The Council Meeting

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Nava's POV

Nava was feeling nervous when they were getting ready for the meeting. "Allen, is the whole Royal family going to be there?", she asked hoping that he wouldn't read between the lines. "No, most of the time it's just the King, the Queen rarely comes but don't worry. No one will disrespect you, My love. I know this is a lot but I'm with you every step of the way", he assured her. If only he knew the real reason why she was nervous.

She knew keeping things from him was wrong but, he was doing the same thing with his past so she felt entitled to the one secret that she felt was best to leave in the dark considering the type of mates hers went for.

They reached the Castle fifteen minutes before the meeting and went straight to the meeting room. Nava was surprised to see how modern it was. Everything was so up to date. The screens, the table, and the chairs were just perfect. It resembled a million-dollar human meeting room. There were six mature-looking councilmen wearing suits and each had their companions next to them. They looked at Nava and smiled. She waited for negative remarks or looks of disgust but no one looked at her like she was out of place. "I told you not to worry", Allen said then pulled a chair for her.

"All rise", a man said then opened the door. The King and Queen along with Hector, Orion, and their mates walked in. Nava felt like fainting but a light squeeze on her hand brought her to reality as the whole room bowed in respect. Orion and Hector sat on one side of the rectangular black glass table while the King and Queen sat on the other. Hector's eyes met hers and she looked away instantly.

"I believe it's only fair that we start with introductions, my Queen", the King told his Queen lovingly. She smiled and then turned to her sons. "I know that you have always seen me and Cosmo in this room. But from now on our sons and their companions will be joining us occasionally as I do with my King. Orion, Hector, Brielle, and Simone, welcome to the council meeting", she said and the rest of the room clapped. "I believe that we should all introduce ourselves so that they're familiar with the role that each of us play in this council", she instructed then took a seat.

"My name is Marcus and I advise the crown in all matters pertaining to financial resources and this is my mate Sara", a man who seemed so sure of himself introduced himself and his companion.

"I am Raphael, I advise the crown in everything health. This is my mate Carina", he looked younger but more playful.

"My name is Arthur and I advise the crown on all legal foundations and I'm the custodian of historical artifacts this is my second in command. Clayton", the middle-aged man said with a huge smile that made Nava smile too.

"I'm Greyson, I advise the crown in inter-race affairs and also a custodian of all the peace treaties between us and other supernaturals with me is my mate, Aria", they were a young couple but the man looked wise beyond his years.

"My name is Selene, i advise the crown in educational matters to prevent the loss of our history and equip our people with the knowledge needed to help preserve our culture, this is my mate, Raymond", She was a gorgeous woman, it was clear that some of the men envied Raymond making Nava smile.

"I'm Allen, i serve the crown in all security aspects and this is my mate Nava", Allen said with his eyes on her making her blush.

"You have claimed her already? Waoh!", the King said then started clapping. Everyone did as well, she avoided the side where her ex-mates sat. "Yes I have, it's the best decision I've ever made", his words made Nava turn to him and was welcomed with the best smile she had ever seen on him. He was proud of her. It made her smile as well.

"My apologies but as much as this is wonderful news Councilman Allen, I believe that it's only fair if we ask you some questions in regards to this matter... for clarification that is", the Queen spoke but there was something in her tone that made Nava uncomfortable. "Of course, my Queen", Allen said with a bow.

"Is she the human prostitute from that brothel?", Simone asked making Nava turn to meet her disgusted face. "Yes I am", she replied before Allen could. "Do you think it's wise, being a man of your position to have a 'human' as your mate while we have a constant threat from her kind?", the Queen asked, and something in Nava just snapped.

She stood up, "For your information my Queen, my father was a werewolf and mother a siren, if the moon goddess chose to not give me any part of my parents then that's not on me. I have been living in packs all this time not even once did I mingle with humans", she said while panting. Allen pulled her back on the chair and then rubbed her back creating a soothing effect that made her calm down instantly. "What my mate is trying to say is, she's not a mere human so you don't need to worry about where her loyalty lies, Your Majesty", Allen said calmly.

"It's not that kind of loyalty that we're questioning councilman Allen. She is the Temptress, she will create havoc between mates, she can manipulate all the men in this room and we would be unable to stop it. Maybe not intentionally but that's the only way that she knows i mean, what if she manipulated you in this case? I think it's best to vote her out", Simone said with rage. Nava looked at Allen, and to her surprise, he was looking at the King.

The King looked worried for a slight second then recovered fairly quickly. "Simone, my dear, we have laws against such things isn't that right Councilman Arthur?", he asked making everyone turn to Councilman Arthur who seemed to be in shock, he cleared his throat and then nodded without saying a word. 

"Good, now let's discuss what's happening in MY kingdom", he made an emphasis while looking at Simone making her cower away, clinging onto Hector.

The meeting was long but informative, Nava was able to understand a lot of things that she never knew existed or was even considered. She understood why they made a comment about her being human. If what was discussed in the meeting ever reached the Hunters then it would be easy for them to lose the war.

"Are you ok?", Allen asked in a whisper then kissed her shoulder making her smile. "Yes, I'm ok My love", she said earning a smile back. "I like hearing you call me that", he said then returned his focus to the meeting. It went on for an hour longer and finally, it was time to leave. They waited for the Royals to leave first then followed passing Hector and Orion by the door, they looked pissed.

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