teasing by all♥

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Karna said"what is your decisions mata".

Kunti said"I don't have any problem with there relationship ".

Subhadra hold Arjun hand in happiness and Arjun too hold her hand in happiness.

Kunti said" But one thing I am angry ".

Arsu look at each other in tensed face.

Karna said" Why mata dont you love my kalyani".(kalyani is other name of subhadra ). Sidehugging her.

Kunti said"I love her but see she and my son hide it from me".

Arjun said"mata we were about to tell you after I came from war".

Kunti said"what would have happened if you have me tell me before".

Arjun said"nothing mata".

Arsu look at each other with love care tensed and fear of lossing each other. Hearing kunti word they were bit tensed and hold each other hand more tightly. Kunti smiled seeing how they love and care for each other. Kunti dushala and other pandavas and karna start to laugh make arsu confused.

Kunti said"I am not angry I was just teasing you because nakul tell me and how can I not do it .

Arsu take relax breath and hug kunti. Kunti hug them and said"I will definitely talk to bharta vasudev about this we will conducted you marriage soon"
Kunti said"and yes I look when subhadra and my tears were about to fall you shoot a arrow do you know that bhadra was present".

Arjun said"yes I feel that she was present and your and her tears were about to fall so I shoot the arrow and applied that on my forehead as tilak of two most important women in my life ".

Kunti and subhadra smiled. Nakul came and sad"now I can call you bhabhi".

Subhadra smiled all pandavas, subhadra, dushala, kunti and karna group hug. After sometime they broke it.

Kunti said"now go and get ready there is feast for you ".

All pandavas nodded. Start to leave except Arjun. All were left but subhadra Arjun and kunti were there.

Arsu said" Once again sorry mata".

Kunti said"it's ok now go and get ready"
They nodded and leave, kunti to leave from there.

Subhadra hug Arjun arm and said"I am most happy today parth".
Arjun said"me too".

He take her face in his palms and kiss her forehead then nakul came "now only your marriage talk are start you marriage is not happened so please dont forget I will come in wrong time".

Bheem said" Or we should tell mata to conduct your marriage soon ".

Dushala said" Bharta marry her before my marriage so I can tease her in her marriage ".

Subhadra said" So you want to marry soon I think so"

Dushala look down.

Sahdev said" Don't worry dushala I am feeling happy means there marriage is going to happen so soon".

Karna said"how much you were small that time we meet but now you are getting married ".

Subhadra said" But bharta karna tell me what about your marriage with vrushali jiju. "

Karna said"it is going to soon".

Nakul said "what you marriage and who is vrushali".

Subhadra said" She is bhartas lover am I right bharta".

Karna was scolding himself for tease her".

Yuddhister said"come on let go it late and stop teasing "

All them left and start to get ready.

To be continued.

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