picnic ♥

398 23 4

In kunti chamber.......

Kunti ask " why kalywan want to abduct her".

Balram said "bua it because to take revenge from kanha, kanha has killed some evils which were his brother that's why he thing that how he cried for there brothers death kanha should also cry for his sister life that's why kalywan want to abduct her.

Kunti said " But what is her mistake ".caring her hair.

Balram said " I know bua there is not any mistake of her that's why me and kanha will protect her till our last breath. "

Krishna said "yes dau we will protect her" and goes near subhadra and care her hair.

Krishna said "ok dau you can't come so pandavas, dushala and subhadra we will go for picnic tomorrow morning. "
All nodded happily.
Just then maid came and said "rajmata kunti, shriman balram, Dwarkadesh Krishna, dwarkaratna subhadra, rajkumaari dushala and rajkumaar pandavas all are calling you for dinner. "
Kunti said "you go we all are coming. "
Maid nodded and goes out.

Kunti said " Come all let have dinner and you all have to go picnic tomorrow yes na"

All said "yes" except balram. Because he bade some work.

All goes and had there dinner.

While going towards room arjun stop seeing subhadra.

Arjun goes near subhadra and close her eyes from back. Subhadra get to know who was it but she think to do some mischievous thing
So she said "who is it".he softly press her eyes with hand.subhadra said " Ok i will find who are you ".

Subhadra act to think and said" May be your are some crazy boy "
Arjun pout and remove hand and said "you are cooled hearted"
Subhadra said"so what to you thing who are you "
Arjun said "a warm hearted boy"
Subhadra said will fake laugh"who told you are warm hearted ".
Arjun look at subhadra said " Don't you think".
She said playfully "no" and ran from there to her chamber ".arjun just stand there till her anklet sound get disappears.
Then Arjun went to his chamber and see there brother packing there things for picnic so he also pack and after that they all talk for some time and laid on bed and sleep .

But he was seeing only subhadra face in dream seeing her sweet smile, beautiful face and her loveable eyes in her eyes there are soo much maturity. He just can't explain how excellent she is then he dream of subhadra and sleep.


In dushala chamber.......

Dushala said" Subhadra have you pack your thing we have to go for picnic Tomorrow morning"

Subhadra said "yes my dear I pake my thing now come let's sleep.

Dushala agree and than both sleep hug each other.
But she can't sleep because when she close her eyes Arjun face come in his dream she thought why he come in my dreams. Subhadra sees his handsome face, hazel eyes and sleep will dreaming him.


In balram Krishna chamber....

Balram too Krishna "Krishna tomorrow I will not there so you have to protect our sister make sure she is safe ok " In worried mind.

Krishna said"yes dau I also love her I will protect her and make sure she is safe ".

Balram " And you also take care come on let sleep.

Both sleep................


In hastinapur .........

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