The Garden

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Nava's POV

Nava went to their bedroom and took a shower. She put on some pants and then followed Allen's instructions to where the garden was.

"Holy shit! This is no garden, it's a fucking farm! Who in the world has a farm in their backyard!", she said to herself not knowing that there was someone right behind her. She turned the moment she heard them laugh. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to shout like that", she said to the old woman who was laughing at her. "No worries my dear, I did the same thing when I saw it for the first time", she said while approaching her. 

"When was that?", Nava asked while helping her with the basket she was holding. "Oh a long time ago. You are aware of Master Allen's nature right?", she asked with a raised brow. Her eyes fell on Nava's mark and a smile appeared on her face. "He has chosen a mate... finally. I've been praying for that", she said while her smile got bigger as they walked deeper into the farm.

"My name is Rhonesha by the way. I look after the farm", she said lovingly. "Oh! I'm Nava. Please excuse my manners", she nervously. "His mate yes?", she asked. "Yes", Nava replied suddenly feeling shy. "I'm happy that he chose you, you have a powerful aura just like him. Tell me, would you like to help me pick out some ripe mangoes and pull some carrots? I must warn you though. The humidity out here is not as in the fancy mansion", she said with a smile.

It was Nava's dream come true. "Yes, but I've never done it before but I would love to. I promise I'm a fast learner", she said with too much excitement that made Rhonesha laugh. "Waoh! You're the complete opposite of him. I've met you in less than two minutes and I'm already filled with happiness. This is the best day ever", she said while reaching the carrots section.

She taught Nava how to pull carrots from the ground and then how to pick ripe mangoes.

"This is a lot of fruits and vegetables, what happens to the ones that aren't eaten?", "Well, we throw them away", she answered as if it was a normal thing to say. It gave Nava an idea of what she could do, all she needed was Allen's help to make it happen.

After going through the routine of taking care of the farm under the guidance of Rhonesha. She returned to the house.

It was already sundown and she was sweating bullets. She had never engaged herself in so much work before but she was happy to learn. Farming was hard which made her smile when she knew that was the reason her mate hated it. She prepared a bath and then sat in it with a glass of wine on a stool next to the tub.

"You look relaxed. May I join you?", his heavy voice woke her up making her smile. She fell asleep in the tub and the water was now room temperature. He approached the tub then put his hand in it and suddenly the water was hot in a soothing way. She watched him as he did it. His eyes glowed in the green shade that she found mesmerizing.

"Thank you", "Anything for you My love", he said then started removing his suit. "Anything?", she teased making him chuckle. "Yes, Nava... anything", he said then turned his back on her as he removed the rest of his clothes remaining with only his boxers.

"As much as I want you to think I'm talking about sex, I'm not. I just want to start a business with Rhonesha", she said making him turn and raise a brow.

"Well, you throw away a lot of fruits and vegetables and I want us to sell them instead", she said nervously. "Go on...", he said leaning on the edge of the wall that had the sinks with his hands crossed on his chest.

"I want you to open a produce shop for me. I will run the shop while Rhonesha handles the farm. Her job will be stocking the shop for me", she explained and watched as he looked like he was processing things. "I've never thought of that, honestly. I think it's a brilliant idea. What did Rhonesha think about it?", he asked while removing his boxers.

Nava's attention went away with it. She licked her lips making him clear his throat. "What?", "I asked what Rhonesha thought of the idea", he said then entered the tub sitting right behind her. "I haven't told her yet. I wanted your permission before I told her", she explained making him hum in approval.

"I'll tell Magnus to set something up for you. You can give him an idea and he will sort you out", he said reaching for the washcloth and then started cleaning himself.

"Allen, we can't ask him to do that. He's the Captain of the King's Guard, not your errand boy", she said with furrowed brows. "He's whoever I want him to be, don't worry", he said with a weak smile. "I don't think that's right Allen. It sounds disrespectful", she assured him. "No, it's not. Trust me. He has been eager to work with you ever since he met you, at least this is more productive than you two assessing what powers you got from mating", he said while relaxing in the tub. "Fine!", she said then drank the rest of the wine that she had. She got out of the tub leaving Allen in it.

She went to the kitchen and tried to make dinner for them. It ended up being a disaster. She burned the sauce for the pasta and forgot to put seasoning on the chicken breasts. She screamed in frustration as Allen appeared with a towel hanging on his waist.

"It's the gesture that matters My love, seat", he said making her huff. It was clear that he wanted to laugh but was trying to hold himself back. "You can go ahead and laugh. I know it's funny to you", she said matter of factly. He laughed while trying to clean the burned saucepan. It made her laugh too. Hearing him laugh was addicting and rare so it felt nice.

"I love you. I hope you know that", she said without thinking making him turn from where he was standing and face her. His facial expression turned serious. He walked towards her. Lifted her on the kitchen counter and then caged her between his hands. "I love you too Nava. More than anything in this world", he said looking at her in the eyes.

She put her hands on either side of his face then pulled him in for a kiss. It was meant to be innocent but Allen had other plans. He took her from the kitchen to the living room and made love to her on the couch. When he was satisfied, he left her there and went back to the kitchen to continue making dinner.

He made the same thing she tried to make and fed her.

It made her happy.

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