Openning Day

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Nava's POV

It was the opening day of Treloar's Farm produce store. Nava was so nervous and she wanted everything to go perfectly. "You worry too much Nava, everything is going to be fine, you'll see", Rhonesha told her but she didn't pay any attention to her. She was worried that she might trip or say something wrong or even forget something especially since she was going to dedicate the whole thing to Allen and his family.

"It's time Boss lady", Magnus said making her release a breath. She had invited the whole council and there were caterers for snacks and drinks everything made from Allen's farm. "Ok, let's do this", she said then led the way to a tiny stage that was prepared outside the store, the entrance door was closed and had a huge green ribbon on it. She went on the stage and locked her eyes with the addictive green ones feeling her confidence go up.

"Good afternoon everyone and thank you for coming. It's been a long time coming and I would like to thank Magnus, Rhonesha, and the whole Treloar's Farm team for making this happen. Without further ado, I would like to call Councilman Allen to join me on stage", she said making Allen's body tense. It made her giggle. He walked up to her and smiled.

"Before I met this man I was known as The Temptress. A path that was chosen for me a long time ago. I never knew that it was possible to change paths until now. Unlike others, he didn't try to control me. He gave me the freedom to choose who I wanted to be. I know for a fact that going into agriculture was not what he thought I would do considering the fact that he hates going to the farm", the last part made everyone laugh.

She turned to Allen and looked into his eyes. "I know that family means the world to you which is why I would like to dedicate this store to our family, the Late King Alexander Treloar, the Late Queen Marietta Treloar, and Captain of the King's Guard Philomena Treloar. They are forever in our hearts and they are the source of our motivation. Would you do the honours and cut the ribbon, giving us your blessings to officially start our family business?", she asked and he nodded with a proud smile. She smiled back as people clapped, then led him towards the ribbon where Magnus was waiting with a pillow that had a pair of scissors.

She stood aside and watched as he cut the ribbon making everyone cheer. She gestured for him to open the doors and he did. He was awfully quiet but she knew he was processing things and that he was not used to being put in the spotlight.

Rhonesha took the reigns when they got in, she told everyone about the fruits and vegetables that would be available at the store. Allen was listening attentively with pride all over his face making Nava smile. "This is amazing Sis, I'm so proud of you", Sophia whispered in Nava's ear making her yelp.

"What in the world are you doing here? Lagon what the hell!", she whispered and shouted at the couple who were too distracted by the surroundings. Sophia was on her last month of pregnancy which is why they weren't invited to the opening. Nava furrowed her brows and shoved Lagon who almost fell. She pulled him before anyone could see. "What the hell Nav!", Lagon whispered. "I'm sorry", she said in a rush.

"You better be, you almost killed my baby daddy", Sophia said looking shocked. "It's because of the bond isn't it?", she asked. "Yeah... I've been... changing", she said making them look at her like she was supposed to explain more. "Can we talk about this later?", she pleaded.

"This is quite a place, Nava, congratulations", she turned to see Councilman Marcus. "Thank you, I hope to see you often", she said with a smile that faded the moment Brielle and Simone appeared. "Have you met my daughters?", he asked stepping aside a bit. "Yes, Councilman Marcus. Welcome to my store Your Majesties", she said with furrowed brows just in time for Rhonesha to call her over.

She welcomed her guests to the snacks section and made sure everyone had a drink, especially Allen. He looked relaxed now and was talking to Councilman Greyson and Councilman Arthur they were the ones he seemed closest to.

"Nava, hi, so I was wondering if we could talk in private", Brielle said. It was a weird request but Nava decided to accept. They went to the back of the store and found Simone sitting on a plastic chair waiting for them. She stood up the moment their eyes met.

She was about to talk when Magnus appeared with two other men. "Hello ladies, don't mind us we're just getting some fresh air", he said.

He leaned on the wall while the other two men kept looking at Simone and Brielle. It was weird. "What did you want to talk about?", Nava asked the ladies who seemed distracted by Magnus' presence. "Never mind. We're gonna go now. See you around Nava", Simone said then they walked away leaving her behind.

"What was that about?", Magnus asked. "I don't know. They wanted to talk to me in private. I guess they changed their mind", she said while shrugging her shoulders making Magnus nod.

"Thank you for this. It wouldn't have happened without you guys", she said to all three men making the two weirdly serious ones smile briefly. "Anything for you Miss Nava", they said at the same time making her smile and then walk back in.

"Where did you go to? I wanted to say goodbye before we left", Sophia said looking sleepy. "I'm sorry Sis. Brielle said she wanted to talk to me in private so I went to listen to her, then we found Simone waiting for us but they left as soon as Magnus appeared", she explained to her friend who hugged her and left with a curious-looking Lagon.

She turned and saw everyone was having a great time. It made her smile. Rhonesha was right, everything went well after all.

"You know, we haven't seen Allen this happy in years", a woman that Nava remembered from the Council meeting as Aria said to Clayton. She smiled the moment their eyes met. She was Councilman Greyson's mate while Clayton was Councilman Arthur's second in command. "Thank you for coming today. Your support means a lot", Nava said respectfully making them lightly bow their heads.

"Thank you. It had been a while since anyone invited us to anything other than the boring Alpha meetings or one of the King's boring parties", Clayton said making Aria laugh. "Oh, why are they boring? No music?", Nava asked curiously. "Let me put it this way. The Royal events are usually about them parading what they have achieved so far and us watching and pretending we're supportive", Clayton said and Aria nodded in agreement. "Waoh! I guess I shouldn't be excited then", Nava said making the two laugh.

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