come back❤

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After 1 week.

At night

Subhadra was now too much tensed. She don't have patient to wait. She was walking she was were restless. She look at the starts she remember how Arjun and she use to start at them.

Subhadra goes towards bed she laid on bed. She can't sleep. She get up and start to walk. She look at the marriage attire of Arjun and hers she hug Arjun cloths and cried silently she really miss him she want to hug him.bit Arjun was not present here.

Next day.

Subhadra was still sleeping she sleep late at night. In palace all were waiting for Arjun to come. Bhishma ask"where is subhadra ".

Kunti said" I goes to her chamber she was sleep so I let her sleep she sleep late at night".

Bhishma nodded. They see Arjun coming on horse.

Arjun came and take blessing from dhritarashtra, gandhari, kunti, bhishma and vidhur. Then he hug his brothers and sister. But his eyes were search for his wife.

Nakul fake coughed and said"you wife is in her chamber ".

Arjun said" It's seem see didn't wish to see me".

Nakul said"it is nothing like you she sleep late at night that's why mata didnt wake her up".

Arjun nodded.

Nakul said"but it seem you only wish to see bhabhi not us".

Arjun look down to hide his blush.

Kunti said"nakul dont tease him".

Nakul said"ha ha now how can i tease him ".

Kunti said" Nakul shut up now Arjun get fresh go".

Arjun left to his chamber. He enter his chamber and close the door. His eyes teared up he hurriedly goes to his wife.

He hug her while laid on bed. Subhadra goes into his arm in sleeping. Arjun cupped her face and kiss her forehead. Subhadra wake up by his kiss.

She look at the person and she get up she can't control herself she hug him to tightly. Arjun tighten the hug. Arjun broke the hug and see his beloved. He take her palms and kiss it. He held her by his waist and pulled her towards him. Subhadra face and Arjun face were away by inches. Arjun slowly kiss her lips. Subhadra keep her palms on his chest. While kissing they both feel on bed. Arjun hand was on her waist and subhadra hand was on his chest. They kiss for a long time. After sometime he leave her and kissed her neck.

Arjun said"I miss you ".

Subhadra said" I miss you too ".

Arjun and subhadra sleep for sometime while cuddling each other.

After sometime they get up and get ready.

Arjun subhadra goes towards dining table . Seeing them together duryodhan was burning in jealous he did to do something with his mamashree.

Nakul said" It seems now my bharta is happy".

Arjun held nakul ears and said"stop or I will not leave you".

Nakul said"ok I am sorry leave me".

Arjun leave his ears and they all went and spend some quality time.

Dhritarashtra came and said"as yuddister you are Yuvraj you have to go and collect taxes in varnavat and also I hear from purochan he had keep pooja for pandu so you with you family go there and attend it also arjun subhadra will also get blessing of pandu".

All were sad think about pandu death.

Yuddister said"as you say tahashree".

Dhritarashtra nodded. Shakuni and duryodhan have evil smile.

Arjun bheem noticed it and decided to take about it.

After they all left to there chamber.

To be continued.

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