after marriage ritual♥

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Satyabhama came with a boul with full of milk and rose petals.

Rukmini said"subhadra give me one ring from your hand".

Subhadra gave her. Rukmini put the ring bowl.

Rukmini said"those who will find ring more time will rule there marriage life".

Subhadra and Arjun smiled at each other.

Satya said"subhadra you are pride of yadavas so you should win".

Subhadra said"of course ".

Satyabhama said" Choose your sides".

Nakul said"I am with bhabhi".

Gada goes near Arjun.

Dushala goes near subhadra.

Sahdev goes near Arjun.

Sataybhama goes near subhadra.

Rukmini said"I am with Arjun".

Balram said"I am with my sister".

Yuddister said"I am with Arjun".

Kunti goes near subhadra.

Bheem said"I am with Arjun".

Subhadra said"bharta from which side you are".

Krishna said"ruchi i cant be in one side so i am with both of you".

Subhadra Nodded.

Rukmini said"so team is prepared now Arjun and subhadra find the ring".

Arjun subhadra put there hand in milk they start to search ring. Arjun was looking at subhadra and subhadra was finding ring.

In first round subhadra win.

Nakul said"yeah bhabhi win first round ".

Rukmini said"Arjun what are you doing ".

Arjun said" Now I will win promise ".

Now. Second round starts. Arjun subhadra start to search now Arjun find the ring.

Nakul said" Don't worry bhabhi one round is remaining ".

Subhadra nodded.

Now three round start. Arjun and subhadra were searching ring. Arjun and subhadra hand get collied with each other hand.subhadra hold the ring and Arjun hold subhadra hand. Subhadra look at him and action him to leave. Arjun action no subhadra try to remove his hand. Then Arjun subhadra remove the ring at a same time.

Krishna said" See they will rule there marriage life equally ".

Arjun subhadra look at each other.

Rukmini said" Now there is other game ".

Revathi bring shells. And put in the bowl.

Rukmini said" Now who will find more shell will win".

Arjun subhadra start to search shell.subhadra removed many shells after that Suddenly Arjun caught subhadra hand and didn't leave her hand. Subhadra raised her eyebrows but Arjun smiled at her.

Subhadra was trying to free her hand.

Nakul said"bharta let bhabhi win after that you can hold her hand. "

All smiled Mischievously.
Arjun leave her hand. Subhadra remove more shells from Arjun.

Nakul said"so now my bhabhi win the game superb ".

Arjun smiled and subhadra look at Arjun.

To be continued

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