kanaykul and gurukul♥

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In dwarka...

Sun rise all were sad because of there beloved princess departure. All will miss her till 10 years .

The pooja take place. After pooja subhadra take blessing all bless her she hug all of them.

Vasudev said"I will miss you gudiya. "
Subhadra said"me too pitashri

Both Maa said"I will miss you gudiya"
Subhadra said"I will miss you too my both Maa".

She goes to her dear dau and dau said"I will miss you my daughter ".
Subhadra said" I will miss you dau."they hug each other and tears rolled down from there eyes.

She goes to her brother krishna, krishna said "come soon you are my yogmaya I can't live without you. "

All were seeing kanha who never cried today he is crying. Of course subhadra is too much beloved for him.
Subhadra said"yes I will come soon".

Then she got on chariot her brother came amd said they will leave to kanyakul she agree.

They travel till 4 hour after that they reach kanyakul. She hug them and cry sometime they both are also crying. They said "don't skip your food don't do mischief and take care".
Then gurumata came there subhadra goes near her than both brother with tears left the place saying bye to there beloved sister.

Subhadra enter in kanaykul she see a girl she look familiar to her she goes and see she is her best friend dushala. They hug and subhadra said"so you remember bharta krishna said we will meet soon. "
Dushala nodded.

Subhadra said"how are you family".
Dushala said"all are good have about your family. "
Subhadra said "good, when you came to kanaykul. "
Dushala said "today morning and you know my brother also goes to gurukul".
Subhadra said"my bharta gada also goes to gurukul. "
Dushala ask"which asharam".
Subhadra said"guru dronacharya ".

Duahala said" My brother are also there".
Subhadra said"see they will also meet.

Dushala and subhadra goes to gurumata.
Gurumata said"subhadra and dushala you are roommates is it ok for you both.

Both said no problem. They goes there room and arrange it an take rest.

Subhadra pov:

Miss you parth. I believe you remember promise you gave to me. And you will great archer in world.

In hastinapur

The pooja take place after that the goes there parents and hug each other. And left.

In guru dronacharya asharam.

Guru dronacharya "so prince gada meet hastinapur princes you are all my student so became friendly with each other . And princes of hastinapur meet gada prince of dwarka.

Arjun and gada became best friends they became free to as each other.
Arjun ask" How is you family.
Gada said "good what about your family".
Arjun said " Good, so come let see surrounding".

They feel comfortable talking each other.

Gada said"so you want to became a great archer. "

Arjun said "yes I promise some one that's why".
Gada said" Who is that girls".
Arjun said "how do you know she is a girl".
Gada said" I just guess but it is real so what her name".
Arjun said "leave it I will tell you when I became a great archer.
Gada said" I will leave you if my bhadra ask then she will not the leave person till he gave answer.

Arjun thought "how will I say to you that the person is you sister only ".and smiled. Gada noticed.
Gada said" Why are you smiling mitra".
Arjun said"nothing".
Gada said"come let go your brother will be waiting for us and they arrange there room by there wish and take rest.

Arjun pov:

Subhadra miss you I wish we meet soon and yes I remember your promise I will fulfill it.
By becoming a great archer.

To be continued..

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