The King's Mission

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Allen's POV

Allen woke up feeling like a new man. After letting Conall and Falkor claim Nava they evolved. It was the missing piece of the mate bond that they needed.

He noticed how Nava was getting curious but held herself back every time something unusual happened. Especially around the Royals. What caught him off guard was when Nava was able to slap the Prince hard enough to make him bleed. Her eyes turned gold meaning she had already transformed. The only way to make them keep her secret was to blackmail them and he was happy it worked because all that they cared about was their image.

'Alpha we have a situation', Magnus said through the mind link. He only called him that when things were very very bad. 'Meet me in the office, mind link me when you arrive', he answered then turned to a sleeping Nava. He kissed her forehead and then slipped out of bed. He took a shower and then got dressed in his suit. He knew it was going to be a long day.

'I'm in the office', Magnus said when he was walking out of the bedroom. 'Coming', he replied.

He found Magnus pacing in his office which was not a good sign. "What is it?", he asked the moment their eyes met. "Finnegan has requested the King's Guard to search for his son. Was that part of the deal?

We agreed that his personal stuff was not part of the deal. The warrior almost lost it in front of his pups. Has anything changed?", he asked on the verge of losing his cool. "It's not part of the deal and we're not doing it", he replied trying his best not to lose control in front of his Beta.

"I sense your anger. Why are we keeping up with this charade? We're way more powerful than all of them combined yet we stand here and pretend like we're good puppets. This is not the Lycan way!", Magnus barked making Allen release his aura.

Magnus cowered away in fear. "Magnus lower your fucking voice before I rip that tongue out of you. The last thing I want is for Nava to find out who we truly are before it's necessary", he said in a low but lethal voice. "I'm sorry my King. Cosmo just gets under my skin sometimes. I know that you're a man of your word so I'll mind my tongue next time", he said standing straight again.

"We do not involve ourselves in his personal matters. Do we know why he is looking for him now?", he asked Magnus who shook his head.

"Something must have happened, I need someone to investigate Councilman Marcus, he blackmailed the King into getting his daughters claimed so there's a huge possibility that he could know more about where the son is. In the meantime stay put until I speak to Cosmo about this", he instructed making Magnus nod and start typing furiously on his phone.

"Hello, Magnus! I didn't know you were coming. I would have covered myself better", Nava's sweet voice reached his ears making him turn to the door. No one had ever been able to sneak up on him, he was surprised how Nava did it. "Hi, Nava. It was a last-minute thing, I needed to run some stuff by Councilman Allen. I'll be on my way. It was nice seeing you Nava", he kissed her cheek and then left.

Allen looked at her from head to toe. She only had his t-shirt on and she looked sexy. 'She's so beautiful', Conall said making Falkor join in, 'And mouth-watering', 'That she is' Allen said with a smile on his face as he watched her walk closer to him as if she wasn't sure it was ok to do so.

"I'm sorry I left you in bed alone. I didn't want to disturb you. Magnus's mind linked me, he said it was important", he said before she reached him. "It's ok, I promise. I just wanted to see you before you left. Why was Magnus so formal with you?", she asked scratching her nose. She looked cute doing it. He kissed her nose making her giggle.

"He's having some issues with the King's Guard and he wanted my input on how to fix it", he said wrapping his hands around her body. "You look different", she said while inspecting him making him recall that this was the third time she said it. He had to say something.

"It's the mate bond. When I bit you the first time I drank your blood and it started the changes. The second time I marked you, it kinda cemented it because you offered yourself willingly meaning, you accepted me as yours, that's why the changes were more visible. Last night well, you completed the bond with both of my beasts so here we are", her eyes were wide with shock.

"That's why it felt different. The pace, the voice, and the eyes. I think I like this new you", she said seductively making him smile. "I know what you're doing. I need to go see the King. It's very important", he said kissing her forehead. "Ok, I'll be in the garden", she said with excitement making him chuckle.

"How could one be excited about a garden?", he asked while collecting his keys. "You can stay and find out", she offered with a huge smile. "Uh! No thanks", he said then walked away earning a giggle.


'He's pissed Alpha', Magnus said when he arrived at the castle. 'Where is he?', 'In his office', 'Thanks', he said while walking up the stairs.

"Councilman Allen. It's nice to see you", the Queen said emerging from the King's office. "Good day Your Majesty", he greeted her then bowed his head. "Councilman... I'm sorry for what I said in the meeting. I didn't mean any harm by it", she said looking honest. "Don't worry at all Your Majesty. It's water under the bridge. Is the King in a meeting?", he asked. "No, you may go in", she said making him bow again and then walk into the King's office.

He looked upset. "Cosmo. Is everything alright?", he asked him making him look up. "That's funny, we should ask him", he pointed at Magnus who was sitting on the chair looking bored. "He won't accept my orders. I AM THE KING", he barked making Allen release a breath. "What are the orders?", he asked. "Retreaving Christopher. My bastard son", he replied with so much rage. "Cosmo. Your son... Christopher is not part of the deal", he explained calmly.

The King walked up in front of him until they were face to face. "The deal is what I say, not the other way around, I am the King of werewolves and you take orders from me!", he said confidently. Magnus stood ready to attack but Allen gestured for him to stop.

He turned to the door and the lock clicked, surprising both Magnus and Cosmo. He held the King by the throat until his legs were in the air. "Your Majesty. You are the King because I allow it. Let's not get carried away with power because I can wipe you out in a blink of an eye, do you understand?", he warned making the King nod while struggling to breathe. "Good", he said then released him.

"Find your son on your own. Our job is to protect the kingdom not play fetch", he said then walked out with Magnus following.

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