Ghatakoch ♥

339 21 8

In panchal,

Maharaj drupad with his wife did a yaga for a son to take revenge from dronacharya so god bless him with a son but god also bless him with a daughter as drupad dont want a second daughter he start to hate her as his first daughter shikhandi fail in war between hastinapur and panchal.

In some days with the help of krishna draupadi win drupad heart draupad love her seeing his love for him. He decided to arrange a swayamavar for her

Drupad with his family was in Hall.

Dronacharya ask"did you have some in mind for you daughter drupad ".

Drupad said" Yes the one warriors is there in my mind he is your student arjun who defeated me ".

Hearing arjun name draupadi feel different she was feel something for him.

But drupad continued" But i hear that he died in varnavat ".

Draupadi became sad hearing this.

Dronacharya said" He is my student drupad he cant die".

Drupad said"means he is alive ".

Dronacharya said" May be you do one thing drupad arrange a swayamavar for draupadi and it must be win by one of the great archery ".

Drupad smile and nodded.

Draupadi asks one of her maid "who is Arjun dasis".

The dasis explain his archery skills.draupadi ask other few dasis they said same.later she ask her personal handmaid about Arjun.

She replied" He is handsome and great archery he is prince of hastinapur he is third among pandavas and he is married to beautiful women she dwarkaratna subhdra who is princess of dwarka and after marrying her he decided not to marry any
other women as if he marry it will hurt her he had get married her 1 and half year ago".

droupadi gets hurt.
She thinks why can't kastriya
can marry many time and I am the most
beautiful women if he sees me he
will definitely fall from mee .with that though she start to think about Arjun and accept him as her husband.she use to ask her family friends about Arjun.

One month leap

Hidmiba was in labour pain kunti  and subhadra were with her. Pandavas were outside the room. Subhadra was I month pregnant. Suddenly subhadra came out and said"bharta bheem jiji Hidmiba has given birth to a boy".

Bheem became very happy.

Kunti with Hidmiba came with boy. Hidmiba gave the baby to bheem and said"virkodra applied your blood on our son forehead and bless him".

Bheem cut his thumb and applied blood on his forehead. Hidmiba keep baby on a soft cloth them suddenly the baby turn into young man.

Hidmiba said"name him Virkodra ".

Bheem nodded. Bheem goes near him and siad" I name you  GHATAKOCH ".

Ghatakoch take blessing from kunti pandavas and subhadra. Subhadra carrssed his forehead.

Everyone become sad because now pandavas with kunti subhadra have to leave this cave. They bid bye.

Kunti was sad to leave them she bless both of them wholeheartedly. Bheem hug his son and look at his wife.other pandavas bless ghatakoch and joined there hand in front of Hidmiba.

Subhadra hug Hidmiba she is going to miss her. Subhadra bless and hug ghatakoch and they leave them.

Hidmiba and ghatakoch were sad as they left
They lost so many relations with there departure.

Pandavas except Arjun were walking forward with kunti. Arjun was walking with subhadra.

Subhadra was sad arjun noticed it and said"subhi we should accept it I know you love them so much that why you are sad but we are helpless".

Subhadra nodded and said "but it will take time to start leaving without them".

Arjun side hug her and peck her forehead. Nakul fake cough arsu get separate.

After walking little pandavas make a hut. Subhadra and kunti were making dinner. Some time was left for dinner so subhadra goes towards river to take fresh air and claim her mind..

Subhadra was sitting near river and watching sunset. She was alone suddenly she feel someone's presence she look back and found her arya.

Arjun sit beside her and ask"what happened why you look sad ".

Subhadra said" I don't know but I feel something is going to happen ".

Arjun said" Priya when we are together nothing can happen so now come have dinner and sleep as you are caring our child he/she should get food and rest on time".

Subhadra smiled and siad"what do you think it gone girl or boy".

Arjun kiss her forehead and said"may be girl just like you".

Subhadra continued"or a boy like you".

Arjun said"yeah now come let's go".

Subhadra nodded and they both sit with pandavas amd kunti and have dinner happily.

To be continued.

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