The Luna Queen

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Nava's POV

'Hello human, my name is Aella. I pledge my loyalty to you. Accept me and we shall make all who wronged you suffer and perish by my hand. I will make you the most powerful supernatural ever to walk your world', Nava heard a voice through her mind link. It was filled will power and something wicked.

'Who are you?', she asked. 'I am your lycan, my child. I was locked away for a very long time. I have been trying to connect with you but something was blocking me from reaching you. Someone didn't want us to be together until now, your near-death experience broke my restraints and now I'm here.

You are filled with so much pain and I want to avenge you. I want to redeem myself for not being there for you. Accept me and I will make sure no one hurts you or your loved ones ever again', the voice said making Nava recall the pain of being rejected and finally the pain of losing her babies.

It was something she didn't want to go through again.

'Aella, I accept you', she said then waited to hear Aella speak, but she didn't get a reply.

"Niall wait! This might be the hunters trying to pin us against each other. It happened before so let's remain calm", she heard Allen speak. "How can you ask me to do something like that? Look at her!", Niall barked.

"Allen", she called then forced her eyes to open. "Nava... my love. Thank you, goddess. Don't move, let me call Gordon", Allen said while holding onto her hand, she looked at their joint hands, she barely recognized her own.

'Tell him to step back, I need to heal you', Aella said making Nava hum. "Allen... please step back", she said in a low voice. He looked confused but nodded and did as she requested. She felt her body being lifted and her bones starting to crack. 

It hurt like a bitch.

She started screaming in pain.

'Aella! It hurts. Make it stop please', she told her lycan. 'You only need to endure it this once Nava. It hurts because you have never transformed before... Trust me' she said in a comforting voice making Nava accept and give Aella full control.

When her feet finally touched the ground, her eyes opened, everything looked so small and she was covered with black fur. 

That's when she realized. She was seeing things from Aella's view.

'Our mate looks delicious', she said then purred making Nava's eyes go wide. 'Really? I'm experiencing this for the first time and you're ogling at Allen instead of comforting me!', she asked making Aella chuckle. A jolt of electricity ran through their body making Nava feel super horny all of a sudden only to realize she was still checking Allen out. 'Aella! Focus!', she screamed bringing her lycan back to reality.

'Who might you be?', Conall's voice reached their mindlink. 'Aella... mate!', was all she said. Allen transformed into Conall in a blink then pulled them by the waist and bit Aella on the neck where the mark was supposed to be. She roared then held on tighter to him.

She felt the coldness of the floor on her back and realized she was on the floor with Conall hovering over them. 'Are you ready for me?', he asked Aella who only released a breath. Conall entered their cunt in one aggressive thrust making Aella whimper but it didn't stop his assault. He started thrusting in their cunt so fast that made Aella make weird noises that resembled moaning. 'So warm', Conall said making Aella give in to her orgasm.

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