news of death💔

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Next morning.

Arjun get up by hearing chirping of bird and found his wife sleeping hugging him. He kiss her forehead and hug her. Then he look at her face she look like a child. He smiled and said"it's late baba, get up".after that he kiss her Pinkish cheecks.

Subhadra smiled in sleep and get up. She rub her eyes and covered herself with blanket. Arjun made her laid on bed and hovered on her and said"good morning my beloved wife".

Subhadra said"good morning my lovestruck husband ".

Arjun said" I can't help it your love make me lovestruck ".saying this he kiss her. Subhadra smiled against his lips. After sometime they broke the kiss.

Subhadra said" Ok now leave me i have to get ready".

Arjun said with mischief smile "ok fine I will leave you now bit not next time".

Subhadra smiled and said" Then from tomorrow I will sleep with mata".saying this she ran to snagarah.

Arjun smiled at her. Then he too get ready.

After sometime he see subhadra come out from sangrah. Subhadra goes in front of dressing table. Arjun can smell whole chamber has smell of lotus because of subhadra he goes behind her. He held her waist and take her wet hair and put it on her other shoulder. He kiss her neck. Subhadra got shivered. Arjun made her turn and made her sit on table. Now subhadra was face to face to him.

Subhadra was looking at him.arjun was also looking at her. Arjun leaned towards her lips. He kiss jer with lots of love his hand cares hed waist. After lack of oxygen they broke the kiss. Arjun kiss hee neck and whispered in her ears"it you will look this much beautiful then how will i control myself ".

Subhadra blushed and look down. Suddenly they heared a knock. Arjun made subhadra stand and went to open door. They see a maid. She said" Rajmata is calling you both".

Arjun said"we will come".maid nodded and left.

Arjun subhadra left . They reach were everyone was waiting for them.

They see pandu statue they all take blessing now arjun and subhadra goes near the statue they both take blessing.

Arjun thought "pithashree today I am a happiest man because subhadra become my wife who loves me blessing her and blesses us a loving life".

They both then goes towards other pandavas and kunti after that the complete pooja and the goes towards palace.

In night bheem and kunti were sitting in dining table. Other were in one chamber talk fighting.

Nakul was playing with mouse.

Arjun ask" Jyest do you get hint why kakashree send mouse ".

Yuddister said" No anuj".

Suddenly one maid came and gave them kheer Arjun take it and place it on a table. The mouse jump from nakul hand and goes near kheer and eat it after eating it the mouse jump toward a pillar there was red liquid substance after that mouse die.
All become shocked. Arjun look at the substance and said"it is lahkha and in the kheer is poison".

All were shocked.

Subhadra said"bharta bheem is eating food arya".

Arjun said"we should stop bharta bheem".

All nodded and everyone run towards dining hall.

In dining hall.

Bheem was eating and said" Mata why you are not eating".

Kunti said"bheem lets other also came I will eat".

Bheem said"ok mata but till then I will feed you kheer ".

Kunti smiled and nodded.

Bheem take the kheer and forwards it to kunti. Kunti was about to eat when arjun hit bheem hand and kheer fell on floor.

Arjun said" Sorry bharta bheem but there is poison in kheer".

Bheem become shocked.

Sahdev said"yes mata after eating kheer mouse died. "

Kunti was shocked.

Yuddister said"yes mata we should leave from her now or else the whole palace will burn because it is made of lahaka".

Arjun said"lahaka is made of death bird and many more bad substance by this a palace can burn within minute".

Sahdev said"then duryodhan is really a idiot if the palace will burn then bharta Arjun can shoot a arrow and start rain . "

Subhadra said"that why bharta sahdev he mixed poison in kheer".

Arjun said"now we should leave also we have to teach him a lesson".

Kunti with tears said"we will not go hastinapur back".

All look at her.

She look at all of them and said"they are trying to kill us how can we live with them it's better we will not go hastinapur again".she starts to cry.

Arjun goes near her and forward his hand then kunti tear drop fell on his palms Arjun rub it on his head and said"dont cry mata we will not go hastinapur back ".

Kunti smiled and hug him after that hug was joined by other pandavas. Subhadra smiled at them.

After that burn smell starts to come.

Bheem said" Let's go".

All started to go the fire start to grow eagerly. All were going but Arjun and subhadra were little backward. Suddenly a pillar feel between them. Arjun subhadra were on one side and kunti and other were at other other side. Arjun pick up subhadra and called out" bharta bheem ".

Bheem understand what he was going to do he said" I am ready Arjun".

Arjun throw subhadra and she goes safely towards bheem and bheem caught her and made her stand.

Subhadra said "you all go mata i will wait till arya come".

Arjun said "no subhadra you all go I will come".

Subhadra said" No I will not".

Arjun said "subhadra please go I promise I will come".

Arjun look at her and she look at him. After that Arjun look at bheem he take all of them with him.

Arjun try to find out a way. After sometimes he jump and reach at the other side safely.

Kunti subhadra and other pandavas reach near a big room .all pandavas surrounding kunti and subhadra and said"before this fire touch our mata and sister it will burn us".

After sometime they notice someone coming a sudden happiness caught they see Arjun coming towards them. Arjun came and hug his family one by one. Then subhadra hug him very tightly she was really afraid. Subhadra check him is there any wound but there was not she sighed in relief.

They find out a way and safely goes out of palace. They goes towards forest . The death news of pandavas and kunti  subhadra reach towards all aryavat.

Kunti said"I think we should tell dwarka that we are alive ".

All nodded.

In dwarka

Balram hear the news of pandavas death he was broken all were trying to console him bit no one able too.then krishna with smile came and said" Bharta there is a good news our sister bua and pandavas are alive they send us a letter".

Balram said"really".with smile.

Krishna Nodded dwarka family were little bit relaxed.

To be continued.

Sorry for late update.

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Parthjaya ♥

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