playing with sister♥

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All came then all ask to subhadra what she want to play.

Subhadra said"let play blindfold ".

All said" How to play it".

Subhadra said"see one person will be blindfold and he will find others".

All nodded.

Subhadra said"who will blindfold first".

Krishna said"the elder means bharta balram. "

Balram look angrily to Krishna then see subhadra smiling he melt with her smile and agree".

Balram was blindfold. All were running here and there and there balram was now running behind gada. Finally gada is caught.

Now gada is blindfold he was running here and there. Gada caught satayaki.

Now satayaki was find all of them. He caught Krishna. Now Krishna was finding them. He was hearing subhadra anklet sound and hug her.

Now subhadra was blindfold. Now rukmini revathi and satyabhama come and sees them playing they feel bless have a husband who is caring there sister like a child.

Subhadra was blindfold. She just took a step then all come near her and all get out.

Then they laugh at there act and now they decided another game.

Subhadra said"in this game one will caughter and other will run ".

First caughter was gada.

Gada run behind every one but he was failed now he was running behind satayaki. Now satayaki was out he became caughter.

All were running here and there at last satayaki caught balram.

Balram start to run behind Krishna and Krishna get out after sometime.

Now Krishna run behind subhadra but subhadra was running too fast Krishna can't caught her. Then a idea came in his mind.

He sit on floor and say" Aah.... It's paining subhadra ".

Subhadra thought he had got some wound she goes near him and ask " Are you ok it's hurting too much ".

Krishna laugh and said" You are caught subhadra ".

She Faceplamed and sighed.

Now subhadra was caughter her speed was fast she caught one by one everyone .

Now they goes to garden which is most beautiful in entire arayavat this is made by Vishwakarma balram and Krishna said him that they want a garden which is most beautiful in entire arayavat for there most beautiful sister in entire bharta vansh.

Subhadra was sitting with her brother near lotus pond one rabbit came near her. She smiled remembering Arjun uses to call him rabbit.

Rukmini came with some energy drink because they were exhausted. They drink it was about to sunset in 2 prahar. They decided to see sunset.

They goes there and make palace with sand and sitting watching sunset .

They were hug each other and sees sunset now sun was set. They all goes go palace they went to fresh up  had dinner and all brother were sleeping with there sister. subhadra had seen a letter to dushala. Subhadra has brought gift for Arjun.

In hastinapur..

Dushala was happy after read letter. She was happy that her best friend is coming.
She goes to kunti and said her that subhadra is coming.

Now dushala goes to pandavas that subhadra is coming.

All look at Arjun he was most happy.

All were happy because dwarkaratna is coming to hastinapur.

Bhishma orders that place should be decorated beautiful because subhadra is going to come.

Kunti was arranged food.

Arjun was think he will meet her how will the moment when he will see her. He should bring some gift for her.

Arjun slept in thoughts of subhadra.

To be continued.

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