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Three were going to dining hall. One voice came you "you are forgetting me sakhi".

She was dushala.

Subhadra said" It's nothing like that sakhi".

Dushala said"so where were you from afternoon I didn't see you".

Subhadra said"I was with bharta's ".

Dushala said" Oh I thought you were busy with bharta arjun.

Nakul said"you are right dushala our bhabhi bhadra was with her Arya am I right bhabhi".

Subhadra blushed while Arjun pulled dushala and nakul ears and said"is this the way you behave with your sister".

Dushala and nakul said" Aahh..........bharta leave us and now she is our bhabhi more than our sister".

Subhadra blushed and said" Let go to dining hall all were waiting for us.".

All left and sit to have dinner.

Kunti said"where were you . "

Nakul Arjun subhadra and dushala said"in garden".

Kunti said"ok come sit and have dinner ".

Arjun sit with subhadra and beside subhadra dushala sit and another side of Arjun nakul sit and remaining follow beside them they all talk while eating some time they were teasing each other.

Duryodhan eyes fell on subhadra he see her lustfully. He was now think to make her his . His eyes has pure lust he see that she is talking with Arjun he fisted his hand and said to mamashree"mamashree I want that subhadra see how beautiful she look she should be my wife".

Shakuni said"have patience son she will definitely your wife".

Duryodhan and shakuni smiled evilly.

All had dinner. All left to chamber.

It's mid night.

Subhadra was looking outside of window starting stars. When she felt two warm hand covering her waist. It was Arjun she fell his breath on her shoulder.She turned and hug him. Arjun pick her up in his arm and made her sit on bed and sit beside her.

Arjun said"are you still tensed dear ".

Subhadra said" No parth".

Arjun said"see when you love is with me nothing can happens me so you just have faith on me I will come back by winning the war and marry you and you should wait for me dear".

Subhadra said"my love is with you always I believe you will come winning and I will waiting for you till last breath to marry you".

Arjun kiss her forehead and said"I wish I could marry you now only what you shall we marry now".

Subhadra said"I am ready to marry you anytime if you say now then let's go and get married ".

Arjun said" If tomorrow was not war then I would have take you to temple and get married. See I am going but one thing priya you are my wife remember that ".

Subhadra said" Yes Arya".

Arjun said"I love the feeling you call me Arya".

Subhadra said"you should sleep parth tomorrow you are going for war so sleep well".

Arjun said"yes but I was missing you so much so I came here to see you".

Subhadra said"parth promise me that you will take care of you and my bhartas and sat together in war".

Arjun said" I promise I will take care of myself and bhartas too and we will stay together ".

Subhadra smiled. Arjun called her face and said" I love you bhadra and always ".

Subhadra smiled and said"I love you too parth and always"

Arjun said"bhadra you are most precious for me".

Arjun pulled subhadra in tight hug Arjun one hand was on her waist and another on her neck. Subhadra was hugging him around Arjun waist ".

Arjun was feeling a child is hug him he then placed his head in her shoulder he slightly kiss her neck subhadra blushed and him more tightly then Arjun can smell lotus smell from her body,arjun said" Ok priya now you sleep before going I will meet you"

Subhadra smiled and said"you too go and sleep well and remember I am waiting for you".

Arjun nodded. He said"good night priya".
Subhadra said"good night parth".He kiss her forehead and cheeks and left .

Subhadra laid on bed and close her eyes and sleep.

To be continued.

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