meet you soon♥

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One month leap.

Now pashuram was waiting for his student to come and take blessing and go for there home .

Subhadra and karna come and take his blessings.

Subhadra and karna said"thank you for make us a great warrior ".

Pashuram said" I made you a great warrior but you should make me proud of it".

Subhadra and karna said"yes gurudev ".

Pashuram said" May be meet you soon".

Karna subhadra said"we to think so".

Last time the take blessing and start to leave.

Now Karna and subhadra were walking

Karna said"subhadra now were will you go. "

Subhadra said"to kanyakul and you ".

Karna said" I am going to hastinapur to my family ".

Subhadra said" You should call me for you wedding ".

Karna said" Yes and you should call me in your wedding".

Subhadra said"yes".

Karna said"see you kanyakul is about come'.

Subhadra said"yess".

Both reach there Karna hug subhadra with brotherly affection and said"meet you soon and tell my regards to your parth".

Subhadra said"meet you soon too and tell my regards to vrushali jiji".

Karna nodded and made her were a bracelet and said"it will protect you".subhadra also gave him a bracelet "it will protect you".both smiled.he goes to his home.

Subhadra goes to her room . And see his friend looking out of window. She smiled mischievously and goes in.

Subhadra said"is there your prince Charming standing".

Dushala said "no I don't have prince Charming but what about you prince charming".

Subhadra said" Who tell you that I have prince charming".

Dushala said"I know ".

Subhadra said" Leave it".

Dushala hug her and said"how are you ".

Subhadra said" I am fine how are you".

Dushala said"me too".

Come now have some lunch"dushala said .

They had there lunch.

Dushala and subhadra were talking so much after 5 year they meet.

In gurukul.

Arjun was mediating, nakul was look himself in mirror all were present in the tent. Arjun stop meditating and said "nakul i thing after we reach hastinapur whe will arrange you swayamwar ".

Bheem said" Yes Arjun our nakul is so beautiful we should arrange his swayamwar how many princess will come for his swayamwar ".

Sahdev said" Should we say it to mata".

Nakul said"stop it don't tease me ok ame bharta Arjun you focus on your lover swayamwar you have to win her hand".

Arjun said"my lover is only mine she already give her hand to me you don't need to worry ".

Nakul said" Oh so this is matter bharta bheem you and bharta yuddister get married soon because if you don't marry then he will make you both married to any of girl because after you only he can marry ".

Yuddister said" Nakul kshritya dharma says if you love someone that you can marry if you elder are unmarried ".

Nakul said" So bharta Arjun should I arrange your wedding with subhadra ".

Arjun said" I am ready call her ".

Nakul said"see how much impatient he is to marry her".

Yuddister said"you too will have happy life after marriage".

Arjun smiled.

Nakul came and said" In your marriage I will tease you a lot it's promise ".

Arjun said" We will see it".

All went to practice.

To be continued.

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