Business Owner

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Nava's POV

It had been a whole month. Nava was able to narrow down the list of things she wanted to be selling.

Magnus was still working on getting a place for her to open her produce shop. Although she was impatient at first. Allen was able to calm her down and tell her how Magnus was doing his best to get her the perfect space.

"Nava! I think I found it, let's go", Magnus shouted not caring that he had found her straddling Allen and eating his face with his finger on her bud in his office. "Oh my god, Magnus! Don't you knock?", she said pulling away from a smiling Allen. She was embarrassed but Magnus didn't seem to care.

"Sorry, can we go now?", he said in a hurry. "I've never seen you this excited with my tasks", Allen said with amusement. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe it's because you're a rude boss?", he declared putting a hand across Nava's shoulder. "Is that so?", Allen said with a smirk.

"Nava let's go!", Magnus said then pulled Nava out of the office in a rush.

"What's the hurry?", Nava asked failing to understand. "Didn't you see that evil look on his face? He does that every time he's about to give us a hundred laps for a month. I hate laps", he said while opening his car door for her. "What? Wolves love running. At least that's what I heard. And when does he give you laps? I barely see him exercise".

"You heard right... I still hate it and as for the boss exercising, where do you think he goes when he's not home?", Magnus asked her making her think for a while. He was the one in charge of security so it would make sense for him to train the King's Guard.

"You mean he was a warrior? I thought you lead the King's Guard", Nava asked Magnus as they drove away from the Treloar mansion. "You are correct again. Who do you think trained me into becoming the best warrior?", Magnus said while wiggling his brows. It made Nava laugh. She thought of how their story was.

They reached an empty store that was in the middle of the busy street. There was an old woman waiting for them. "Hello, Ma'am. This is Nava, mate of Councilman Allen. Nava this is Pricilla. The owner of the building and soon-to-be your Landlady", Magnus introduced the two ladies. The moment they walked into the store Nava knew it was the one.

"This is it Magnus", she said excitedly making the old woman laugh. "I knew you would like it", he answered then two men entered and started looking at the place as Nava and Pricilla did the paperwork. Pricilla soon handed the keys to Nava and left. She was officially the property owner.

"These are your interior designers and they want to know the name of the place", Magnus said introducing her to the two men that had been inspecting the place. "Nice to meet you both, can I make a quick phone call before answering?", she asked making them both smile. She walked to her soon-to-be office and took out her phone, she called Allen who answered on the first ring. "Let me guess. You didn't like it?", he asked before she could say anything. It made her laugh.

"For your information, you are currently talking to an owner of a produce store", she said with sass making him laugh. "Finally, I was beginning to doubt Magnus and wanted to get into it myself", he said making her roll her eyes. "So, the interior designers wanted to know the name of the place and I was wondering if it was ok for me to name it Treloar's Farm, since it's a family business and everything is from the family farm... you know, just keep things original. So... what do you think?", she asked and waited. It took him a while.

"It's fine with me", he answered sounding unsure. "You don't sound too pleased with it. What's wrong?", she asked. "I am, believe me. I've just never expected you to ask me something like that", he sounded weird making Nava more uncomfortable. "You know what? It's ok, I can just find anot-", "You will do no such thing. Like you said it's our family business and I want it to be called that, understood?", he told her in a serious tone making her smile.

"Yes. Thank you. I love you Al", she said with a smile. "I love you more and I can't wait to see what the place looks like", he said then hung up.

She found the guys already drawing plans with logo ideas, "How did you know we were gonna call it Treloar's Farm?". "We're werewolves Nava", Magnus said as if it was supposed to mean something. "We have super hearing Lu- Miss Nava", one of the guys said and got elbowed before he was done talking. She ignored the gesture and nodded. They walked her through the idea and the timelines. In two weeks she was going to open her shop. It made her feel super excited.

"Let's grab lunch before heading back. Do you know any good place we could go to?", she asked Magnus who agreed and offered the places he knew. They ended up agreeing to a drive-thru.

"I missed these burgers", Magnus said as they ate the takeaway food they bought in her kitchen. She agreed, the food was amazing, it reminded her of when Sophia and her used to have their lunch dates. She missed her friend. "I agree. You know Sophia and I used to go out and eat at places like these all the time and now we're miles apart. I kinda miss those days", she said with a smile.

"I hear you. Before Allen became the councilman. We used to party like crazy and hang out, the dude got dance moves you wouldn't believe if you saw him, it was just awesome", the way Magnus talked about their happy days surprised Nava. She wanted to know more. "How did you two meet?", she asked curiously. "You're trying to make me spill the beans aren't you?", he teased making her nod and laugh.

"Yes, please. He looked so uptight. When I met him the first time I thought he didn't know how to laugh", she confessed making Magnus laugh. "Well Nava, you will be pleased to know that he wasn't that type of guy. I met him during the war of the races. The death of his brother made every supernatural get power-hungry. It was a mess. I was one of the top soldiers reporting directly to Philomena. I had the same notion you did, that he was just all talk and no bark but he tore a witch who wanted to burn me alive in pieces right before my very eyes. I swore to follow him wherever he went ever since" he said with pride making Nava smile.

"Was he close with his brother?", she asked. "Yes, very close, one would think they were twins", Magnus said making her smile. It was good to know something about Allen.

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