subhadra meet karna♥

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It's 7 clock subhadra get ready and meet his guru and said "pranipat gurudev".

Pashuram said" Kalyan ho come let meet my student ".

Subhadra said" Yes gurudev ".
They walk to temple and subhadra see a boy he is tall from her he look like kshatriya.

The boy look back he see his gurudev with his new student he think that how beautiful she is thatswhy may be she is precious gem of dwarka.

Then he goes to gurudev and touch his feet and get up and said" Pranipat gurudev "

Pashuram said" Kalyon ho putra meet my new student she is princess of dwarka. The precious gem of dwarka therefore she is known as dwarkaratna ".

Karna look at subhadra and smiled subhadra return it back.

Pashuram said" Subhadra he is Karna my student.

Subhadra said"pranipat prince Karna".

Karna said"I am not a prince,princess subhadra I am son of a chartior my name is Karna. "
Karna thought now subhadra will also think him that he is sutputra but her answer made him shock.

Subhadra said"so what should I call you can I call you bharta. "

Karna got happy hearing this he never accept any princess will make him her brother because he sutputra so all insults him but this princess is different. Karna now feel strong brotherly affect towards her.

Karna said" If you consider me as a brother than call me bharta".

Subhadra said"bharta Karna tell who is in your family ".

Karna smiled and said" My mother father me and now you sister".

Subhadra smiled.

Karna ask "tell me about you family ".

Subhadra said" I have two mata and two brother and pitashri , bua and her sons and now you".

Karna said"great subhadra come now let do practice at least you are her for my company ".

Subhadra said" You know I also expect one person for my company here".

Pashuram said"come to there"pointing toward a mountain.
They nodded.
Karna said to subhadra "come sister".
Give his hand to her.
Subhadra said" Let's go bharta".
While helding his hand.

Karna and subhadra reach there.

Pashuram start the lecture with basic weapon and Karna and subhadra learn all basic needs weapon in a day.
Pashuram said"you are fast learn all take so much day but you learn in a day".

Karna and subhadra smile and sees there gurudev.

They continue there pratice after that it was about to sunset . Pashuram see it and then move to see there students.

Pashuram said" it's sunset now you should stop praticing. "

They nodded. Pashuram left to his tent.

Karna ask "how was first day her sister."

Subhadra said"amazing ".
Her smile made Karna to smile brighter.

Then Karna says "come on let's go we have to reach near tent before it get night. "

Subhadra nodded.

They start to go, suddenly her leg got injured by a small stick it injured her leg She was sobbing because of pain . Karna made her sit.

In gurukul.

Arjun was medicating suddenly Arjun feel pain in his leg he was think why I fell pain is something happen to bhadra. God bless keep my bhadra safe. Please god.

Pashuram asharam..

Karna slowly tool the stick out he said"are you ok subhadra ".she nodded then karna tied a piece of cloth from his angavastra then he help her to go to her tent. He made her sit her on bed and them they start to take like they are best friend from years..

To be continued.

How was chapter?

Sorry for late update.

How was Karna subhadra bonding.

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