karna meet subhadra's parth♥

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Next morning subhadra was going to meet parth then suddenly somebody came and she hit the man he was no other than karna.

Subhadra said"bharta karna how are you".

Karna said"I am fine how are you and what about your parth".

Subhadra said"I am fine and he too".

Karna said"do you confessed ".

Subhadra said" Yes yesterday night he confess first then I ".

Karna said" May you both live happy life".

Suddenly they heard a voice"bhadra".
Subhadra know who is the person.
He is no other than arjun.

Arjun come closer to her and said"what are you doing angaraj with bhadra".

Karna become angry and said"I didn't need you permission to talk to my sister".

Nakul came and said"sister angaraj she is my sister".

All other pandavas came with kunti.

Karna said"bhadra who is he".

Subhadra said"bharta karna he is my bharta nakul he is bua kunti son".

Arjun said"do you know him bhadra".

Subhadra said look at his eyes"yes we meet when I was studying under gurudev parshuram ".

Arjun said" Karna dont even try to harm her".

Karna said"I will never harm my sister Arjun and who are you too her".

Before Arjun could say subhadra said"he is parth bharta karn".

Karna said"what he is parth but he is Arjun".

Subhadra said"he is also known as parth because bua kunti is know as pritha".

Karna said"means I have to handle him for rest of my life".

Subhadra nodded.

Nakul ask "why you have to handle him".

Karna look at him and said" Later you ask bhadra".

Nakul nodded.

Karna said"sorry bhadra but I can't treat my enemy as friends or as brother".

Arjun said"same her bhadra".

She became sad all notice after sometime she said"so so I am today return back to dwarka I will never talk to both of you".and she left place.

Arjun goes behind subhadra and continuesly start saying"bhadra dont go dear "he was going behind her but she stop him and. Said" Till the time you didn't become friends don't talk to me".

She left. All pandavas and kunti look at Arjun and karna they both were trying to take but failed at last they talk in same time.

Both said"I don't to be your friend but for bhadra I can do anything ".

They both look at each other and slightly smile and both said" Can we become friends'.

Karna and Arjun nodded.

Then Arjun said"only for bhadra".

Karna to said "only for my sister".

Subhadra was hiding behind pillar she was seeing all this.

Karna said" Arjun go see my sister she is very stubborn she must surely packing her things.

Suddenly one voice"that cant happen ".

Karna Arjun look at her.

Subhadra said" I just told lie to make you friends ".

Arjun said" But now I am angry".

Karna said"mee too".

Subhadra said"that's not my problem".

Arjun faceplamed.

Arjun said"so this all was planned".

Subhadra nodded.

Arjun was about to say but maids came and tell than "all princes should assembly in court right now it's order from king".

All pandavas and Karna left. Kunti goes near subhadra and said" Thank you".and joined her hand.

Subhadra said"no mata dont join you hand in front of me".

Dushala said"why you thank her mata".

Subhadra said"I will tell you".


Subhadra said"you call me mata".

Kunti said"yes you know that parth hears you ".

Subhadra nodded.

Kunti said" So can you tell him to become friend of Karna. "

Subhadra said"why mata".

Kunti said"why don't you think that parth should not make enemy".

Subhadra nodded and said"ok mata by the way bharta karna is my brother too I meet him when I was studying under parshuram ".

Kunti said" So will he too hear you".

Subhadra said"yess mata dont worry you just see tomorrow ".

Kunti smiled and hug her then after that subhadra left.

Flashback end.

Dushala said" You are really gem of dwarka, dwarkaratna ".

Kunti smiled and said"but parth never heared me also but he heared you what's the matter".

Subhadra blushed and left. Dushala tell about her and parth love. Kunti smiled and they both to left.

To be continued.

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