sneaking out♥

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Next morning it was boring morning all were busy with works. Subhadra and dushala were talking but it seems boring.

Subhadra said"I am feel boring ".

Dushala said" Meet too".

Subhadra said"come".

Dushala said"were "..

Subhadra said" You just come".

They goes toward pandavas common chamber. Subhadra ask permission and it was grant. Arjun look at her and winked she smiled.

All ask"what happened ".

Subhadra said"we are bored".

Nakul said"mee too".

Subhadra said"so let do one thing ".

All said" What ".

Subhadra said" Let sneak out ".

Nakul said" I am agreed".

Arjun said"mee too".

Sahdev said"mee too "..

Bheem said" I am also coming ".

Subhadra said" You are coming bharta yuddister and dushala ".

Dushala said" Yes I am coming ".

Yuddister said" I want to come but I can I want to finish paper work you go and enjoy ".

All nodded.

Nakul said" Where we are going sister".

Subhadra said"you all get ready and meet me in my chamber after half hour".

All nodded. They gets ready. After half hour they meet in subhadra chamber. Arjun was now completely lost in her she was wearing simple dress but she look beautiful. Nakul coughed and said"you are not married".

Dushala also came now they all are ready to sneak out.

Subhadra said"ok now come behind me and yes don't disclose you identity with any one.".

All nodded.

All start to move they stop near wall.

Nakul ask"sister do you have any power to go from this wall".

Subhadra said"no bharta we are going to jump from the wall and go out".

All nodded.arjun said "do you know how to jump up from wall".

Subhadra said" Yes me and bharta done it many time".

Arjun said"you are like a criminal ".

Subhadra glared him Arjun ask forgiveness and hug her when nakul said" Bharta dont forget we are here".

Arjun help subhadra and his sister and brothers. Now they were out of palace.

Arjun ask"where we will go bhadra ".

Subhadra said" Wait a minute".

Subhadra goes near a women and ask"do you know where radhey live".

A women said"there is his house"pointing near a house.

Subhadra said"thank you".

A women said"who are you I never see you".

Subhadra said"I am new here I came from dwarka to meet him".

A women said"ok ".and she left subhadra goes to pandavas and dushala and said" Come let go".

They goes behind her and see a house.

All ask"whose house it is".

Subhadra said"bharta karna".

Subhadra called"bharta karna bharta karna".

Karna hear the sound and sees his dear sister he run toward her and hug her.

Karna said"how are you when do you came".

Subhadra said"I am fine we just now came".

Karna ask"we??.

Subhadra called" come in".

All come inside.

Karna said"vrushali see who came mata Pithashree come here".

All came.

They all ask"what happened who came".

Vrushali ask"arya who is they all".

Karna said"the are pandavas and the girls stand beside them is dushala and see the girl who look most beautiful is Dwarkaratna about whom I tell you".

Vrushali said"yes I know your one and only sister ".

Vrushali subhadra then said" Come let go inside".

They all went inside them they meet karna mother and father they touch there feet. They had lunch then karna mother father left for some work. Arjun sit beside subhadra.

Subhadra said"so my dear brother got married".

Karna nodded. Vrushali blushed.

Karna said to tease her"vrushali do you know that my sweet sister has a prince Charming ".

Subhadra look at him and glared him.

Vrushali said" Who is the lucky person".

Karna said"he is sitting beside her vrushali ".

Vrushali see Arjun she said" So Arjun is the lucky person".

Arjun smiled and nodded.

Vrushali said to both of them "may your life filled with so much happiness".

Nakul said" Don't you want to hear there love story bhabhi".

Vrushali said"I want too".

All start to explain each and every moment they see there love even Karna say about the letter.

Vrushali said"you love is too much pure ".

Arsu look at each other and smiled.

Nakul said" So there marriage will held after some year or month".

Vrushali said"call me too attend it".

Arsu nodded .

Now it about to sunset. They take there leave subhadra hug karna parents, vrushali and last karna and vrushali gift her a pair of earing. She hug her and bid goodbye the again jump from wall and goes toward there chamber to wear there Royal attire and then they all meet outside of yuddister chamber.

To be continued.

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