Out of the Blue

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Nava's POV

She was busy finishing up her reports when her office door was opened and a worried-looking Rhonesha walked in. "What's going on?", Nava asked while standing up.

"Two women just walked into the shop, they look like they were being chased. One of them is badly hurt. They're asking for you", she said making Nava stand and follow her out of her office.

They found Simone holding Brielle; she had bruises all over her face, and Brielle's body was covered in blood. People were staring at them but Simone didn't seem to care, her eyes were focused on her bleeding sister.

'Allen, we need you at the store. Simone and Brielle just showed up and they're injured', she mind-linked her mate after realizing her six-month-old belly did not allow her to move much and Tee seemed on high alert. 'I'm on my way, don't do anything', he mindlinked her back.

"Simone, what happened?", Nava asked after seeing her so traumatised. "Its father, he has lost his mind. He's working with hunters giving them money and telling them the kingdom's secrets. We tried to stop him but the hunters found out and attacked us so we ran away. Our mates Hector and Orion don't want us anymore, we didn't know where to go. We can't go back please help us Nava", she said with so much pain in her eyes. Before Nava could answer Magnus walked in.

His eyes landed on Nava first as if inspecting her then they went foggy. He was clearly mindlinking Allen. Nava rolled her eyes. "Magnus, I need them to be taken to the pack hospital now please", she said with furrowed brows. She couldn't help but feel agitated by the fact that they were ignoring an unconscious Brielle who was bleeding in the middle of her store.

"Your Majesty, the King has advised that we wait for him", he said with furrowed brows. "Are you fucking kidding me? Tee take them to Doctor Gordon right now!", Nava said using her Alpha command. It was so powerful that the whole room bowed.

"Yes Your Majesty", he said and took Brielle from Simone's hands. "Follow me", he told Simone who nodded and followed.

Nava turned to Rhonesha. "Please clean this up", she instructed her and Rhonesha nodded. She hated the look of fear that she saw on Rhonesha's face. She looked at her workers and they were all looking at her the same way.

She felt like crying.

She couldn't do it in front of her employees.

She ran to her office and started crying while rubbing her belly.

"Mama lost control huh? Well, I blame your dada", she said then chuckled. Calling Allen Dada out loud felt silly.

"Why are you crying?", Allen asked the moment he walked into her office. "Everyone is looking at me like they look at you", she said feeling more tears run down her cheeks. Allen kneeled in front of her and lifted her chin with his index finger. Seeing his green eyes made her smile. "You think I'm silly don't you?", she asked and he shook his head. "I don't. I think you just figured out how being a leader works", he said then chuckled.

His green eyes turned gold making his blond hair lighter. "You're not mad at me for not waiting for you? With Simone and Brielle that is", she asked making his face turn serious. "I was... I talked to Doctor Gordon and he assured me that they were in bad shape. Especially Brielle so, I understand your reasoning", he said while rubbing her big swollen belly. It excited the babies. They started moving.

Their eyes fell on her belly and they both smiled.

"Niall and I have been investigating Marcus for some time now. We noticed that hunters have been getting advanced gears that were beyond the norm. When I contacted Christopher he said he noticed it too. Even though he's operating in the dark I know it's him. I have a feeling that Simone and Brielle showing up here is not a coincidence. He's up to something. Marcus loves his daughters... he practically worships them he can't hurt either of them Nava", he said making her furrow her brows.

"But Allen, that wasn't acting. She was on the verge of losing consciousness. Do you really think they would stage something like that?", she asked. Nava found it hard to believe. "We're not as delicate as you think we are. Please be careful ok? I can't lose you", he said to her, and for the first time, she saw how vulnerable he was.

"What should I do now? I can't just not show up at the hospital. If what you're saying is true then we must act normal to avoid tipping them off right?", she asked her mate who nodded. "I will have to increase your security", he said and she agreed too.

"I'm sorry... I should have waited for you", she said while avoiding his eyes. She earned a chuckle. It made her look up, there was no anger on his face just admiration. "It's ok my love. Just be careful ok? And don't go see them alone", he said then kissed her forehead.

"Wait... I have a better idea. Let's go check on them together", he said and she nodded.

"I'm sorry Magnus", she told Magnus the moment they found him waiting by the car. He smiled and nodded. He opened the door for her and helped her get in then stepped aside allowing Allen to get in as well then drove them to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, they found Doctor Gordon waiting for them at the entrance. He looked troubled. "Is everything ok Doctor?", Allen asked. Something about his facial expression made Nava uncomfortable. "Your Majesty, something about their wounds isn't right", he said making Nava's heart start beating faster. Allen's body tensed.

Doctor Gordon took them to his office and closed the door behind him. "It might be luck but all of the redhead's wounds were not vital. I mean, there's nothing lethal about them. I might be wrong but something about this doesn't seem right at all. It's like whoever attacked her did it with precision", he said making Nava swallow hard.

They tricked her... but why?

"Thank you Doctor", Allen said then turned to Nava. "I need you to stay here while I go have a chat with our guests", he said making Nava nod.

She watched as his mate and Doctor Gordon left her in the room.

It only took them seconds to return.

Doctor Gordon was panting with Allen looked like he was about to burst with anger. "What happened?", she asked her mate. "They're gone. I need to take you home now!", he said and carried her bridal style.

"Find them! I want them alive, and tell Ares to come here immediately. I need his tracking skills", Allen barked orders to Magnus.

It was a side that Nava hadn't seen before. It sounded like Falkor had taken control. "Yes Your Majesty", Magnus said and started mind-linking someone.

When they arrived at their home Nava was surprised, the house was crowded by guards she had never seen before. "Who are they?", she asked her mate while looking around. "I added more guards to help Tee. I need you to stay in my office until I come to get you myself. Understood?", he asked her. "Yes, please be careful ok?", she said and he nodded. "I promise to do just that", he said with a smile that gave her the confidence she needed.

He walked out of the room and locked it behind him.

"Finally, I thought he'd never leave", someone said from behind her, and before she could see who it was, a cloth was put on her nose, and she lost consciousness the moment she inhaled whatever was on it.

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