The Dragon Princess

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Nava's POV

Nava didn't accept Sophia's offer to move to the Dragon Kingdom with her but she agreed to attend her coronation. She went as Ares' plus one.

"Are you sure you'll be ok?", Ares asked for the one-hundredth time. She knew he was only asking because the Royals were going to be there and she didn't care. They had moved on and thanks to social media, she was able to see what they were up to.

It hurt but it also gave her some sort of closure that it was time for her to move on as well.

"I'll be fine. Stop being annoying", she said while fixing his tie. "I'm just looking out for you Nava", he said with concern. "Well don't, I can take care of myself", she said then kissed his cheek. They got out of the car and entered the building in which the ceremony was taking place.

There were a lot of people there and they all looked high and mighty. Nava spotted some of her clients who looked shocked to see her but since the contracts were clear, they stayed distant. "I hate these things", Ares said with furrowed brows making Nava laugh. "Are YOU sure you'll be ok Alpha?", she teased making him flash his fangs at her.

They spotted Sophia sitting on one of the distant tables with two bodyguards on either side. Nava decided to leave Ares to his boring political conversations and approach her friend. She bumped into a redhead who looked disgusted to see her but didn't say anything, she just stared. "My apologies", Nava said then proceeded to her friend.

"You look amazing", she told Sophia who was busy stuffing her face with chocolate cake. "Thank you. I'm so glad you could make it. Do you wanna have some?", she asked offering her a slice of cake, she accepted. "Thank you Your Highness", she teased making her roll her eyes at Nava. She sat next to Sophia and they continued eating cake in silence.

"Nava?", the voice that called her name made her stop eating. She turned and met the golden eyes she was once so addicted to. "Your Majesty", she said with a raised brow. He seemed to be speechless.

"Am I in your way? Would you like to speak to the Dragon Princess?", she asked with a straight face, something that startled him. "Hector, don't disappear on me like that", a woman with black hair and an amazing body said then pulled him towards her. "Who's this beautiful creature?", she asked looking at Nava. "No one important Your Majesty. Please excuse me", Nava said then rushed to the drinks counter.

"May I have your strongest whiskey please?", she asked with a smile, the bartender looked shocked but he nodded and poured her what she requested. 

"I thought my eyes were deceiving me", she heard Allen say then pulled a stool next to her. He looked amazing in an all-black suit and shirt. "Allen? what are you doing here?", she asked while in shock. "Well, I'm invited same as you. You look beautiful", he said with a smile which she returned. "Thank you", "Why are you sitting here all alone?", he asked looking concerned. She thought it was sweet of him.

"I'm here with Ares, as his plus one, have you seen him anywhere?", she asked making him look around. He pointed his finger behind her, and when she turned her eyes landed on Ares who was in deep conversation with people she didn't know then she saw Orion standing right next to them.

He wasn't alone, there was a redhead stuck to his left, holding on as if she was marking her territory.

"Waoh! What a date he is", she said with a chuckle. "Maybe you should pick me next time", Allen teased making her laugh. "You have a beautiful laugh. You should laugh more often", he said reaching for her hand.

"Councilman, I didn't know you were invited tonight", Orion said interrupting their conversation and making Nava pull her hand away from Allen. "Well I believe my presence shows otherwise", he said confidently making Nava look at him like he grew two heads. "Good, you and Nava know each other?", he asked with furrowed brows making Allen smile. Nava knew it was because he finally had her name.

"Well yes, she's my plus one. Isn't that right... Nava", he said her name in a way that made her blush for some reason, she totally forgot that Orion was next to them until he made a warning growl. 

"Your Majesty, if you weren't mated I would have thought you were marking your territory", Allen joked but there was a hint of warning in his words. "I guess that's up for discussion considering she is my CHOSEN mate and I had no say in the matter", Orion said with his eyes on Allen but Nava knew who the words were meant for. "Oh, there you are. One moment to the ladies' room and you're gone", the redhead rambled but Orion was clearly not listening to her, he had his eyes trained on Nava the whole time.

Nava felt her anger starting to boil inside her. "Allen can you escort me to the Princess?", she said looking at Allen who looked like he just froze. "Allen?!", she called him again making him clear his throat. "Uh, right this way", he said pulling Nava by the hand. She was trembling and she was happy that Allen didn't say anything until they reached Sophia.

"Are you ok? I saw you talking to Orion... Oh hi Allen", Sophia said as if she knew Allen casually which surprised Nava. "Hello sister in law", he said then pulled her in a hug. "How are my champions doing?", he said putting a hand on her belly making her giggle. "They're fine! Why didn't you come for dinner like you promised? I cooked for you and you made me eat all alone. How could you do that to me huh?", she asked with furrowed brows. 

"I'm sorry I had a last-minute appointment that day", he said then winked at Nava. She suddenly connected the dots making her eyes go wide with shock. "You always do that when you have a bad day at work, you need to stop avoiding people", she whined. "I can assure you, Sophia, I was not alone", he replied with his hand on Nava's butt cheek making her recall the night they had. "Fine, but you owe me dinner", she said with a happy face.

"I was looking for you Cuz", Lagon said pulling Allen in a hug. He was still holding onto Nava's hand. "Hey man", he replied with a matching smile. "Nava! You look magnificent. Has she fed you chocolate cake yet?", he joked making Nava laugh, they both stopped abruptly the moment their eyes met Sophia's glare.

Nava watched as her friend was sworn into the Dragon Kingdom's royal family. The whole room cheered when the King announced her as the Princess of Dragons. She was proud of her. Sophia had finally found a home with a man that would do anything for her. It was always their dream, she was happy that at least one of them got to experience it.

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