The New Normal

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Two Months Later

Nava's POV

Waking up alone on the bed and finding a stone-looking guard at her doorstep had been the new normal for Nava. She didn't seem to mind because the man never talked no matter how many times she attempted to be friendly.

It had been that way for two months.

Allen was traveling from one kingdom to another to assess if they complied with the new rule and also swear them into their new titles as Alphas of their races. He had taken the council with him.

She was genuinely surprised to find out that even the council was against Cosmo. Selene practically celebrated Cosmo's death. The people kept paying tribute to the Late King Alexander instead of Cosmo Finnegan. They were saying that Allen was the rightful King.

It was all too complicated for Nava so she decided to step back and let him do his thing while she did what made her happy, taking care of the Treloar Produce Store.

She did her morning routine which included her taking meds to help her keep the food down. She kept vomiting every time she ate dairy products and fish food. It was weird but the meds helped.

"Tee, I'm ready", she told her guard who led her to the car and they left for the store.

She found Rhonesha on stock taking. She went to her office and started reviewing the sales report from the day before. It was something that she liked doing before the store was opened. The numbers made her happy but there was a need to do something different.

She stood up and put her apron on, ready to join her workers in the produce cleaning session. "Good morning Nava!", they said at the same time with huge smiles on their faces. "Good morning guys! It's a new day", she said cheerfully making them smile and make space for her to stand and start helping.

An hour later, they were done. They let Rhonesha do her thing. She hated when people didn't arrange the produce the way she wanted.

"We're ready!", she said when done with arranging carrots. Nava turned to Peter and he was already on the cashier's desk. "OK Patty, open up", Nava told one of the store attendants and she nodded.

People started walking in and taking the baskets, filling them up with things they needed.

Nava decided to go to her office after asking Rhonesha to get her some breakfast.

She found her phone ringing and it was Sophia. "Nava? Are you ok?", was the first thing she asked. "Yeah, and I'm fine. How are you?", she asked with a smile. It was out of character for Sophia but Nava didn't question it.

"I see things, I'm scared and so pregnant", Sophia said in full-on panic mode making Nava's eyes go wide with shock. "Did you just say you're pregnant? Since when?", she asked her friend feeling super excited. "This morning. I went to the pack doctor and he told me I was. At first, I was having trouble sleeping and last week I started having visions. Lagon's Mum told me it's the pregnancy showing me stuff. I just woke up from a dream that some creepy woman kidnapped you and I had to call you", she kept rambling.

"Sophia, calm down will ya! I'm fine. I'm at the store. Have you told Lagon about the pregnancy?", Nava asked her friend considering Lagon was part of Allen's convoy. "Yes, he's so happy but I'm scared. Scared and happy", she said with worry in her voice. "You wanna come and stay with me for a while?", she offered. "Yes, please. Can I come with Sarah?", she asked. "Are you kidding me? Of course, my niece is a must", she said and heard a cheering sound.

"We will be there by tomorrow morning", Sophia said then hung up.

"Breakfast is here", Rhonesha said and the moment Nava smelled milk from the cappuccino, she reached out for her purse and took the meds, swallowing them without water. "Nava, what are those?", she asked while putting her breakfast on the table. "Oh... they're meds to help me not throw up", her answer seemed to make Rhonesha even more curious.

"Has it been happening often?", "More or less. Only when I smell or eat dairy food or fish. Other than that it has been normal", she said while opening the takeaway container ready to devour the sandwich that was in it. "Have you seen a doctor?", she asked making Nava shrug her shoulders. "I believe you should Nava. If my suspicions are correct, then you might be pregnant", she said making Nava laugh. "Oh, Rhonesha. It's not that easy. I haven't seen Allen for two months so how else would I have gotten pregnant?", she asked with a smile but something in her was telling her, it might be possible.

"Please consider it. It won't hurt anything to try", she said then went back to work. Nava's mind started going back to the last time she made love to Allen. It was before the council meeting. Coming to think of it she hadn't had her period in a while.

There was no way out, she had to see the doctor. She called Tee and asked him to schedule an appointment with Allen's doctor and he confirmed to have done it. "What time do you want to see him?", "After work please", she said then hung up.

"Doctor Gordon. Her Majesty is here to see you", Tee told the Doctor as they entered his office. Nava looked at him and recalled his face the day she found herself in the hospital after being marked.

"Your Majesty, it's nice to see you again. What can I do for you?", he asked after bowing. It was a weird thing that people kept doing ever since Allen took over the Kingdom. "Well I want to know if I'm pregnant", she said and a smile decorated his face. "That's random, have you noticed anything different to drive you to think that you are?", he asked Nava, making her blush.

"Well I have been having trouble keeping dairy and fish food down and I was using some meds to help me because I crave them all the time. But today a friend of mine asked if I did a pregnancy test and here I am", she said truthfully earning a chuckle. "When did you start feeling this way Your Majesty?", he asked with amusement making Nava even more uncomfortable. "A month now", she said and he nod then gave her a urine cup.

She peed in it and returned it to him. "Ok then, give me 20 minutes and we will have our answers", he said then disappeared into a lab.

Nava's heart was beating so fast as she waited. She tried mindlinking Allen but she was still not able to.

"Congratulations Your Majesty. You are pregnant. Two months pregnant to be specific", Doctor Gordon said with a huge smile on his face. "Thank you", was all Nava said then stood up and went to the car quietly.

The ride home was full of mixed feelings. She struggled to understand if it was good or bad news. She wanted to tell Allen so badly but she couldn't reach him. Another side of her urged her to refrain from telling him until he returned, to avoid distracting him. She chose to listen to the latter.

She was getting ready for bed when she heard something heavy fall on the ground. She opened her bedroom door only to find a fae woman wearing gold silk clothing and a crown standing over an unconscious Tee. The woman was so beautiful and resembled Niall's transformed form. When their eyes met, her blue ones sparkled making Nava feel dizzy and lose consciousness.

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