waiting ❤

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In hastinapur.....

Arjun went to see kunti but she was not in here chamber so, he decided too look her in palace after some time he stop near balacony he see kunti and goes toward here.

He ask" mata what are you doing "

She replied " Putra you know na tomorrow krishna, balram and subhadra are coming "
Arjun Nodded.

She continued " You know they are so cute children , tomorrow I will pamper my daughter subhadra "

Then all pandavas come and say"so from Tomorrow we will avoided "in fake sadness
Kunti says "I can't forget my sons "all smile

Then the hear a voice of a girl "so you all forget me na"

She is no other than dushala

They goes near hear and said "never we will forget you"
Kunti said you are also my dear daughter like subhadra "

She hug her after that nakul and bheem see each other than nakul see Arjun Mischievously than says to dushala"we will not forgot you but may be bharta Arjun will forgot you I am right bharta"then Arjun glare him

Only Arjun bheem nakul and sadhev understand

Dushala ask why bharta Arjun will forgot me
Then for saving himself from embrassement
Arjun says" he say it because my best friend madhav is coming tomorrow that why he said "

Dushala said in sad tone "so from tomorrow you all will not play with me"

Seeing this kunti said "don't worry my dear daughter my niece subhadra is you age only she will play with you she is so sweet just like you "

Nakul look at arjun and arjun glared him but inside he was smiling hearing subhadra name

Nakul said "So mata come we will have dinner and sleep fast so we can welcome them son nicely "

All nodded they had there dinner and kunti goes to here chamber and dushala goes to here chamber, pandavas were on they way of there common chamber.

Arjun was lost in thought of subhadra
Nakul, bheem and sahdev were teasing him
Yuddishter stop them and said let's go it's late"

Arjun thought tomorrow will special day for me because i will meet you my subhadra " Wait what I said my subhadra yes ,Arjun she is yours "


In forest....

After some time balram and krishna decided to stop and take some rest also it has night so all ok them agree and decide to had there dinner and Wash there hand till then solider make tent and brother and sister feed each other than sleep hug each other. Balram was sleeping hug subhadra vey Protectively and krishna was say about pandavas especially about arjun to subhadra he noticed that subhadra is lost so he said ok ruchi now we should sleep we have to joint to our journey to hastinapur

Subhadra pov:

Arjun now I am going to meet you tomorrow then I can understand my feelings to you
Tomorrow will special day for me because I will meet you

Krishna smile seeing his sister who had close her eyes but also smiling thing about Arjun

Krishna think meet of two love will tomorrow the whole world will be happy and sleep.

How was the chapter?

How will they meet any guess?

What will happen when the meet each other?

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