the feast♥

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The palace was decorated very beautifully. All kauravas except duryodhan came. Pitmaha, vidhur, gandhari, dhritarashtra and kunti too came.

All pandavas except Arjun were in Hall. Dushala came a greeted them.

Dushala said"where is bharta Arjun".

Nakul said"dont know where is bhadra".

Dushala said"she is coming ".

Arjun was coming down from steps but stop when he heard subhadra anklet sound he immediately see where is she and see his love is look like a goodness. She was wearing dark red colour saree with is look very pretty on her. She wear some jewellery and she was wearing dark red colour bangles with perfectly suits her. She slow come toward Arjun. All pandavas look there brother and subhadra look at each other.

Arjun was standing in left corner and subhadra was beside him suddenly Arjun noticed duryodhan look at subhadra with lustful eyes Arjun become very possessive. Duryodhan was coming near subhadra when Arjun give subhadra his hand amd subhadra take his hand and Arjun take her down were there brothers are waiting. All pandavas and dushala smile seeing them but duryodhan was jealous. Arjun was still holding her hand.

Duryodhan left temperesly.

Dushala said"you look beautiful sakhi".

Nakul said"ofcourse she will she is my sister"

Bheem said"we said she look beautiful not ugly like you".

Karna came and said"nakul my kalyani is beautiful from childhood ".

Nakul said" You mean i am not beautiful ".

Bheem said" No".

All start laughing.suddenly a maid came and said"rajamata is calling you prince and princesses ".

All start to live. All reached near kunti pandavas except Arjun and Karna take her blessing dushala to take then Arjun bend down when subhadra bend to take blessing and take the blessing with her. Subhadra smiled at him he smiled wholeheartedly .

Kunti said"arjun first you use to take blessing with you bharta now what Happened ".

Arjun said" Mata now my world is came so i should take bless with".

Kunti smiled and hug him. Then all pandavas jointed.

Kunti hug Karna subhadra and dushala too.

Kunti said"you look beautiful putri ".

Subhadra smiled at her.

Kunti left to meet pitamha.

Dushala said" I don't know how bharta Arjun is controlling him self ".

Nakul said" You are right sister".

Arjun said"nakul dont make dushala like you ".

Nakul dushala pout all laugh. Arjun held subhadra hand and side hug her all joined the hug.

Feast was start all have feast happily. Now all were have there own fun. Arjun Nakul was with pandavas . Arjun look that duryodhan was still look at his love Arjun was really want to kill him but stopped seeing subhadra smiling. Arjun returned it and hold her hand. And they starts to laugh.

All now start to leave the garden and goes in Hall. While living duryodhan was came to subhadra when Arjun held her by his waist. Subhadra just smiled at Arjun seeing his love. Duryodhan leave from there.

Nakul sit and said"come let's play game'.

All said"what to play".

Nakul said"first have you sit".

All sit. Now nakul said"we will play a game that will like this I will say a word and you should tell me which person come in you mind after hearing the word".

All nodded. And take the sit and start the game.

To be continued.

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