feeling for eachother ❤

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In hastinapur

there was a feast after arrival of pandavas and kunti it has been month pandu has died all were sad but after arrival of pandavas make them happy.

Invitation has send too all kingdom preparation of feast is going on.

Kunti entered in pandavas chamber.

Yuddushter was meditating, bheem was eating ladoos, Arjun was sitting with nakul and sahdev talking about some thing .

Seeing kunti all pandavas get up and greeted her.

Kunti says all pandavas that krishna with balram and subhadra is going to come hastinapur till tomorrow evening.

Hearing "subhadra" Name Arjun lost in dream, without realising Arjun say
" subhadra ", all look at Arjun but bheem , nakul and sahdev look Mischievously too Arjun.

Then yuddishter says "that subhadra is princess of dwarka and sister of balram and krishna she is blessing for dwarka she is pride of dwarka and most beautiful in entire bharat vansh . "

Arjun was now lost in here this much that he didn't hear what kunti is saying then nakul see mischievous too Arjun then bheem , nakul tease him.

Kunti went out of chamber when she tell when they will arrive.

Arjun pov:

Arjun was lost in thought of subhadra why your name is making me fall for you.
I am waiting for arrivel of guests especially of subhadra. Nakul bheem and sahdev notices it.

Nakul ask Arjun"what are you think my dear brother "with mischievous smile

Arjun without realising said " I am think about subhadra "
Then nakul say so" you are think about our bhabhisheeri "

Arjun realise what he said then says that "no I am not thing about her"

Nakul , bheemand sahdev laugh at Arjun, and Arjun was looking down in embarrassment.

Nakul says my dear bharta "wait till tomorrow she will arrive mean bhabhisheeri will arrive " And laugh

After that the left and Arjun "think what have you done on me subhadra i don't know
But i am eager too meet you" and goes to see kunti


In dwarka

The girl who has most beautiful smile on here lips and running here and there because krishna was running behind her because she has put water on his face when he was sleeping. She is most beautiful in entire bharat vansh.

She running in whole palace then she stop near his elder brother chamber and get in an ask help then balram get up and get tensed what happened then she explained what happened so he laugh on krishna.

Krishna entered in balram chamber an found subhadra with balram
Seeing balram he lose the thought of giving subhadra punshiment.

After that vasudev enter with his wives
And said to three of them about letter come from hastinapur they send invitation of feast so ,he had decided to send krishna balram and subhadra , three of them agree and start packing there bag.
Vasudev said about kunti and 4 pandavas at last he says about Arjun
Subhadra lost in thought of Arjun then balram put his hand on her shoulder she come in reality.

Subhadra pov:

Who are you Arjun? Why your name attracted me too you I never meet you then also, I am eager too meet you I can't wait to see you I don't know what I feel about you but i feel so much for you but what I don't know what it is but after I meet you I can get to know about my feelings.

They hug there parent and
Then started there journey to hastinapur.....

In next chapter what would happen any idea

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