The New Client

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Nava's POV

Nava woke up to the sound of someone knocking on her door like they wanted to break it. She looked to the side and saw that she was alone. She looked at the sofa and there was no suit. Niall had left. As she woke up aiming to open the door she saw a bouquet of beautiful white lilies set on the bedside table that was on her side of the bed. She recalled that they were Niall's favorite flowers. It was a wonderful gesture and it made her smile.

The door was opened and to her surprise it was Ares. "Are you ok? Niall told me about the werewolves", he asked looking concerned. "I'm fine Alpha", she said with a smile. "Are you sure?", he asked again and her eyes fell on the lilies. "I'm positive", she said making Ares clear his throat.

"Be careful Temptress. You can't allow yourself to get attached ok?", he said in a serious tone. "What do you mean?", she questioned him. "I mean that these men only see you as a tool to bring them pleasure, once they get their mates, they'll move on so don't fall for their tiny gestures thinking they mean something more. Are we clear?", he said using his Alpha command making her flinch. "Yes Alpha", she replied with a bow, a sign of submission.

"Fuck! I'm sorry Nava", he said making a tear leave her eye. "I just want to keep you safe", he tried winning her back but it was too late. He had broken a promise that he made to her. He used the Alpha command on her. "I understand Alpha. M-m-may I be excused?", she asked still looking at her feet. He didn't answer her. He stormed out of her room leaving her in tears.

"Hey, what happened? I heard Ares shouting from across the hall. Talk to me Nava", Sophia asked but all that Nava could do was cry. "If you don't wanna talk, I'll go ask Ares myself", Sophia said then stormed out of the room as well.

Nava was still trying to understand what was happening. She took a shower and then decided to go to town and get some fresh air. She put on a maxi dress and sunglasses. She called a taxi and went to the first ice cream shop the driver saw. She ordered her favorite flavour, cookies, and cream, and started eating slowly.

A black Mercedes Maybach S parked right outside of the shop drawing attention to itself. Nava was busy admiring the car when a driver got out and opened the back door. A very sexy man emerged from the car. He was wearing a black shirt, with black jeans and Dita eyewear with oversized pilot frames. He looked very sexy. He entered the ice cream shop and scanned the area like he was looking for someone. His eyes fell on Nava and he smiled. She looked away quickly and continued to eat her ice cream while going through Instagram.

"Is this seat taken?", a heavy voice asked making her look up to meet dark brown eyes. She looked to her left and right just to be sure he was talking to her. It made him chuckle. "Uh! Yes... I mean No! Fuck!", she cursed looking out the window to avoid the awkwardness.

"Hi, Temptress. I'm Fernando. Your new client", he said eating his ice cream slowly while looking at her. "What?", she asked looking shocked. "Yeah! Ares told me you needed some time alone but I couldn't wait. I needed to see you", he said licking his lips. His Italian accent was deep making him look even sexier. "What time?", she asked feeling the air between them get thicker. "Weekends", he said with his eyes trained on her lips. "That's two days and you still haven't mentioned the time", she said with a smile. "I have", he said then smiled back. Nava's eyes went wide. "What are you?", she asked. "You'll find out on Saturday no?" He asked standing up. He kissed her forehead and then left.

She found herself smiling when he winked at her before entering his fancy car. He reminded her of her bear shifter client. They had the same bad boy vibes but the bear never showed his emotions until the door was locked. She hoped that he was skilled.

Her phone rang and it was Sophia. "Where are you?", "In town", "I talked to Ares. He's stupid and he's sorry. Come back please. Lagon just told me I'm his mate and I'm freaking out", she said and warmth entered Nava's heart. Her friend was finally getting her happy ending. "I'll be right there. I'm coming for you though. Not him", "I know Sis", she said then hung up.

She walked back to the brothel not aware that there was a black SUV following her. She entered the building and went straight to Sophia's room where she found her deep in thought.

"Hello Mate!", Nava said with a huge smile which wasn't returned. "Sophia, I told you ages ago that he was your mate. What's the big deal? I thought you wanted it to be true", "Of course I do but did you ever stop to think of his title? He's a fucking prince and I'm a prostitute!", she shouted. "So? You needed to survive. Are you saying that if we could have had other jobs we couldn't have taken them?", she challenged her friend. "Of course we would. We never wanted to be courtesans. This was the only thing we could fucking do and it's costing me a mate!", Sophia said with so much pain.

"Did he say that he didn't want you?", Nava asked while kneeling in front of her devastated friend. "No, he didn't. He said that his mother talked him into telling me the truth because he was scared that I would leave him", she explained. "Would you?", "No. He's the love of my life. Do you know how many times I had to stop myself from telling him that I love him?", she said with tears in her eyes. The news shocked Nava. She was happy and sad at the same time.

"Sophia breathe. I think you're misreading the situation. Tell me what happened in the order that it did", Nava told her friend. Sophia released a breath and then started over. "I was having a bath and he barged in as usual. He pulled me out, placed me on the bed, and made love to me then when we were done he said that he had something to tell me.

Then he said we're mates and that's the reason why he's paying for exclusivity. He was afraid that telling me would chase me away so he settled with making sure I was only his. Then yesterday he met his mum who told him that if he wanted to be bossy with me then he had to tell me the truth. I panicked and told him I needed time to think, I'll call him when I'm ready to talk", she finished.

"So his mother knows and she's ok with it sooo", Nava said with a smile. "Shit! I screwed this one up huh?", she asked making Nava nod.

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