karna entry♥

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Guru dronacharya ask "who are you".

The boy had kavach and kundala and his kavach protect him from arrow shot by dronacharya.

They boy said" Pranipat gurushrasta dronacharya i am here to learn archery , I am karna I am son of aadhirat.

Dronacharya said"so you are sutputra dont you know sutputra can't get knowledge of weapons."

Karna said"why sutputra can't learn weapon we are also human".

Dronacharya said"go sutputra go I will never teach a sutputra my students arjun will became a great archer. "
Dronacharya goes near arjun.
All said "go sut go .

Karna said" I will became a great archer and better then your this student arjun too. I will get archery knowledge from pashuram. "
Karna said angrily.

And left angrily.

Arjun look at his brother. They assure him with smile.

After one month......

Subhadra hug dushala and said" I will return soon dear don't cry please ".

Dushala said" Ok meet you soon and take your care".

Subhadra said "yes and you too take care".
They hug last time and subhadra left to gurumata and take her blessing and start her journey to lord pashuram and she reach and she take blessing of pashuram.

Subhadra said" Pranipat Lord pashuram ".

Lord pashuram said" Kalyan ho putri it has became evening you should take rest tomorrow I will start my training and I will introduce you with your student who had arrive 1 day ago, you will get company.

Subhadra said "ok gurudev I will meet him permit me to go and nice too meet".

Pashuram said" Ok putri tomorrow morning 7clock get ready for practice and maid will show you your tent.

Pashuram said"take dwarkaratna to her tent".

Maid said "as you say Lord".

And subhadra goes and get fresh an eat something and then she write letter to dushala , gada and Arjun.

Letter reach to them by the luck Arjun was alone so nobody know that subhadra send him a letter.

In gurukul.

Subhadra letter,

Pranipat parth,

I reach in asharam from tomorrow onwards my training will start are you fine how are my brother. If possible send letter to dushala she will now alone . And yes how is your training going well our not. Tomorrow I will meet my guru's student who have came 1 day ago. I will fun after all I will get her also company. So take care of your's and brothers to. Miss you.


Arjun smiled. Arjun thoughts how much she care for other. And then he hide letter and goes to meet gada.

Gada receive the letter and then Arjun came.

Gada with happiness said"see Arjun bhadra letter came".

Arjun said"read fast then. "

Gada open the letter.

Pranipat bharta,

Bharta i reach her and I am all fine from tomorrow my practice will start I wish you all were her. How is your training. And yes eat well and take care. Miss you.


Gada said"so now she reach good than she reach before night".

Arjun said"yes or night will dangerous so is good ".

Gada nodded. Arjun said" Come let to bhartas".

Gada said"my sister has reach to Lord pashuram asharam ".
All were shock that she has went to pashuram aasharam.
They feel proud of her.

In kanyakul.

Dushala was happy receiving a letter from her dear sakhi.

Pranipat dear,

How are you don't worry I will come soon to meet you I reach her in evening Tomorrow my training will start your know her will some one who will give me company . And you take care and eat well meet you soon and miss you dear.


Dushala feel happy and whisper "meet you soon".

Karna was practicing on mountain then he hear " Lord pashuram has call you ".
Karna said" Ok I will meet him".

Karna said"you call gurudev".

Pashuram said"purta today my new student has came tomorrow I will introduced her to you".

Karna said"her mean she is girl".

Pashuram said"yes she is rajkumaar subhadra princess of dwarka she is also known as dwarkaratna. "

Karna said "ok gurudev I will always respect her tomorrow I will meet her".

Pashuram said" I know you will respect her now go and continued tomorrow you should come at 7 clock I will introduce her to you ".

Karna said" As you wish permit me to leave ".
Pashuram nodded. Karna left and continued his practice.

Now its night subhadra had her dinner and she send letter to dwarka to and then she slept.

To be continued.

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