secret astra♥

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Next morning karna and subhadra was ready pashuram came and said"now you know about all astra but one one astra is remaining so i will teach you it will take time to understand you both. " They nodded.

They practice whole day now it's night pashauram shot a arrow in sky than sun appears karna and subhadra got shocked.

Pashuram says"if you both done this than you will became great archery in world. "

Karna subhadra start doing practice on this. From that day they start to Paracticing at night.

9 month leap

Now only one month is there.

At night karna and subhadra again try to do the same thing there gurudev tought and they finally done it. Next night they show it to pashuram.

Pashuram says "now you both are best archery now only one month is left after that you will have to leave ".

They both nodded sadly.

Pashuram said" I will miss you both you both win my heart you should make me proud ".

Karna and subhadra in union " We will gurudev".

Pashuram said "now you start particing how you want I given you all knowledge of every weapon".

Karna and subhadra nodded.

Pashuram said" Come on tomorrow karna subhadra have a sword fighting. "

They nodded and pashuram leave.

Karna said"so what is parth saying sister".

Subhadra said"nothing much what about vrushali jiji".

Karna said"she says come fast".

Both smiled and goes in tent.

Next morning.

They three very read for sword fight.
. Pashuram said"you both attack on me".

They nodded they started fight but no on were defeating.

Pashuram said"now we became equal "

Subhadra said"guru is always in top ".

Pashuram nodded now the fight end.

In night

Karna subhadra again start the practice of make sun by arrow. Suddenly from that sun some fire come toword karna subhadra was about to shoot rain astra but the fire come the Karna kavach come and protect him.

Subhadra said" How it is possible bharta".

Karna said"I don't when I will born it was on my skin to protect me".

Subhadra nodded.
They went in.

Karna subhadra had so much take in last 1 month. But Karna didnt know that arjun is parth. But in his mind he want to had a fight with arjun in archery.

Subhadra call"bharta bharta".

Karna said"yes what happened ".

Subhadra said"nothing I think you are lost in thought of bhabhi".

Karna said" No nothing like that".

While blushing.

Subhadra said"so great archery is blushing".

To be continued..

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