The Mate Bond

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Nava's POV

It had been a month since the Royals visited Nava for the first time. She didn't mind the disappearance, it gave her time to heal and also catch up with Sophia and Lagon. She even had time to speak to Niall.

"Tingles are the first sign of the mate bond. I guarantee you that they're your mates", Sophia said as they were eating the food that was prepared by the Chef that was assigned to her by Ares. Lagon didn't seem interested in what they were talking about he cared more about eating. Nava was sure he had consumed food that was enough to feed three people. He didn't seem to mind not being part of the conversation even though Nava wanted to know from him what the mate bond was and what it meant to the supernaturals.

"Lagon, can you tell me more about the mate bond? I need to understand it because when Hector kissed the back of my neck, I felt tingles something that had never happened before. When we're making love, I feel like there's something powerful coming into my body. It feels like my body is coming alive, something has changed within me. I can feel it. I don't know what but I feel different.  Even though they haven't been around for a whole month, I feel like they're close to me. I feel connected to them, how is that even possible?", she said.

"Ok, ok... the mate bond was created by the moon goddess herself at least that's what they tell us. I'm the Prince so I guess I believe it too. Mates are created to complete us, ground us, and basically keep us sane. It is said that in ancient times there was no such thing as mate bonds.  She trusted the species to choose who they wanted to mate with peacefully but they started fighting over women. In the beginning, it was normal arguments that were settled by pack meetings but soon they became fights and it led to war. That's when she decided to create the mate bond.

When two supernaturals complete the mating process they're able to feel what their mate feels. A mate can heal your wound, all you need is to drink their blood. A mate can make you powerful by adding more power to you the moment the bond is complete, bottom line is they make us better.

Mates are supposed to be valued more than anything in our world. For example, my Sophia means everything to me. I'm willing to sacrifice anything just to make her happy. To some, this is viewed as a weakness but to others, it is a source of strength. Something that every leader needs, that's why all royals are advised to make sure they find their mates and seal the bond with them. Not the other way around.

The things that you say you feel, are actually part of the mate bond. The tingles, the power, and the connection are what we usually feel when we meet our mates. I agree with Sophia, they are your mates but you won't know for sure until they claim you...because you're human and all", Lagon finished then returned his attention to the food.

"Ok! So they would know if I was right? I mean if they knew, they would have told me right? This is so confusing, on one end, I want to let this go but on the other, I really want to know if I'm they're my mates. I asked Niall but he didn't want to tell me anything. He said that it was not his place to tell me. Do you think I should ask them?", Nava asked her friend.

Sophia looked more confused, "Honestly Nava, I don't know. I guess you could. But what if they have their reasons for not saying anything? I mean we all know that the Werewolf King hates humans, that might complicate things for you. Not that you're not enough but because they're Royals. We haven't even started talking about the fact that their father is responsible for the death of your pack and your parents. Is it something that you're ready to deal with because that's the door you're about to unlock? This is more on you girl. You need to figure out what you want in the end. We're both here for you regardless of what you decide", Sophia said pulling her in a hug.

"Thank you, Sophia. I don't know what I'll do without you", she said with a sniff.  "Oh, honey I do. You will be lost and drowning somewhere in a rogue territory probably being treated as an omega. No. You have good cooking skills, so you'd probably be the pack cook", she said making them laugh.

Something inside Nava told her it was time for her to push this matter onto the Royals, she didn't know how she was going to do it or where she would start but she knew that she needed answers.

"I think we need to go shopping", Sophia said giving Nava an idea she was hoping for. "Awesome idea! I've been staying inside for a while, I need to stretch my legs", Nava said with a smile. "I need new Lingerie. This guy here decided to tear all my favorite pieces", Sophia said getting Lagon's attention. "Did you just say lingerie and my name in the same sentence? Does it mean there's a special treat I should wait for?", he asked eagerly.

"Baby, I always have something waiting for you. You're my mate", Sophia said giving him a peck on the lips. The maids walked in and cleaned the table.  Nava went to her room and got changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt then walked out of the suite. She met Sophia at the elevator. They left using the car Ares always reserved for them.

It was weird going out after a long time of staying in. Nava found herself amazed at everything she saw at the mall. They did their shopping and when they were done, they settled at an ice cream shop that was inside the mall. Each ordered their favorite ice cream and found a table where they sat and enjoyed their ice cream. Sophia took a picture of them and posted it on her Instagram page. She started complaining to Nava for not being active on her Instagram page while showing her some nice posts from her phone.

They stumbled upon a post that caught Nava's attention. It was a picture of Hector standing on the red carpet with another woman. It was not an intimate picture but the reason why she was OK with not seeing them was because she thought they were busy with Royal duties but that did not look like a royal duty at all.

What in the world was he doing there? Where was his brother? Why didn't they visit her? Why would they pay for exclusivity when they didn't even make time for her? They claimed she was important to them. They claimed that she was beautiful and addicting. Would you stay that long... to be exact a whole month without seeing something you're addicted to?

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