became good student of gurudev ♥

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It's morning 6:30 subhadra woke and get ready and goes to temple and see karna is also read so she ask"are you coming bharta".
Karna nodded.

They both pray before mahadev and goes to there gurudev and take bless from him.

Pashuram said" Come let practice".

They left  from there and subhadra karna start praticing they became good student

Pashuram said"after bhishma you both are my best student i will tell you about a astra which is only know by me and mahadev after someday you will also know about it ".

They smiled and take blessing pashuram left.

Now it's night karna subhadra were in tent they both were teasing each other with the name of each other's beloved.

Now they goes to sleep.

Like this 4years passed subhadra and Arjun talk with letters now subhadra has grown upup in beautiful girl and Arjun in handsome boy. Arjun subhadra love has increased but karna teasing also increase. But he don't know that Arjun is parth he think parth is some other person.

Now only one year left karna and subhadra has become very excellent students.

Arjun has become a great archery. An a handsome man too.

Arjun was praticing when dronacharya come and said"good putra".

Dronacharya says"you had become a great archery ".

Arjun said" All because of you gurudev".

Dronacharya said"you have become my excellent student putra Arjun ".

Arjun smiled then he went to see his brother

Nakul was teasing bheem.

Bheem was eating ladoos. They see Arjun and hug him saying are you alright  you are laughing uncontrollably. Nakul look at Arjun mischievously and said" Did subhadra send you letter".arjun blush and said"no she send yesterday ".

Nakul said" So bharta you know how to blush ".

Yuddister said " Leave all this come have lunch. "
All nodded.

Gada and Arjun were talking suddenly gada said"Arjun you have became great archery I am sure all princess will surrender there heart to you".
Arjun think "will bhadra give me his heart".

Gada said" She will give".

Arjun said"what".

Gada said"my sister will give you her heart like you give your heart".

Arjun blushed said"leave it gada now ".

Gada said" So great archery is blush because of my sister".

Arjun blushed and leave.

Arjun was standing near river and think how  bhadra taken his heart and become ruler of his heart. I am great archery but I am not in front of her. Miss you dear . A cool air pass make him shiver and he went to his gurudev.

To be continued.

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