he mindlinked Magnus. 'Way ahead of you boss they started yesterday', he replied.

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