sister arrival❤

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Next morning.

Subhadra was looking at entrance. Waiting for her sister arrivel. Krishna and pandavas were watching her.

Subhadra ask"are they coming today only na".

Krishna said"yess see they came".

Subhadra look at the entrance 4 Palquin entered.

Devaki from shiv, valandhara from kashi, karenumati from chedi, vijaya from madri came and hig subhadra.

Suddenly Arjun and subhadra notices that princess is fall for pandavas and pandavas were fallen for princess.

Yudhishthir and devaki for each other, bheem and valandhara for each other, nakul and karenumati for each other and sahdev and vijaya for each other.

Subhadra and Arjun stand besides each other and cough.

They come back to reality.

Subhadra said"if you are dono lets go inside "

They 8 blushed and said"so the bride is here we are blessed with your appearance".

Subhadra said"stop it".

All goes inside.

Subhadra introduced them to kunti.

They take blessing from her and subhadra take them to there room and said" Take rest".

Subhadra get inside her chamber as soon as she entered someone pulled her she landed on his chest. Subhadra look at the person the person was Arjun.

Arjun said"don't you think that you should also look at you're would be arya too".

Subhadra said"I am looking at u see"and start look at him.

Arjun feel shy after sometime and said"I love you".kiss her forehead.

Subhadra said"love you too".they hug each other.

Suddenly someone said"we love you three"
They both broke hug and see pandavas and subhadra friends are there .

Arjun said"I am going to meet madhav".

Subhadra said"I am going to pradhyumna ".

They both left the chamber after they left they all laugh.

Pandavas goes with them out. They separate in two means with whom they love and they start to talk each other and the feel love for each other.

Arjun entered in Krishna chamber and said" Where is pradhyumna ".

Krishna said" With ruchi".

He left to pradhyumna chamber and goes inside.

They were talking and laughing.Subhadra kiss his cheecks happily. Then pradhyumna look at Arjun. Then he goes toward Arjun. Arjun bend down and kiss him where subhadra kiss him. Subhadra blushed and said"pradhyumna rukmini bhabhi is finding you".

Pradhyumna left.

Arjun pulled and said"before I was not able to kiss you but now I can ".

Arjun pulled her by waist he kiss her with pure love. After sometime the broke the kiss.

Then one voice came " So groom and bride is here".

They look back karna was with Vrushali and dushala.

Karna said"every one is waiting in Hall for you come".

Subhadra said"how is our dwarka ".

They three said" Best than any other kingdom or place ".

Subhadra smiled.

They left. All were in Hall.

Vasudev said"tomorrow is Arjun subhadra haldi ceremony tomorrow hastinapur family will come and guest too".

Arjun subhadra smiled hearing there haldi".

Vasudev said"so get ready" . All nodded.

At night vasudev was sitting with his wife and daughter in law rukmini she tell her Arjun subhadra love story.

Vasudev said"natural it's love marriage converted in arrange marriage ".

They all smiled. Krishna balram karna And pandavas except Arjun were doing work.

To be continued

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